The Rose Legacy - Chapter 2.2

Jul 14, 2009 23:14

Hey guys! Mia, Wynn and the gang are back! Last time, Wynn made it with the mailman and ended up pregnant. Of course, she couldn't be too careful about the legacy future, so she started a relationship with the male maid. Finally, she gave birth to a baby girl, who was stricken with the unfortunate ailment of having no father.

Previous Chapters: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 2.1

Wynn was taking to motherhood much better than Mia ever did. If Chuck was hungry, Wynn was there, if she had a dirty diaper, Wynn was there.

Wynn: "Of course I am. I know what it's like to not have a mother. *to Chuck* Don't I little miss pretty? Oh yes I do!"

Wynn does that cootchy-cootchy-coo voice far too often.

Wynn: "No I don't! Do I Chuck? No, no mommy doesn't! Mommy never does that. Noooo."

You're doing it again.

Wynn finally left Chuck alone long enough to greet Man Maid (aka Dave Newberry.)

Doesn't he look thrilled.

Dave "Yawn. Are we gonna throw down or what?"

Wynn: "Your face looks beautiful in this light."

Dave: "Damn right it does. Uh, I does yours baby."

Of course, while Wynn was seducing Dave, Mia was stalking Chuck all nervous like.

Mia: "I'm telling you Chuck I do not like this. I just cannot stand by and let my daughter cheat on Bernard! He really likes her, and..and..he's a postal worker for goodness sake! What if he kills us all?!"

Only Mia would be concerned about something like that.

Besides, if she wants to stop Wynn, she'd better drop that baby and run in to Wynn's room right now.

Dave: "Hee hee, boobies!"

Wynn: "That's right Dave...boobies."

Wynn: "Chuck, my lovely and beautiful clonedaughter, you're going to have a baby brother or sister."

STOP STALKING THE INFANT DAMMIT! We all know you only like her so much because she is essentially you.

Wynn: "What's not to love about me?"

Wanna know what's weird? Dave had to work the next day. At their house!

Dave: "Hah, I totally tapped that last night."

Dave, you're supposed to say that to someone, and when the "that" you are referring to is presennt.

Dave: "*blink* I made sexy times with Wynn last night. *vacant stare*"

Generation 3 is doomed....

Wynn: "BLARGH! *vomit* BLECH!"

Oh yea, she's preggers. Also, why is her vomit so...cyclone-y?

Wynn: "Why won't you flush! Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh! Please go down! ARG!!!"

Disaster Wynn strikes again! Breaking toilets and stoves and...other shit...whenever she can! *sing-song*

Mia seems to be settling in to elder-hood quite nicely. She still works, but now Wynn has the responsibility of the garden, so Mia has some free time on her hands. She spends most of it stalking Chuck.

Since I felt it would be prudent to not stalk the infant (who, by the way, has the loner trait) I made he a sweet little reading nook in her bedroom.

Also, it was at this point that I remembered I had taken on the storyteller handicap. So Mia now spends a good deal of time working on her book - Battle Gnomes. Pretty bitchin' amirite?

Wynn: "Hello my illegitimate spawn. Are you going to grow up big and strong and awesome just like your amazingly awesome sister?"

Uhm, hey crazy, can we not give the kid a complex before it's even born? Mmmkthx.

Wynn, who, in case you forgot, wants to max both her painting and guitar skill, has painted the heir portraits. I think I like that in TS3 it's not just a snapshot image. Getting the image is like, a million times harder - which I find unnecessary and annoying - but I like the kind of painted look to the paintings.

Okay everyone, meet Plumber Tom (honestly, I don't know if his name is Tom, but it is now.)

Plumber Tom hates the Rose's. Right PT?

Plumber Tom: "I don't hate them. I...just get a touch frustrated."

A touch? Really?

Then what was this all about?

Plumber Tom: "RRAAAAWWWRRR!!!!!! *raaage*"

Plumber Tom: "Alright fine I hate them! I hate that damned Wynn. I'm here like every day. *mocking* Tom, the toilet broke. Tom the stereo doesn't work. Tom the stove is broken. Tom, I used my voodoo mind powers to break every toilet in the house, two showers, a dishwasher, the tv and both computers."

Yea...I feel you PT, I feel you. Wynn is a disaster waiting to happen.

Wynn hadn't seen Bernard since before Chuck was born, so she decided to invite him over for a bit. Even though she was afraid of what he would think about the pregnancy and all.

Bernard: "Hey baby, I've missed you. How have you been?"

Wynn: "Uh, I've been pregnant. With another man's baby."

Bernard: "Yea, I noticed that."

Wynn: "I'm sorry about that. I am. Really sorry. I do really care about you, it's just that-"

Bernard: "Wynn, don't worry about it. I get it okay. I mean, we met when you were like, 14, which is a little weird. Then we rushed into babies and dating and all that. Also, I get it, this is a legacy, and you need genetics. I'm betting it was your creator's choice that this happen."

Wynn: "Yea, it was totally her fault."

Oh shut it you traitorous whore.

So it seemed Bernard was okay with the whole cheating thing. Wynn was lucky that he understood the demands of legacy heirship.

Oh yea, he was also invited over because it was Chuck's birthday. Now sure, Bernard isn't really her father, but whatever. He can join in on the festivities. But he should stay away from Mia, she has her soul eating face on at the moment.

[insert old tired joke about TS3 and floor birthdays]

I'm feeling lazy, make up your own joke dammit!

