The Rose Legacy - Chapter 1.3

Jul 06, 2009 00:00

Welcome back to another installment of The Rose Legacy! Last time with the Rose's Wynn and Cohen became children and began to develop a deeper relationship with their father. Meanwhile Mia began to doubt her abilities as a mother and these doubts doubled when she was arrested while at work.

Previous Chapters: 1.1 1.2

The morning after Mia's arrest was Cohen's teen birthday. Even though Mia didn't get in until very late she got up after only a few hours of sleep so she could watch Cohen transition into teenhood.

Mia: "Woooooo! Go Cohen! You can do it! I'm so proud of you baby!"

Cohen: "Oh man, she's going nuts. I'd rather she go back to distant and silent."

Mia's really in to being a more involved parent.

Cohen: "What the hell am I wearing?!"

Cohen aged in an unfortunate combo of the wife beater and a pony-tail.

After a quick wardrobe change he chatted up a foxy lady that ended up at their house randomly. Maybe Mia brought her home as a birthday present for Cohen? Regardless of how she got there, her and Cohen talked for the rest of the day.

The next morning the kids were still scarfing down cake. Mia's pretense at motherhood doesn't involve pancakes for breakfast. Oh no.

Wynn: "Can we still be friends even though you're a teenager?"

Cohen: "We were friends?"

Wynn: " D: "

After insulting his little sister, Cohen had important things to go do. He was late, he was late, he was late for an important date....o.0 Shut up. It works.

And what was that date? Getting a job of course! His momma had been working hard to provide for her kids, but Cohen wanted to help provide as well. He's such a good boy.

While Cohen was getting a job and Mia was doing whatever it is she does, Wynn was going to visit her dad for the first time.

Wynn: "Daddy, I was talking to Cohen who was talking to his new friend Elena who was talking to some kid named Paul who was talking to Mortimer Goth who said that you just had a new baby! Is that true?"

Hank: "Uhhhhh, maybe?"

I don't know why Hank thinks he can keep his "love" child with his official girlfriend a secret from his "legitimate" children. With the way sims gossip it was bound to get out.

Although Wynn seemed a little horrified that she now had a half-brother, she was willing to forgive Hank since he was willing to help her with her homework.

Hank: "Okay Lose, so you know the answer to 14 is right?"

Wynn: "Yea, Cohen told me about that Dad, if you could just sit there and be fatherly that would be best."

Hank: "Cohen? Oh! Do you mean Colon?"

So one day after school Cohen got invited over to some girls house. Not the girl that Mia got him for his birthday, but another girl. Of course, this girl is really scary looking so I don't Cohen can brag about being a ladies man.

Creepy Girl: "*mouth breathe* So you wanna play Prince and Fairy Princess?"

Cohen: "Uh, yea bus driver? You can drop me off anywhere. Really. I don't mind."

To make things worse, right after getting to Creeper's house, this bald guy picked up the bald toddler and booked it. Lucky for him Cohen decided to pretend he didn't see that. Which is probably just as lucky for Cohen and his sanity.

Creeper: "*Gurrrr* Wanna *sigh* daaance? *gasp*"

Cohen: "*nervous laugh* If I say yes can I go home?"

Aww, poor, poor Cohen.

Mia: "*huff*puff* Why *gasp* am I *huff* doing this?"

Well, Mia needs some athletic points, okay, a lot of athletic points for her job. So today she's gonna sweat!

Mia: "Noooo!!!!"

After working out to the TV for a bit she decided to take a bit of a jog to downtown. She lives far away enough from town that it's a good workout. Also, I just love the way this game looks. I really do. /fangirling

When she got home from her workout - and after a quick shower - she invited Hank over.

So obviously that means it's a birthday.

Wynn's birthday to be exact.

Wynn: "Hmmm, how do we do this again? Is it blow out the candles and then age? Or do we age and then blow out the candles? Do I need to use super mind voodoo somewhere in there?"

o.0 Mind voodoo?


Now, I'm sure everyone just thinks I'm talking shit about Wynn's destructive powers. Everyone's thinking "Sure, there are a few broken toilets, but you can't prove Wynn did it." Well here you are. SHE BLEW UP HER OWN BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! WITH HER MIND.

Lucky for everyone involved Mia is made of pure awesome and jumped into action.

Mia: "That girl, I swear! If she does this again, she can deal with it herself! I won't save her, huh-uh, no way."

Agreed Mia. Agreed.

Okay round two didn't involve any fires. Good. Excellent. Just sparkles, and although that's super weird, it's become somewhat expected.

It was at this exact moment that I said "Holy shit she's gorgeous!" And I began to stalk Wynn.

No one else seems to care. Hank and Mia are giving each other fuck-me-eyes and Cohen is trying to seduce his birthday present. Who's name is Elena by the way.

Wynn: "Hey guys, I gave myself a make over. Do I look good? Guys? Hellooo?"

Fuck 'em Wynn. You are smoking hot and I love you.

To be fair to Cohen though, he was in the middle of his first kiss. D'awww how sweet. :D

He then promptly asked her to go steady.

