Assembly 2012

Sep 12, 2012 19:49

It has been 10 years since my (Dogwood) chapter of the Knights of Malta have hosted an Assembly weekend. Because of the decline in fundraising and participation in the Vancouver gay community, we couldn't do even near what was possible a decade ago. The weekend was kind of “Assembly-lite” due to a very low turnout and what our budget allowed in the amount of events and meals we could provide. It's hard to say if the event was truly a success. It was certainly fun. The event ran on Labour Day weekend, August 31 to September 3.

Thursday night I was texting Kevin from the Fresno (Yosemite) Chapter who was taking the Amtrak to Seattle with Carol, the current chapter President. They had to transfer to a bus to get to Vancouver. After being pried by Canadian Customs, they arrived at the train/bus station about 1am. Paul, from my chapter met up with them and took them back to his and Jim's place downtown. They spent the night at their place. While I was at work in the daytime on Friday, Kevin and I texted back and forth. Bryce, his “third” in his relationship was flying to Vancouver that day. He managed to take the Canada Line skytrain to downtown Vancouver by himself after I suggested it. There was a shuttle to our host hotel but he just missed it and instead of waiting a while for the next one, he found the skytrain to be quicker and more practical. After work, I went downtown to London Drugs and picked up a few small boxes of Smarties for Kevin since they don't sell them in the US and it's one of his favourite candies. I puttered around Granville, going to Future Shop and debating if I should go and visit the Fresno Knights or go and check out The Dark Knight Rises at the nearby theatre. I opted to go visit the Knights. They were staying on the 10th floor of the Chateau Granville so I said "hi" to Kevin, Carol, and Bryce. We chatted a bit and went to the nearby Subway for a bite to eat. I found out that Bryce has not been to Vancouver (and Canada in general) since Expo '86 while Carol has never been to Canada before! I had to explain a bit about taxes in our province, that Canada is generally pretty similar to the United States though we don't have a constitutional right to possess firearms - a concept we are proud of LOL! We took a quick stop at the 7-11 on Burrard near Jim & Paul's so Bryce could buy some disinfectant spray (heaven forbid he'd catch Canadian borne diseases, LOL!). Kevin tried to use his ATM card on a Scotiabank ATM in the store but for some reason, it wouldn't dispense money for him - even though he was assured that Scotiabank would accept his card. He got a free slurpee in the process when the machine printed out a receipt. We went back to the hotel and then after 8pm we went to Jim & Paul's for the Assembly Meet & Greet. Most of the Assembly weekend participants from my chapter were there: Jim & Paul, Wayne M., Peter, Wayne T., Synder, and Damian. A friend of Jim & Paul's from Positive Living helped serve drinks. Jim forgot to give me my Assembly package when I arrived but everyone else got theirs. I noticed on their TV that they were showing recorded highlights of the Vancouver Pride Parade we had. Surprisingly, it came from OutTV (formerly Pridevision). Jim needed for me to go to the same 7-11 and pick up some faresavers and PNE gate passes. He handed me the money and Bryce went along with me. After we got back I spent most of my time in the kitchen where the munchies were and chatted with both Waynes and Pat. Eventually Synder and then Kevin joined us. When it got a little crowded I went back to the living room. By 10pm it was getting late so I said my goodbyes and took the 160 bus from Burrard station back to Port Coquitlam. I spent the night typing up the agenda for the upcoming meeting on Sunday.