Sparkle face, sparkle face, does whatever a sparkle face does. Sparkles a web, any sizes, catches thieves with her sparkles LOOK OUT! Here comes the sparkle face

I could sing a random song about worms here, but I'll spare you. Point is, this amuses me to no end. God only knows why.

And Chuck finally ages into a toddler. One who has a passion for opera apparently.

Chuck: "Ahhhhh!!! *glass shatters*"

Hoshit guys! She's fucking Dazzler from the X-MEN!

Alright, alright, I'll stop with the sparkle jokes. And for those of you who didn't get the joke, Dazzler is an X-Men character who has the power of *sparkles* and is also a singer. *thumbs up*

She may be a Wynn clone, but gosh she's adorable. She's going to be a slave to skilling though. Poor thing.

With Chuck being a toddler it meant it was time for the mad round of toddler skills. I have learned my lesson with Cohen, no Rose toddler will go without being skilled.

Wynn: "Oh my gosh! My baby said drumstick! She's a genius!"

She isn't, and why are you teaching her about meat anyways? That's weird.

Later that night it was baby time! I gotta say Wynn, I am loving the face!

Wynn: "Not fair!"

Dammit. I had decided that using fruit to determine gender was cheating. So I didn't use any fruit, and now I'm stuck with a boy. *sigh* Oh well, everyone say hello to Turnip Rose. He inherited his mother's artistic trait, and I gave him the brave trait. He also loves green.

(Also, for those who are curious, WynnChuck is absent-minded and a loner, and like her mother she loves the colour aqua)

With a new baby for Wynn to stalklove, the skilling of Chuck ended up falling on Mia's shoulders. Which was a bit of a surprise to Mia.

Mia: "Alright Chuck, come to Grandma, come on darling!"

Mia: "Holy crap! You actually came to me?"

Chuck: "I luffs you Grammy! Huggles?"

Mia: "O-oh-okay."

Chuck was a bit of a suck. She loved snuggles and was always craving the attention of her mother or grandmother.

Wynn: "Are you feeling better now Chuck?"

Chuck: "Mommy, the lady who watches us is scawing me!"

Hey kid! Come on! So I follow you around sometimes, your mother is a right stalker!

Wynn: "It's okay honey, just ignore the mean lady."

>.< Grrrr....

This my friends, is the face of a woman who has just mastered her athletic skill. That's right, Mia spent her night slaving away on the treadmill to gain that last skill point.

Then she sent off some rocks and shit to be cut into *diamonds* It was a pretty uneventful night.

Oh yea, and she became a Master Thief, thus fulfilling her lifetime wishes. Bitches! Nice costume btw Mia.

Mia: "Thanks! I still look foxy, even as an old lady."

Damn right girl!

And I used her LTH points to buy the Collection Helper. This thing is pimp! Aside from the awesome sparkles (which I apparently am obsessed with...), they have made tons of money from the rocks and I have almost finished my collection points :D

Now that Mia is a big deal at work she's enjoying relaxing a bit.

Mia: "Is that what I'm paying you for? To eat my food and laze around all day? Hmm? Is it?"

Maid: "*cough*sputter*"

Apparently Mia likes to harass the household staff. Who knew?

Bernard: "Hey Wynn, why'd you call me over here?"

Wynn: "Well, I figure you haven't seen your daughter since she became a toddler."

Bernard: "I thought you said she didn't have a father."

Wynn: "Okay fine you caught me! I just wanted to *whispers*make-out and stuff"

Bernard: "*grins*"

Mia: "Damn right you'll make out with this one. This one is the right one. Now you kids go have fun."

Mia is very happy that Wynn is back with Bernard. Hell, Bernard is happy that Wynn is back with Bernard.

Wynn: "So you're sure you don't mind about the whole "I cheated on you and had another man's baby thing"?"

Bernard: "Nope. Now can we make with the nakedness please?"

All joking aside, Bernard is amazing. Turnip isn't his kid, hell Chuck isn't his kid, but here he is, taking care of Turnip.

Bernard: "You know, you may be someone else's baby, and your mother may have been on drugs when she named you, but you're cute. I think I like you."

Well Bernard, I think I love you.

Well, as I'm sure everyone guessed, Wynn is pregnant again, so Bernard gets another shot at father-hood.

Speaking of fathers, Dave finally showed up to see his son. Really he was just working that day, and it happened to be Turnip's birthday so he decided to join in, but we'll say he was visiting. It makes him seem like less of an ass.

Wynn: "Your enthusiasm isn't fooling anyone."

Dave: "Damn."

Turnip: "Oh hello mother. You have lovely feet."

Well doesn't this look promising!

Yup, very promising. Gosh this kid is cute! I could eat you!

Turnip: "Iz taste yucky though! You can eats my wocket thip! It tastes yummy!"

Thanks but no thanks...

Alright, here is some random Chuck toddler spam.

Why? Well, one, because she is very cute.

But mostly because it's her birthday and this is the last time we'll ever see Wynn/Chuck as a toddler.

Chuck: "I don't trust these sparklies. Not one bit."

Chuck: "But I do love this newfound power. The power of height, and speech and fingers."

She looks so calculated. Thank goodness she's absent-minded. She'll forget about any diabolical plans in a few days.

Chuck: "No I won't! I will have world domination!"

O rly? Well guess what, there are ice cream cones down at the park.

Chuck: "*squee* OMG I MUST HAVE ONE!! *giggles*"

Oh yes, she developed the excitable trait. How fun!

***** ***** *****

Well, that's it for this update. Tune in next time to see more stuff happen! Hope you guys liked it and, check out SWG for some more awesome legacies and sims stories :) /plug

the sims 3, legacy challenge, rose legacy

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