The Roberts Legacy 2.1

May 15, 2008 10:19

.: 136 pictures under the cut :.
Last time: Nora met Kyle. They swooned, alot. They had twin girls Eloise and Margo.

And here we are! Nora is already started twitch from the stress.

The twins are synchronized right now. They sleep at the same time, they stink at the same time. lol.

Nora is running the same schedule but Kyle is living in his own content existence. He just goes to work, takes a bath, goes to sleep. I need the money though so I let him.

I do make him cuddle the babies so they aren't 0 relationship when they're older.

Of course, I won't let him play favorites either! I tried to keep Margo on the left and Eloise on the right. So I would remember which was which to do this update. Of course, who would know if I mess up. lol.

Like I said. He's content.

I think he passed it on to Eloise, because she would sleep for HOURS with a stinky diaper. Didn't faze her one bit.

Nora on the other hand, is starting to crack!

So I let her eat...

Play SSX...

Read a book...

Have a nap...

Just in time for birthdays! I hope she enjoyed that respite, because it's over now! I forget who was first with the cake though. I think it was Margo.

Yes it was Margo!

Now for Eloise.

Aging into pink! I really am sick of pink now. If I had the money I would redo their house.

I would redo their house also because they keep getting in each others way. I kept trying to give the girls makeovers and Kyle kept trying to read to them. Nora was freaking out. "OMG!#! Get him out of my way NOW!" So I sent Kyle to bed and let Nora get on with business.

Margo! Gorgeous!

Eloise! So adorable! It's funny Margo takes after Mom and Eloise takes after Dad. Yet they still look quite a bit alike.

Nora's about to crack again.

But that's okay because I know how to fix that.

Not only is Eloise crying for bed she's crying because Margo ate both smart milks. So she's hungry too.

Time to start learning things.

Margo hates the little logic machine and despite the fact that I keep Eloise well fed, she still remembers being hungry that ONE time.

This is Nora's face on her way to work. Why is she so amused. She's leaving Kyle home to take care of the girls.

He's thinking it'll be a relaxing day.

Just to show the similarities.

Wait for it...

Yeah she's starting a trend here now. Luckily I play with the game muted so it didn't bother me much. lol.

So I make sure Kyle gets a part in teaching the girls things. He is the knowledge sim, he should WANT to do it...

It's not going well. That room is super tiny.

And I made him do it with Eloise too. So he's really getting sick of it.

Oh look Nora's promotion face! Money!

It allowed me to separate the kitchen and move the computer out of the nursery. As you can see, Kyle is still trying to teach Eloise how to walk. It should be easier now.

Nora tries to get Margo to say Mommy.

It goes better when they give up and play. lol.

She does want to marry off 6 kids. I don't know about six but one more baby won't be bad.

Eloise is very content to be in that crib if Margo will just shut up! I was trying to make another baby Margo!

Yeah she's content but she still remembers.


I don't have any money! Bite me!

He enjoys that a little too much.

But I don't care because I was able to get $100 for food.


Eloise won't make eye contact, the bottle is hers! Margo was really going after it too. It's not like Nora wasn't at the fridge getting another one.

Eloise crying.

Margo crying.

Wait a minute, I just put her to bed!

Please, no twins!

Why yes, that is a phone staying put on my wall. I googled the problem and it was a conflict with the latest CEP version. So I deleted the file MTS2 told me to delete and I now have extra counter space!

Oh Eloise. She kept going out in the snow to follow Kyle.

He of course was already back inside wooing his wife.

Then he went and got demoted and freaked out. So I made him go use the counterfeit machine so I could buy the girls beds.

Here we go!

Eloise is pleased with herself!

Margo is Little Miss Diva.

She REALLY liked her makeover.

Yeah she knows she's cute.

Eloise is so laid back and funny. I refuse to play favorites but it's hard. lol.

Please no twins!

Finally a nice quiet night!

They need friends desperately for promotions because I took out the no friends for promotion hack.

The friend making didn't go so well... so I put the hack back in. Sorry, I won't money cheat but I need the money to keep coming. lol.

I think I just might be able to forgive Margo her Diva behavior.

Homework is a group activity and I like to get the learning over with in the beginning.

OTH = Sports. Surprise, just like her Mom. She also has her Mom's skintone, I don't think I ever mentioned that. Margo got Nora's and Eloise got Kyle's.

OTH = Tinkering! I can't totally see her working on that junk car!

Please no twins! I beg of you!

It's a boy! Meet Wade Roberts!

I don't know why he looks so overwhelmed, he slept through the whole thing.

Aww, he took after Eloise! Sleeps right through the dirty diaper.

These two keep running off and telling secrets. I wonder what they know about Nora that I don't. lol.