In the morning I transited to Edmonds station to be picked up by Peter. We stopped off at VanCity so I could cash in my paycheque in the ATM, take out some spending money for the weekend, and pick up my monthly buspass at the nearby London Drugs. Wayne T. called me to see what was going on. I suggested that we all go to Hamburger Mary's later that night. He agreed but asked for me to call him so he can come and join us when we planned to go. I said I would call him and then hung up. Peter drove us downtown to the Chateau Granville and while our room wasn't ready as we were too early, they allowed him to park in the parkade and also store our bags. We also had two containers that contained my photo books of just over 10 years of Knights pictures though they were left in one of the rooms on the 2nd floor amd would be needed tomorrow night. While Peter would stay at the hotel, visit Jim & Paul, and wait for the Seattle (Jet) Chapter to arrive I went to the Fresno Chapter's room. They were just getting up even though we were scheduled to meet Wayne M. and Pat at 29th Avenue skytrain station to go to the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). We were going to be pretty late so I called Pat to let him know that he and Wayne M. better go without us. In the room we watched some Discovery Channel as they were getting ready, especially the show Cash Cab. We left before 1pm and stopped at some taco restaurant on Granville. While the Fresno bunch had bigger meals, I opted for some fresh chips and salsa. We then took the skytrain to 29th Avenue and boarded a special bus to the PNE which we arrived by about 2:30pm. I haven't been to the PNE (and Playland connected to it) for almost 15 years I'd argue. At the gate we first went to the Pacific Coliseum (the Vancouver Canucks used to play there almost 20 years ago) where we missed some dog show. I called Pat to know where he and Wayne M. was and it turned out they were in the Star Trek: The Exhibition museum. We managed to find it pretty quickly though we bypassed a Star Trek Simulator ride that cost $5 to go on. From what I remember, it was a battle between the Enterprise and the Borg. All four of us got in line for the exhibition which we thought would take an hour but actually took over half an hour. While waiting, there were TV screens above us that eventually replayed the 2009 Star Trek film. We managed to get in after the scene in which Spock declines admittance to the Vulcan Science Academy and instead joins Starfleet. We also noticed Wayne M. and Pat have exited and we told them to wait nearby as they could see us about to enter. The guy at the entrance told us no photography was allowed inside (damn it!). At the beginning, we were given the option to sit in Captain Kirk's chair from The Original Series and have our picture taken. It would cost us $15 to have it developed and $5 more for any extra copies but the shoot itself was free and we could decide at the end to get one. So we had Carol sit in the captain's seat with the rest of us behind her. I was given a card so we could view the result later. We spent almost an hour in the exhibition. There were screen plays of the movies, information on timelines; races; real-life science advances that were inspired by the series; etc. uniforms, costumes, models, props (tricorders,  phasers, and so forth.) - quite a number of things from all series and movies. You could even sit on the bridge of The Next Generation (which was a pretty small recreation). Captain Picard, Counselor Troi, Commander Riker, ensign Wesley, and Commander Data's chairs could be sat on before the end of the exhibition. At the end was the gift shop but the amount of goodies offered was very small. I opted for a Spock "Live Long and Prosper" T-shirt and also bought two copies of the picture we had taken earlier. They said it wouldn't be ready until 5pm at the Star Trek Simulator ride so we had over an hour to kill. Wayne M. and Pat were sitting nearby outside patiently waiting. Throughout