The Roberts Legacy 2.2

May 18, 2008 20:12

.: 98 pictures under the cut :.
Last time: The twins grew up adorable. Nora had Wade.
I had no money and the tub broke.... a lot.

Okay, I don't think there is anything more annoying than these FreeTime objects. I mean that's all the Sims want to do!

Here's Wade being cute. Playing SSX doesn't take is fun up much but it sure makes me laugh! haha.

No Genie Lamps! My other neighborhood gives me another lamp every time I call the Matchmaker. No thank you!

So Kyle had all three kids wanting to go to Private School. I figured why not, right? Little did I know....

Nora's on the Instant Meal diet because she's bottomed out all her stuff and I can't put her in the energizer until her aspiration goes up.

Here's the headmaster and boy is he hot! I'd match him up with one of the girls if he didn't have blond hair and look exactly like their dad. lol.

I sent Wade to meet him because the girls were in the middle of something.

Wade takes him on the tour and the Headmaster approves of the stupid bathtub from hell.

They had a really nice meal that Kyle prepared and did not burn. Go Kyle!

It was here I noticed that not only did Kyle want them in Private school. He feared them not getting in. So I was extra careful to do good.

Everyone was taking down the score with horrible schmoozing. So I sent Nora over and she did MUCH better.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. Stupid private school.

I forgot about birthdays because of the headmaster visit, so here is Margo.

and here is Eloise. They were exhausted after that so they went to bed without makeovers.

Nora popped again sometime in the night.

\begin Kyle freaking out

/end Kyle freaking out

Eloise post-makeover!

Margo post-makeover! I actually think Eloise aged better but they're both cute!

Kyle is still crazy. His only wants had to do with the girls going to college and getting scholarships. Since they were at school, he had to be crazy a bit longer.

Then the tub broke again and I realized I had some extra cash.

So I bought a new tub!

and Kyle freaked out some more. Is it 1pm yet? lol.

Finally! Scholarships girls, get some scholarships!

Even though the house is getting bigger, they all still clump together. It's so annoying! lol.

He's really trying hard to be my favorite. and it's working.

Here we go!

In the eighth grade, my grandma gave me a copy of the family tree and we noticed that twins ran in our family in a big way. I asked if that meant I would have twins. She laughed and said "maybe so Kathleen, maybe so." Well Grandma I hope you're laughing now.

Here's Serena! Blond hair, dark blue eyes, just like everyone else. Yada yada yada.

What's funny is Kyle was absorbed in himself and wouldn't take the hand off, so Nora puts the baby in the crib! haha.

Here's Caine! He's just like his sister, blond hair, dark blue eyes.

I think Wade is worried about his favorite status. lol.

Adorable family picture!

I decided that since Nora is now a mother of 5, that it was time for a more mature look. I love it!

He gets it from his mother.

That's better!

At least I can have the girls help me out with these twins this time.

Wait until you find out who I'm building her relationship up with!

She wouldn't get off the bar, so now she stinks. Not my problem! lol.

You can't really tell, but they both are sleeping peacefully with dirty diapers. I LOVE that!

Serena is even still sleeping as her twin gets his diaper changed. They are so patient!

The house is growing!

They won't give it up! I checked all their relationships with this guy and they're still halfway furious! He didn't steal anything people!

I didn't catch it but Eloise hit Wade with some pancake to the face.

He's no wimp though, he gave it right back.


I worry about the faces they have when using knives.

Oh god, here comes toddlerhood.

Margo is the closest one so I have her take Serena to the cake.

Unfortunately right after the candles get blown out, both babies get dirty diapers. What does Margo do? She puts Serena on the floor and grabs a piece of cake. Gee thanks!

If you want something done right...

have Nora do it!

and #2

So adorable!

wait... who is that? I'm so sick of people just walking into the house uninvited!

Oops. That's Kyle! Those Dance costumes are hilarious and adorable at the same time.

Hello Serena!

Yeah I'm going to be needing that.

Nora's Chess face.

Eloise's Chess face. lol.

Finally, I can use smart milk again! Potty training takes FOREVER without the stuff.

I'm making Margo pay for leaving Serena on the floor. lol. I think she taught both twins almost all their skills.

If I have five, I might as well go for six. It's not like it can give me twins again. I'm already at 7 people in the household.

I just thought this was a cool look.

Not you again! We get it EA. They are invited to the cooking club!

Uh oh.

She was freaking out because she hadn't achieved any wants yet. Her main want was to be taught to walk. Nora was in the green and wanting to teach her to walk. Since I need Nora to go gold, I was waiting for Nora to wake up so I could kill two birds with one stone.

There we go!

I only got a picture of Kyle but both of them chugged some Elixir.

He loves his bar.

Like REALLY loves his bar.

I gave in and bought a TV again. No one's fun meters were filling up.

What the house looks like now.

I love how Wade is in the background all, "Notice me! Notice me!"

Eloise cleans EVERYTHING! I think she has 10 neat points though, so that would explain it.

What? Is this Nora celebrating a promotion! o.0

Nope sorry, just her celebrating another pregnancy... her FINAL pregnancy!

They had an adorable few hours at the doll house. At one point he was leaning over and showing her something but I didn't catch it.

It was here I noticed that Eloise was learning a lot faster then Margo. They both started at the same time but Margo was just starting Mechanical and Eloise was finishing up Cleaning. So I used the debugger to "Test IQ" and Eloise had 300 and Margo 100! I didn't realize what a difference it made.

I love dinner table pictures!


I finally had enough to buy Eloise the junk car. She loved it and her fun meter went up super quick.

Wade on the other hand... was not as appreciative.

Wowzer! I timed that right somehow!

Please be handsome! Please still look adorable with the hair!

Yes! Now I just need the right outfit!

Serena's turn..

and then Caine's turn.

He was too exhausted to stand still for a picture so this is the best we get for now.

Serena looks so .... serene! ... and green! lol

Excuse me while I admire this boy!

He rolled Romance. How appropriate!

All the kids!

This is what they do with their first day with no kids. lol.

I redid the bathroom because I felt the need to spoil my Sims.

Last time!

Meet Seth Roberts!

Here are the teenager stats:

The teen stats are at the end of the update. I'll be adding all the stats images to the family tree entry that I'll be putting up after this is posted!


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