
Jun 20, 2005 09:21

Yesterday a little person (aka midget) walked up to me and gave me a hug. I don't know why, and it was a rather awkward moment, as I had never, ever seen him before in my life prior to that moment. Maybe I looked like I could use a hug. Maybe he was cracked up out of his mind. Who knows? I just thought it'd be a funny thing to share.

I'm back from Berlin. It was kinda cool, but at times borderline sucktastic -- due to seminar lameness. In the 5 days that I was there I took approximately 1 picture. And it wasn't of anything spectacularly interesting. I'll put it up tomorrow, if I remember.

Tuesday: Woke up at 5am (stupid sun), went to work, got on train around 12pm. I had planned on napping in the train, however, crazy and extremely chatty Polish dude prevented me from doing so. I say crazy because he was on his way from Mannheim, Germany to where ever he was from in Poland, but switched somewhere on to the wrong train and didn't realize it until he ended up in Prague...I confused the conductor too. Luckily he got off the train at Berlin I got a quick 8 minutes of shut-eye before my stop.

I arrived at the hotel (not hostel...wee!) around 3pm ish. Was delighted to see people from the program. The free dinner was delish. However, I was too tired/broke to go out on the town. So, I hit the hay early. Sleep was good. In hindsight, Tuesday would have been the best night to go out, since Wednesday was the only day on the schedule where we didn't have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn.

Wednesday: It's been a while since I've done some hardcore hanging out in Berlin and some stuff looks way different than, say, like 7 years ago. Still, I would rather not have taken a 5 HOUR BUS TOUR of the city. As I don't want to take a 5 HOUR TOUR of anything. At least we were on a bus. 5 HOURS!!!!!! GAHHHHHH!!!!!

Later that day, I felt like I could use a drink. So me and Brandon (aka my Opa the Rock Star) purchased a case of beer and brought it back to the hotel and started boozin basically. That was fun.

Thursday: Not much fun. Too much boozin. All-day "workshop". Totally boring. I drank massive amounts of coffee during one of the breaks in order to stay awake and felt very sicky afterwards. Stayed in and watched a made-for-TV movie and went to bed early...again.

Friday: The day that wouldn't end. This day, we had to get up super-early (bus left hotel at 7am) to make it to a reception at the parliament building...the reception, however, wasn't until like...4pm. How did we kill the time? Well, first we watched the first 40 minutes of a debate about unemployment in Germany, then we went to another room where there was a (political) question/answer session with a few members of the parliament (one from each party) that lasted like 2 hours, then we were given a box lunch and told to eat lunch while walking to the chancellery (Kanzleramt) (I failed to mention that there were about 450 people, all recipients of this scholarship -- 56 "young professionals" (my group) and 394 (or so) high school students).

But wait, there's more.

All 450 of us had to make it through the security check, which did not go quickly...because, you know...450 is a lot of people. While in line, I saw not one, but two people from the high school program who graduated from my former high school. It was nice to see Oklahoma represent. Anyway, we had to stand around for maybe an hour and a half for everyone to finish. Meanwhile, the high school students began performing very bizaare summer camp cheers (like a big circle of at least 100 of them). It was a sight to behold. Also, just plain weird. I felt like I was at a pep rally and I remember how much I hated pep rallies when I was in high school.

Finally, I thought they were going to lead us into an auditorium for yet another talk, but photo on some steps. The final speeches of the day came after the photo. Also they took place on the steps while we had to stand up. That was some bullshit imho.

A million hours later, we finally got to eat some food. Later that night, we had to go see some kind of acrobat show. It was weird and not all that good, but I used the opportunity to take a little nap.

After the show we went to this way cool bar and hung out, I didn't get back to the hotel until almost 4am.

Saturday: Some people from my program wanted to come to Dresden for the weekend. They're still at my place at this very moment actually. We drove from Berlin to Dresden in a rental van. It was way fun and way funny. We stopped off in Spreewald for some pickels. When we got into Dresden, we started imbibing the alcohol. We went to a funny irish pub and had many tequila shots. I stole some shot glasses because I don't have any at my place. Carlos (co-worker of Elaine who was visiting me and guy who rented the van) had found some TEQUILA ROSE(!) in BONN(?!) and brought it with. That made me happy. That stuff is yuuum. He also brough some Cuervo that was delicious as well. Went to sleep late and drunk.

Sunday: Was the BRN weekend in Dresden. I didn't know this, however. Once again, I missed any and all advertisement for the event. Anyway, it's this biiiiiig street festival in the Neustadt part of town against the right-wing extremists. It also happened to be very convenient because of the whole showing guests things. It's also where the midget hugged me.

We ate at this rather pricey, but delicious indian restaurant. The food was hellllla good.

Then we went to Lidl and bought yet more alcohol...

Carlos had tickets to the Mexico-Brazil game in Hannover and decided not to go to the game. That was very nice of him. So, we watched the game on the tube and drank some more.


Now I'm at work again. It's weird, for most of last week I was just itching to be at work. Couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I had such a great weekend that today I'm just not really into the idea of being at the office. *Le sigh*

I'm gonna get some coffee now.
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