the entire time we have been in the PNE, I have been calling and texting my younger sister as she was also visiting that day with her daughter. So while waiting for replies, we walked around the fairgrounds until we met them plus a really good friend of my sister at the bottom of the slope that I guess connects the PNE and Playland (I'm not sure). This is the first time my sister has seen me in my Knights vest and also meet other Knights! Immediately they took a liking to each other. Bryce liked her T-shirt, while a couple of Knights asked if she was older or younger than me (she is 2 years younger and is the youngest of my siblings). Kevin and her agreed about my shyness though Kevin added that "we've been working on him and he's coming out of his shell". To finish off the quick visit and part our ways, we had a group picture taken by my sister's friend. It was a shame they couldn't joins us as we were looking into leaving soon. On the way back to the Star Trek Simulator, we stopped to pick up some mini-donuts that are always hyped about. They are these small donuts that are cooked in batter and can be eaten plain or dipped in cinnasugar. I bought a small bag of each. The plain ones didn't have much flavour though were refreshing while the cinnasugar ones were tasty. Bryce bought 5 bags among the Fresno bunch. We then separated with Bryce and Carol with me as they went to go have a smoke across the Star Trek Exhibition while I picked up the photos (the final picture below). We then went back to the Pacific Coliseum and we watched some acrobatics show. About over half an hour later Kevin, Wayne M., and Pat came and we left the PNE sometime after 6pm on bus. Peter called me during the ride to let me know Seattle had arrived and that they were all having supper at Hamburger Mary's. I replied that we were on our way downtown and to wait for us as we all just agreed to not stop back at the hotel but immediately go to Hamburger Mary's. He also mentioned that the hotel room was ready though it was late in getting ready and that a key card was waiting for me at the front desk. We then transited back to Granville station and then walked to Howe street as Granville street was closed off due to some Asian festival. While waiting for the bus, Kevin got a phone call from Wayne T. wondering how things were going. Shit! I forgot to call him and remind him to come up! He was kind of irritated at me and said he would be arriving in 45 minutes. I felt really bad for breaking my promise to call him and include him with us. We finally got the "6" Davie bus and met up with the 3 Seattle Knights that could make it: Victor, Thad, and Eugene. Peter and Knights supporter Larry were also there. With the exception of Eugene, Victor and the rest of the original crowd left about 10 minutes later after we sat down. We ordered and about 15 minutes later, Wayne T. arrived. I apologized to him and said I would pay for his meal which generally quelled things. I ordered a chicken burger with fries. It was a good time that we all had given that Kevin wanted to go to our Hamburger Mary's and promised I'd take him there a year ago in an online conversation. We left before 9pm and walked all the way back to the hotel. Wayne M. and Pat parted ways leaving Carol, Kevin, Bryce, Eugene, Wayne T., and myself. At the hotel I got my key card while Eugene called it a night and retired to his room. I went to the room Peter and I were sharing which was located in a courtyard behind the hotel in which you access it in an alley. He was in bed already so I dropped my stuff and just took my camera with me. While in the Fresno Chapter's room, we were discussing things but I was so tired that I was nodding off and at times, rested my eyes while still listening. Wayne T. was massaging the back of my head - bless him! I couldn't handle much more so I said my goodbyes and stumbled a bit back to my room and went to sleep before midnight though Peter and I chatted to each other across our beds a bit.

