Run, Forrest, Run!

Jun 14, 2005 09:10

Just about every trip I've taken in the last few months has somehow involved me in a relatively mad dash to the train station, in manner of Kevin's family at the airport in Home Alone. It's not actually a typical thing I do, rushing, but I've made a rather bad habit of waiting until the last minute to get shit done before getting to the train station...

Or doing crazy things like coming into work. Which is where I am now, because yesterday I spent way too much time trying to figure how to make my Auto-Reply "Out of Office" message work...and gah! I can't figure it out. I hate this piece of shit computer sometimes.

Also, gotta tie up some loose ends.

Ehm, what was I gonna say? Whatever, probably wasn't important. Will leave office by 10:30 so that I can buy drink and snack for the train. Enjoy the rest of y'all's week... I'm hopefully gonna come back well-rested (seriously) and with some free stuff (hooray for tote bags!)

Ciao, mofos!
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