The Rose Legacy - Chapter 2.5

Aug 01, 2009 18:30

Oh em gee guys! Why does this generation have so many chapters? Damn! Oh well, have another generation 2 chapter. It's on the house. *wink*

Previous Chapters: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4

At the end of last chapter, we got to see Ned's feet! Well, this is Ned's face!

Ned: "*sigh* Can you do this somewhere else? I'm trying to enjoy my pancakes."

Excuse me? Are you talking to me?

Turnip: "No, she's talking to me. And no, I cannot do this elsewhere. I'm going to get on the honour roll, unlike some people I know."

Ned: "You better be talking about Chuck, Turnip!"

Turnip: "No, I'm talking about you loser!"

Turnip: "Seriously, who does this bitch think she is? She's clumsy, friendly and absent-minded."

Ned: "I can also hear you!"

But let's be honest, Turnip could have been talking about Chuck. Sure she's doing her homework, but she's also doing her homework outside, on the ground, just ten steps away from Cohen's house.

Mia's been finding herself with very little to do lately. She's topped out her job, she's passed the collection helper on to Chuck, and she finished her novel, so now she's moved on to upgrading the food replicator.

Mia: "Stupid *whack* piece of *bang* garbage!"

Oh look, pretty sparklies!

And with that done she went out for the evening to recreate. AKA: yell at Pauline.

Pauline: "I'm serious you husband stealing worm! If you don't stop coming here I'm going to kill you!"

Mia: "I'd like to see you try you monkey faced, stick armed, pig tail wearing...*mumble*something something!"

Really, I don't know why they do this. It's every night with these two, I'm pretty sure they secretly love each other.

Mia: "Huh, I didn't know I could fly."

HOMG THAT BITCH PAULINE! She actually managed to kill you! THIS ISN'T FAIR!

Mia: "Huh, these lights are really bright."

Chuck! Why are you just standing there??!!!!!!!

Chuck: "I don't get it. What's happening? Why can Grammy fly?"


Mia: "Yea, this is less cool than I had originally thought. I've changed my mind, I don't want to do this!"

Grim: "Sorry Mia, you don't get to choose when you go."

I hate you, I hate you and you're lame ass-ness. SHE'S ONLY 89! THIS ISN'T RIGHT!

Chuck: "Why won't you do something Jessie?!"

I can't do anything!

Chuck+Wynn: "*sob*"

So this moment here, this is just heart breaking. Please don't plead Mia! THIS IS SO NOT FUCKING FAIR!

Grim didn't listen to my cursing or Mia's pleading and she died. Fuck.

So I built a little graveyard thing and set up this awesome shrine to Mia. She was an awesome founder, and had awesome genetics and I loved her.

This glaringly red plumbbob pretty much sums up the days following Mia's death. Everyone got a mourning moodlet that gave them a serious mood hit. They were miserable constantly and in turn, so was I.

Ned: "*sob*I mi-ih-ih-iss Grammy!"

Me too Ned, me too...

Everyone was upset about it, especially Turnip.

Elena: "Have you finished your homework yet Turnip?"


Chuck: "HOMG! These sandwiches remind me of sunsets!"

Okay, Chuck was distraught, she was just also confused. Very, very confused.

The loss of Mia meant the loss of a steady income because Wynn still isn't working. Since they had a large chunk of surplus money, Wynn decided to go and become a partner in the grocery store.

Turnip was actually really upset by Mia's death, and he started spending a lot of time at Cohen's house. Elena would help him with his homework...

...and then he would play with Fatima.

Fatima: "Heh heh heh, did you know Grammy Rose died the other day?"

Turnip: "Ha ha! That's so...wait, what did you say you bitch?!"

And Chuck decided that Mia's death might be the perfect opportunity to make T. fall in love with her.

Chuck: "My grand mother is dead."

T: "That's nice, I'm exhausted."

Chuck: "Smooches?"

AHA HA HA! VICTORY! T finally gave in to Chuck's charms.

At this point I thought that it would be awesome for Chuck to be all "BITCH YEWZ LAME, GTFO!" but Chuck seems to really like T, and well, I really like Chuck.

Chuck: "So, what do you say, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Obviously T said yes. She knows better than to cross me again.

Right T?

T: "Ruh-right.."

Mia finally made an appearance as a ghost. She really loves Wynn's laptop. And what does one do when one has eternity to do what they want?

Why play racing games of course!

Although Turnip spent a lot of time with Fatima, Ned finally managed to get some one on one time with her cousin. Thus continuing the behind the scenes rivalry between Ned and Turnip.

Ned: "I'm totally going to make Fatima my bff and then she'll hate Turnny with me."

Fatima: "What did you say?"

Ned: "I said mind your own business! Sheesh!"

Even though it got off to a rocky start, Ned really is quite friendly and her and Fatima became very good friends, very fast.

Which Turnip didn't really like all that much.

Why are you out here?

Turnip: "Ned stole my friend!"

So your response is to read int he graveyard in the middle of the night?

Turnip: "Yea, that'll teach her to steal my friends!"

*sigh* Fuck I am so sick of birthdays.

Wynn: "What the shit is this?"

My thoughts exactly. Dammit Wynn! Go change!

Turnip: "Hey Fatima! I'm becoming a teenager today! Like, right now actually! Isn't that neat?"

Fatima: "Yawn, birthdays are so old hat."


Fatima: "So anyway, purple is totally my favorite colour."

Turnip became a teenager.

No one cared.

Wynn: "Who the hell are you and why are you in my house?"

Damn right Wynn! You tell her!

Ned: "That's right cousin, way to ignore Turnip! Who cares if he's all big now? No one! That's who!"

Fatima: "HUGS! *claps* Yay!"

Here's a made over Turnip! Isn't he so pretty?

Turnip: "Ahem, excuse me? I am not pretty. I'm manly and sad."

Yea, yea whatever. Pretty.

Turnip: "You care about my birthday right Button?"

Button: "Someone is watching us! AHHH!!! Hide brother, HIDE!!!"

Turnip has turned super emo. He likes to spend at least an hour after school hanging out in the playground beside the school.

Turnip: "My heart overflows with sadness, don't mock my pain."

Of course, this means that when it's time for Button's birthday, Turnip isn't anywhere to be found.

Wynn: "I hate my children."

Button: "Mama hate Button?"

Wynn: "Who taught you to speak?!"

Wynn: "Ah well, blow out the candles sweetie."

Of course, we know where Turnip is, but where the hell is everyone else?

Well, Chuck is puzzling over her homework.

Chuck: "Oh gosh, I can't remember what day it is!"

But worse than that, Ned and Fatima were in the other room.

Fatima: "I feel like something is happening right now. Something we should be interested in."

Ned: "Nope, nothing at all. What's the answer to number 4?"

So, like her mother and her brother, Button grew up with little to no interest from her family members.

Button: "I also grew up cute and smart!"

It's true, she did. She's a genius dontcha know.

Button: "Someone touched my chess board. Detective Button Rose is on the case!"

A reeeeaaaaalllll genius.

***** ***** *****

So, that's it for this update. The next one might take a bit, or at least, it will if I actually work on my school like I should. If I use it as an excuse to not work on school, well then it'll be out right fast! So who knows...*thumbs up*

the sims 3, legacy challenge, rose legacy

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