September 2012 Monthly Entry

Sep 18, 2012 22:20

The rest of summer was steadily warm but it seems the last couple of weeks have given the impression that fall is coming early. While there may be some warm days, the nights are getting colder. Will certainly miss the warm weather as it didn't seem to affect me much this year and was pretty bearable. I think the main reason is living in this new place and having the windows open makes a difference. We couldn't open the windows in our last slumhouse as they were old and didn't have screens to prevent flies and other insects from coming in.

I've been keeping things easy at work. Everything is routine and uncomplicated and the days pass by fast. My manager has hardly been coming over and also calling me and I like it like that. I found out on Friday after he handed me my paycheque that he will be taking a two-week family vacation on a cruise I think next week. This was to make up for the cruise he was supposed to take exactly 2 years ago but then his father-in-law passed away unexpectedly. He lost a lot of money on having to cancel the trip and this year, he says he spent more money than the last time! Ah well, it will be nice to not have him for two weeks. His father will be taking over things while he is gone. He wants me to program fobs if need be for various buildings... oh joy!

It's been rocky between Daddy David and I. Sometimes we get along and life goes on, but lately something bad happens and we end up not speaking to each other for days. It's almost become a weekly occurrence since the last monthly entry. One issue was over money, another over the usual issue of my not having a car and going to school. Calvin and I had a really long talk as we were home alone a couple Sundays ago. There are things David admits to him that he won't admit to me. He says certain things to Calvin that he can never bring himself to say to me as he knows it confirms my accusations and makes him look bad. We both agreed that David is impulsive with money and abuses what we give him. He has enough to pay the rent, bills, and even make payments on his debts but then spends quite a bit on eating out and at times, hosting an out-of-town visiting submissive (which requires renting a car and feeding him). In effect, David spends beyond his means and then wonders why Calvin and I are impatient with him. Tomorrow, David and I are going for supper and we will be having a major talk. Given that Yom Kippur is next week, David most likely feels he must atone for the things he has done to me in the past year. I'll let you guys know how it goes. I wish I could tape this conversation.

A couple weeks ago David and I went to the 70th Birthday celebration of one of my favourite Leatherdaddies, George Cameron (MasterG). The turnout was pretty good, comprising of old straight friends of his (who know he is into BDSM and has two submissives living with him), a few members from VASM including founder George Whiting, and some members from Prime Timers. One of the older Prime Timers members, who was somewhat drunk, was cruising me and while I was in the computer room, he was groping me from behind and next thing I know, he has my pants down and hand in my boxers, getting him excited. While I certainly was liking it, I was worried that one of the straight partygoers would walk by and see us. I could tell David wasn't enjoying watching the show and wanted to head home so that put a stop to things.

I managed to watch The Dark Knight Rises a couple Tuesdays ago at Famous Players in Metrotown. I'm going to come out and say it: I was pretty disappointed by this movie and I consider it the lowest of the Batman Begins trilogy though it's still a great Batman movie. I didn't like some of the writing, I didn't care much for the portrayal of Bane, and I didn't care that the ending left us wanting a sequel that is not going to happen. In general it just doesn't live up to how well the other two movies were. There will be some spoilers in this. First off, I didn't feel intimated by Bane in this movie compared to the cartoons and comics. I think the reason for this is that Bane in The Dark Knight Rises doesn't have Venom - the chemical that increases his physique and strength. He can activate it to give him a deadly edge and the results can be frightening! But why they didn't write this into the movie is beyond me. Bane is truly a match for Batman because he can predict his behaviour, knows his secret identity as Bruce Wayne, and knows how to break Batman - both in body and spirit. While The Dark Knight Rises has some of these, the lack of Venom just doesn't make him an intimidating foe. While his actor portrayal was pretty good, I didn't care for his voice (yes, I know Bane was originally from South America but why does he sound Russian?) and felt it should have sounded darker and colder. There were a few plot parts that I found were weak. Early in the movie, they have Commissioner Gordon mention in passing that his wife divorced him and took his kids. Kind of a convenient way to write them out, eh? The movie shows this child in a prison which you assume is Bane, but younger (which makes sense as he was imprisoned as a child in the comics). But the movie throws this stupid loop - the child is really female and is revealed to be the young Miranda Tate, who is really Talia, Ra's al Ghul's daughter. The problem is: how would you know just looking at the child? I assumed the child was male but then it's really a female? Talk about a gender confused-looking child! Even a few people in the audience thought it was a male child! And speaking of Tate - she's the mastermind behind everything? Are you seriously kidding me? Yes, I remember around the scene when Bruce and Miranda have sex that he notices the scar or whatever on the back of her neck which was the giveaway. I thought it was dumb bringing back the plot of the first movie when the second movie had nothing to do with it. And while Talia is loyal to her father she is also in love with Batman which the comics affirm but this movie ignores. The plot should have both Selina Kyle and Talia's conflicts of being in love with Batman but also them doing the wrong thing - which is why Selina Kyle as Catwoman is always a fan favourite (more on her below). There is also a plot hole that I thought was lazy: after Batman “rises” from the depths of the prison he manages to make it back to Gotham - but they don't tell us how he managed to make it back considering Bane cut off all access routes in and out of the city! How did they screw that up? While the movie wanted to tie up all loose ends but let the viewer know that Batman will continue as usual without the need of a sequel, they then tease us about the future Robin! That screams for a sequel! What was Christopher Nolan thinking to tease us at the end when he isn't going to deliver on another Batman movie? Arghhhhh! Now onto the movies positives. The movie had great cinematography, stunts, city shots, some good acting, and just really great production values. I loved Catwoman! I think they captured her quite well as being the morally questionable catburgler but is generally a good person who is somewhat torn between doing the right thing and fulfilling her need to steal. While she can't help her own kleptomania at times, she does genuinely respect Batman and will at times, stick her neck out to help him. Like Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man, this Catwoman is actually helpful and the final act is when she really shines! With the exception of Halle Berry, most actresses who played Catwoman do so well including: Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt in the 1960's Batman series (campy, but they were fun!), Adrienne Barbeau (voice) in Batman: The Animated Series, and Michelle Pheiffer in Batman Returns. The Dark Knight's Anne Hathaway can be added to the list of successful portrayals of Catwoman and Selina Kyle in Batman media. Speaking of Batman, I will finally be playing the hit game Batman: Arkham Asylum later this year or early next year.

To watch the Bum Review of The Dark Knight Rises go here or below:

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For Doug Walker's longer review, go here.

I'm happy that I got to see the movies I wanted to see this summer in theatres. In terms of my favourite, I'm torn between The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man. The Dark Knight Rises was still a good movie despite the flaws mentioned above. I may go and watch Finding Nemo 3D as I haven't seen the movie in years. I'm anticipating the movie Argo and if reviews are pretty solid, I'm checking that out for sure!

I've just started Assassin's Creed II so that probably won't be done until next month. I can technically finish The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road right now but there is a difficult and frustrating side-quest I want to do. If it's taking too long, I may just finish the game and review it.

Last Movie: The Dark Knight Rises (Theatrical), The Wizard of Oz (DVD)

Last Book: What Have They Done with Jesus?

Last Game: Punch-Out!! (Wii)

Current Book: Beyond Opinion

Current Games: Assassin's Creed II (PS3) & The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (DS)

dc comics, personal, movies, batman, monthly, review

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