I got up sometime after 8am on Sunday and showered so I could head out after 9am to do the photocopying at the nearby Staples on Seymour street. I took a small box that had the original printed copies of the needed documents (the last AGM minutes and reports, the last 2010 Interchapter meeting minutes, the 2010 Interchapter bylaws, and the current Interchapter agenda and reports) plus my Staples copy card. I get to Staples only to find they open about 11am on Sundays so I wasn't too happy. I then walk to the one on Burrard near the skytrain station and find that it opens about the same time too! I called Peter and he suggested the convenience store near the Junction Pub on Davie as they have a copy machine. I walked all the way there, only to find that it opens at 10am so I went to Shopper's Drug Mart across the street trying to find the copy machines that I'm sure I saw in the past but didn't find them. I then went to Jim & Paul's and killed a bit of time though Paul was the only one around. He was doing some sewing on the machine while I puttered around on the computer to make and print out the roll call list which was affixed to a clipboard. I left about 10am and went to the opened convenience store. I started copying some documents until... the machine fucking malfunctioned! I set my box on the top of the copier which did something to the mechanism (don't ask) and in effect, screwed up the machine. The clerk couldn't fix the problem so I paid whatever I copied and apologized. I then called Peter as I was leaving for any other suggestions and he said to go back to Jim & Paul's and try copying there. So I went back to their place and we had a bitch of a time trying to copy a document and the printing was slow. I forgot to pack my USB stick back at the hotel which would have made things faster and convenient as I had all my documents on it as a precaution. We managed to print very little and it was already 11am when I was called by Synder. She told me the nearby Gathering Place had photocopy services that we could try so I grabbed my stuff and met her there which was basically across from the hotel. The guy at the front desk talked to his superior and found that he cannot do the job for us as we weren't registered (even though we were a non-profit society). So we went back to the hotel and started the Interchapter meeting on the 2nd floor conference room. I had the agenda photocopied so I handed that out plus had everyone sign in on the roll call list. We had ten Knights in all for the meeting: Peter, Wayne M., Jim, Synder, Carol, Kevin, Victor, Thad, Eugene, and myself. Peter was he Chair of the meeting while I was Recording Secretary so both of us couldn't vote but everyone else could (3 votes per chapter so Fresno, with only two members got 1.5 votes each). Peter called the meeting to order at 11:30am and as a Dogwood Chapter tradition, we held a one minute's silence at the beginning of the meeting for departed Knights and friends. We finished the roll call and then Peter thanked everyone for coming up and also Synder for running the weekend. She then read the Minutes I prepared from my notes (plus Jim's) of the 2010 Assembly meeting as the original digital copy was misplaced by the previous Recording Secretary, Eugene (plus the digital file of the Interchapter Bylaws - I had to type that all out from scratch!). We then did the reports of each chapter's status. Seattle has said that the gay scene in Seattle has gone downhill and that their fundraisers have been failing. They will be changing their "503" society status to a "501" so they can receive certain donations legally and hopefully increase revenue. My chapter then read out our reports on the state of things. Peter read out his President's report, Jim his Treasurer's report and what was basically in our current bank account, and then my slightly long report on the problems we have been facing for the past 5 years. Fresno was next and same thing as the rest of us, fundraising is down though they have about 19 active members. We then did Old Business which was pretty quick but the biggest thing was New Business. Thad, on behalf of Seattle had a number of proposals to change in the Interchapter Bylaws. Basically it came down to no longer requiring Assemblies given the cost and work involved. On a rotating basis - starting with Fresno next year, then Seattle, and finally Vancouver, the host chapter can host either a Gathering or Assembly and they can do it in their city or in any other city of their choosing (it doesn't have to be in an inactive chapter's city - which is what Gathering was about). They also want the restriction of always having the event on Labour Day weekend lifted and that a host chapter can determine the event on any three-day weekend from May to November. In general, we agreed with these changes as this would ease the burden on the only three remaining chapters and opens up possibilities. After Good & Welfare we ended the meeting at 12:40pm as we were 10 minutes late for the brunch. We immediately walked over to The Fountainhead Pub on Davie and ordered what we wanted off the brunch menu. I had "The Hangover" which consisted of: three eggs, two slices of bacon, two maple sausages, ham, toast, and Fountainhead roasties (hash browns). I would regret eating the eggs given my intolerance to dairy products and I usually don't eat them regardless though they weren't bad. Everything else was well cooked though. At 2:30pm the exact same group of six of us that went to the PNE with me the previous day started to go to our next outing, Granville Island Brewery. I gave Peter my box of stuff and binder from the meeting so he could take it back to our hotel room. The six of us took a bus to near the brewery and we got a private tour on how they microbrew and prepare the different beers, lagers, etc. The tour guide was friendly but was talking a little too fast. At the end, we were given three beer samples which we could select on the sheet in front of us in a private windowed room. A couple of them were not available but the most popular one, Raspberry was a hit. Since I hate alcohol, two of them were so bitter tasting to me that I gave two of my samples to Pat and refused the third one poured into my small glass. I shouldn't have had the alcohol as it triggered the eggs in my digestion and I ended up going to the washroom for over 10 minutes at the end of the tour and tasting. I really let it go and fucking almost destroyed the toilet. I was about to leave the washroom after washing my hands when... oh gee...  I needed to make more gravy. So 5 minutes and a burning anus later, I finally emerged from the washroom and saw that the group was waiting outside the brewery for me wondering how I took so long in the washroom. Anyhoo, we took the bus and then Canada Line back downtown to Vancouver City Centre.

