I've been quiet for a while, first because it was fall break and I went home for the weekend, then because I was swamped with work and studying for my Qualifying Exams. I just took the exam on Friday and OMG my head almost exploded. It was 6 hours long and I just finished at 5hr45min (with two 15min breaks). Whew! But, I'm done and I don't ever have to do it again. ;) I meet with the Graduate Committee in two weeks to do the oral part.
I finally caught up on my backlogged comments and emails.
kay_dee70 kindly sent me her notes on the Slave Leia costume from FIDM - color matching the bra top leather and skirt fabric. I added those to my observation post as well as corrected a few things thanks to
leiac's comments.
Check it out
Picture post to follow. I've been working on Little C's pirate costume. Arggg! :)