Of course I send Kyle to fix the tub and Eloise decides it's time to go to the bathroom. Neither one would give up and get out. I need another bathroom!

So I sent Nora to fix it and she broke herself. lol.

And then broke down again.

I still don't have a TV and I'm finding I like it a lot. They read constantly and seem to enjoy it.

Here comes the Cooking stalker the first time.

This is how family meals at the Roberts house look. They really are starting to go crazy in this small house.

But Kyle thinks it's okay to dance with his daughters in the kitchen. I can't fault him, at least he's playing with them now. I like to think it's because of the forced cuddling I did when they were babies.

Oh look birthday cake!

Daddy's turn for cake duty. I think the cake part is so adorable.

Oh god.... He's is possible the cutest boy child I've ever seen!

The girls decide it's their turn for attention and starting beating on each other. Nora is more worried about what Kyle is doing to her son.

Wade after the makeover. *dies from cute*


You know at this point take the stupid tub! I can't replace it yet but it's always broken anyway.

hahahahahahahahahfaahha. He didn't want the tub.

Yeah at least I bought a burglar alarm the last promotion. So now the cop is fighting the burglar that wouldn't steal my tub.

She had the cops face above her at this point, so I think she was booing the cop. Which would mean she also wanted the burglar to take the tub.

Kyle however is making sure the tub is in use.

Cop: 1, Burglar: 0

Now Nora wants to use the tub. They better be careful I just had Kyle fix that stupid thing.

Aww, he slept through it all.

The girls decided that a pillow fight in the front yard a 1 in the morning is a cool thing to do.

Then the cop bypasses the other 4 awake grown up people and heads straight for the sleeping toddler. I don't care though because he's still sleeping and I get $500 for another bathroom.

Everyone gets a bad memory except for Nora, who remains oblivious despite being the only one to witness the fight.

Margo won't quit crying over everything. So I decide, hey I have enough now, I 'll give them a NEW tub in their bathroom. Which means I now have 2 bathrooms!

She however doesn't care.

Then thoroughly checks out the new light.

FINALLY, she's excited about the new tub.

I think I have a favorite. Of course I just got everyone back in bed and now he wakes up but he's adorable so I forgive him.

He's just like his Dad sleeps through it all, then acts like he was there.

It's 3 in the morning, she needs to go to sleep but she keeps getting up and crying about the tub the guy REFUSED TO STEAL!

OTH = Science. He's actually really good at that toy. He puts it in correctly everytime.

Since Eloise was up, I decided to let her play with him. She thought she was helping but he was fine without her. lol.


Here she is again.

He may be reserved like Eloise and Kyle but he cries like Margo. Nora loved it though she was smiling like no ones business.



Kyle seemed to think that because he just got a promotion it entitled him to using whatever he wanted.

One more baby please. They are just so cute.

Thanks Kyle for the actual table! And the money to build on another room so I would have a room to put the table in.

Yeah, I might do 6 kids, but no promises.

Margo doesn't care about her A+, she was thinking about the money her Mom just got. lol.

No Kyle, you can't use the dollhouse!

Oh no, she looks mischievous here.

Margo looks a little worried but up for whatever her sister wants.

Oh just playing catch. lol.

Really, why me? This is punishment for fixing the phone I think.

Yes! One more!

I'm no expert but I'm sure she's only supposed to be holding one thing.

Of course since she wasn't able to interact with Wade except to bathe him, that means she was technically washing the newspaper.

I've picked her out for Wade already. I was going to go with the flow and see what teens showed up but Freetime lets me age kids up to teens, and she's gorgeous and keeps walking by. Her name is Belinda Watts.

Kyle got home and so it's time for another expansion. I'm going to have to go through my houseplan books and pick out a house soon.

Here's the new room. Kyle got his career reward object and I finally caved and wasted spent money on a TV.

Eloise obviously thought it was about time. lol.

It's birthday time!

Too bad Belinda will leave as soon as she realizes it's 6.

Of course the house is still small, so this starts a chain reaction of "OMG IN MY WAY!"

Margo doesn't look like she blames Eloise. It's almost a "It happens" shrug. Which of course it does and often in this house.


I just know he's going to be adorable.

I was right!

Seriously. I think I have a favorite.

- I hope you guys like this one too. I'm still just kind of saying what comes to mind and jumping around with the narration.

- I'm going to be remaking the stats pictures today and I'll get the kids' stats ready for the next update. I'm going to play around with making a family tree too. I'm a genealogist so trees are my thing. lol. It's just getting the graphic stuff to mesh. I haven't done graphics in a long time so I'm rusty.

- The update will probably be Tuesday as I have to go to the doctor's with my mother on Monday!


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