The Fresno bunch wanted to go to the nearby London Drugs, Pat and Wayne M. had to go elsewhere, and I walked back to the hotel to relax a bit. Jim called me so I went to his place to work on something and also pick up a cart to take back with me to the hotel. I lugged it over and then changed into my Knights formals and arrived at the 2nd floor dining room about after 6pm. Daddy David arrived earlier than me and had a hellish day. He rented a smart car and the website has locations of the cars all across the GVRD that you can find and use your key to open the door and drive away. He spent the day going to 10 locations, none of them had a car and one address didn't even exist! Because of all this, David couldn't pick up Calvin back home and he couldn't dress into his leathers. Calvin doesn't pick up our landline and we didn't have his cellphone number to reach him either. Sometime before dinner started, Jim approaches me saying that he forgot to bring an envelope full of  money that he needed so he wanted me to walk back all the way over to his place and pick up the money! Argh! I'm always the one having to fix these things! I guess I could view this another way: Jim trusts me enough to give me his apartment key and also handle a lot of cash on me. I took off my Knights vest and walked the few blocks to his place. Inside, I looked where he suggested it was and couldn't find it. 5 minutes later after looking all over the apartment in places he usually leaves things, I called him and he suggested one place after another until I finally saw it. I grabbed it and locked up his place and returned to the hotel. I noticed a few more people arrived for the dinner in my absence. After 7pm I was then told that I had to carry our chapter banner because I was available to do it and my position as Secretary. I gave my camera to Wayne T. to take pictures of us carrying the flags and banners. David was toastmaster for the show so to start off the dinner, he introduced the bearers: Wayne M. carrying the Canadian flag, Victor the American flag, me carrying the Dogwood banner, and Kevin the Yosemite banner (Seattle couldn't bring the Jet banner up). After we positioned ourselves, David had us first sing the Star Spangled Banner and while it went by okay, he faltered on "O, say does that star spangled banner yet wave" as he just lost his voice on it but then finished it up. We then sang O Canada with no problems. After everything was set down, Peter presented each chapter with participation plaques (a tradition in the Knights as a way of thanking each chapter for making the trip to an Assembly). Dinner was then served and the head table got to go first. My table which just had Wayne T. and Damian with me got to go last. There wasn't much choice of dishes but there were a few things to eat. I had bread, veggies, roasted potatoes, and chicken with a creamy dressing. I obviously skipped the salad and salmon. The chicken was good though a little tough. For desserts there were small pieces of cakes and also delicious baked soft cookies! I had chocolate chip and double chocolate. Yum! Nearly an hour later we had the show with Synder emceeing it all. Wayne T. started off with a number given he had to work that night and didn't stay too long after that. Surprisingly, David did "sit down comedy" (as opposed to stand up comedy) for over 5 minutes which Thad had to excuse himself to the washroom as he almost pissed himself from all the laughing he did. At the end David announces that he will be joining the Knights as a member. Damian was the next Knight to perform and then Victor sang to a song for us. We got two presentations from the Seattle chapter: the handing off of "Jet-Dog" to our chapter (A stuffed toy puppy that the Presidents or highest executives hand off to each other when we visit each other. The name Jet-Dog is a combination of the names of our chapters. We will likely return Jet-Dog in January in Seattle.), and making Larry an honorary "Groupie" of the Jet Chapter, complete with denim vest. We then had the first of three progressive auctions fundraisers of the night before we continued the show. In a surprising twist, Paul did a drag number! Besides shaving his light goatee, I noticed what his sewing earlier in the day was for - the "dress" and gloves he was wearing. After a few more performers from Knights supporters, including John Taylor, we had the second progressive auction. Synder performed the final number of the night which ended the show just after 10:30pm. We took down the flags and banners and packed up a few other things before heading to the hospitality suite up on the 15th floor. It was provided to us free of charge for the night by the hotel which was swell of them! I had to lug the two containers of my photo archive books by myself to the room though. All the same Knights were present except Wayne T. who was at work. I was a little bothered though... next to no one bothered to look at the photo archives which Peter and I spent a lot of time updating. I spent over $200 on photo development this summer and the vast majority of the pictures were Knights-related. I was over a year behind on development and it wasn't just books on the Knights but also Coronations/Pageants and Vancouver Pride too. Damian, Wayne M., and John Taylor showed the most interest in looking at them. While I got a thanks from Damian for all the pictures I took, John very much thanked me as he enjoyed the pictures of past titleholders and friends of his who passed away. Besides all the heavy drinking, Synder did the last progressive auction for the night. Kevin and I snuggled a bit on a chair (more like I sat on his knee and then crotch LOL!). Peter had to shut down the hospitality suite as the guest(s) sleeping in the room next door knocked on the wall as we were too loud. It was before 1am anyways. Peter then went down to the lobby and apologized for the noise and yet, the room next door didn't call and complain to them. Still, the management was impressed with our professionalism and dealing with the situation since most guests tell them to screw off and continue making noise. Peter also managed to get me a baggage cart so I could put the containers of photo books on them and take them back to our room easily. I came to the foolish realization that I forgot to take pictures of all 3 of the chapters, both separately and together during the dinner! It's a tradition I do every Assembly/Gathering! Grrrr... We went to bad not long after and I mainly wanted to forget the day because of the screw ups.

The last day of Assembly is always the saddest though given the low turnout of Knights, it didn't feel quite as sad. I woke up sometime after 8am with morning wood and texted Kevin to come to my room for some play and snuggle time - since we waited all weekend for it! Before Kevin arrived, I took a much needed morning piss but that then made me lose my morning wood (DAMN IT!!!). Peter got dressed and let us have our privacy. While I couldn't perform that well, it was still nice to snuggle and have some good bear n' cub sex with Kevin. 10 years prior was the first time we met and ended playing around for almost 3 hours, and it all happened here in Vancouver. We showered together but not for too long as the hotel seems to have limited hot water use in the suites. We got dressed and Kevin headed back to his hotel room while I finished packing up everything. I put my bag into storage in the lobby so I could go to brunch. It was in the same room again on the second floor though the turnout was low. Thad and Victor did not show up and instead, preferred to spend time with Larry. Only Eugene from Seattle was present. The same Vancouver Knights from the previous night were there except Damian and of course, all 3 of the Fresno bunch were there. David was in his leathers and also had Calvin with him, which the Knights took a liking too. For brunch I had hash browns, sausage, bacon, ham, cinnabons, and fresh fruit. I wouldn't have to worry about starving for a number of hours. Synder did the final progressive auction for the entire weekend and Peter made a final speech. He thanked the other chapters a final time for making the trip up here and wished them a safe trip home. He also gave a special thank you to Synder for her coordinating the weekend. I decided it was time to take whatever group shots I could before everyone left. I combined the Fresno bunch and Seattle - which was just Eugene, together for the first pictures and the Vancouver pictures were done by Eugene so I could be in the picture. Kevin and the Fresno bunch had to get going and it was the last I'd see them until next year. The final picture of the weekend, taken at 1pm was of Kevin and I (my tradition for the last 10 years though there have been exceptions in which it was one of the last pictures taken). Always sad to see him go...

Back in the lobby, I checked us out and got the bill. $332.68 for two nights with taxes and the parking fee included. Peter and I took our bags from storage and loaded them in his car. He went home while I had to stay downtown and work on the meeting's Minutes and Interchapter bylaws at Jim & Paul's. It took us around 2 hours and a ton of revising, but we managed to get it done the best we could and we emailed them all out to the delegates. I got home in the mid-afternoon and throughout the week, went through the long process of typing this out and sorting through the pictures. There were over 300 pictures taken but the final official count was 193 when some were separated. That was 89 pictures less than Assembly 2010.

My feelings on this Assembly were mixed. I felt that the 2 year wait wasn't truly worth it compared to past Assemblies. This was mainly not the fault of my chapter but it just seemed circumstances worked against us and my bumbling didn't help either. Also, the low turnout of Seattle Knights, a few of ours not attending and our supporters made it seem like it was a private weekend event. Seems people here couldn't grasp the importance of this event - an event we haven't had in 10 years. It wasn't just another one of our annual Anniversary events - it was bigger than that. Next year will be in Fresno and I'm obviously excited to visit it again after 9 years.

events, knights of malta, gay, vancouver, star trek

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