Cohen: "So, you wanma like, be my lady and I'll be your man?"

Elene: "Are you asking me out? For like...steady?"

Cohen: "Maybe? Is"

Elena: "*squeeeeeeeeeee*!!!!!!!!"

I'd take that as a yes.

Wynn didn't really care that her family didn't care about her transition. She was too busy painting angsty pink monsters.

The next day Cohen disappeared after school for some reason so when I go looking for him I found him at the Bistro. In a suit. With this chick. What the hell Cohen?

Cohen: "Listen, I already told you. I have a girlfriend. So if you could not drug me, dress me up and drag me to dinner again, I'd appreciate. Now I need to go meet my sister so we can work on our homework together."

Whoops, I suppose I shouldn't have just assumed he cheated on his birthday present.

So Cohen headed to the library to do homework with his sister. In a suit.

Wynn: "Okay, so just explain it to me one more time. Why are you in a suit again?"

Cohen: "*sigh* I swear Wynn, if you don't stop asking me that, I'm leaving. I'll do it. I will. I will get up, and leave. I'll go to Elena's, and I will leave you here."

Wynn: "*shrug* Okay, well I'm done here so...see ya!"

Cohen: "*blink*"

Since Wynn ditched him, Cohen went to Elena's house. Like he said he would. They then spent the rest of the night making out. In front of her father and her brother. Notice that neither of them seem to care?

Oh yea, I may have forgotten to mention that Cohen developed his mother's habit of...pocketing...things that didn't belong to him. So he stole from his girlfriend. Oh yea, that happened.

While Cohen swindled his lady Wynn decided to catch a movie. And oh look! It's Elena's brother! I wonder if he knows that at this exact moment, Cohen is putting his bathtub into the Rose family inventory.

Around this same time Mia was getting promoted! And she has the classiest work outfit ever. Especially for the mother of two teenagers.

Mia: "Honey guess what! I totally got promoted tonight!"

Wynn: "That's awesome, what do you do now? Wait, what do you do? I never knew."

Mia: "Uh, nothing. Why do you ask? Jeeze girl can't you keep it to one question a night!"

Mia still hasn't told her children that she's a criminal.

Mia's weird, but luckily her children are completely used to it. Only in this household could a parent freak out and then run out of the house and the children wouldn't even blink.

In fact they are so used to it, they just ordered pizza and went on with their night.

Well okay, Wynn was really trying to scope out an NPC baby daddy, but I somehow doubt Katie here can offer Wynn a baby.

And why did Mia run off? She had a seriously bad case of "gotta steal some shit" itch.

Mia: "Hee hee hee, I'm so gonna swipe this, then eat it. No, no wait. I'm going to swipe it, and then eat something else. Man I always mix those up!"

The next day, by some miracle, this creeper managed to talk Wynn into bring him home with her.

Creeper: "Oh we are going to have such a good time together. Aren't we Wynn?"

Wynn: "*shrug* Eh, sure, whatever you say."

If by fun he meant "do homework" then they had a blast.

Mia: "I sense a creep. OMG who is this guy and how did he get here? Oh, don't look, just keep reading the paper. Oh man, he's going to eat my children. I know it."

After finishing her homework Wynn left creeper to chat with Mia. She needs to get started on her gardening skill, and she doesn't want to hang out with...Elijah? Oh I don't know what his name is.

Mia: "Look, I don't know who you are but I don't like you. I think you should go now. I need to leave for work soon and if you think you're going to stay here with my baby girl *head snap* mmm-mmmm think again mister."

Nick?Elijah? "Oh you'll pay Ms. Rose. Don't you worry about that."

Mia: "Yea, uh-huh, I'm sure I will. Now gtfo mmkay?"

The next couple of days were pretty much just working, and skilling, and homework. And Wynn breaking shit. All the time.

Mia: "*grumble*Kill her*mutter*does this crap again*grumble*end her life."

Neither Mia nor myself are terribly impressed.

And Mia got promoted again! She no longer looks like a hooker! Which is nice.

Also, she can sneak! Which I think is pretty fucking AWESOME!

A few days later Cohen went to Elena's house and found out that she was an adult.

Elena: "Well, this is awkward."

Since Cohen really didn't have anything else to do with his teen years he invited Elena over and had his birthday.

Cohen: "Don't act like this is my idea. I have to leave once I grow up. You just want to kick me out!"

Shut it you.

Mia: "Oooh boy. That doesn't look good."

Cohen: "OMG! What! What doesn't look good?!"

Mia: "Tsk tsk tsk, that picture frame is so not straight."

Cohen: "This better be a joke."

Ah Cohen. He always grow up in unfortunate combos.

So after a quick makeover, and some last minute repairs...

Cohen: "*grumble*Fucking Wynn*mutter*kill*grumble*"

And some hurried goodbye's Cohen leaves the house forever.

Cohen: "Wynn, do you want to say goodbye? No hugs? No tears? I'm leaving forever! No? Nothing...? Damn."

He left to meet Elena down at the park near sunset.

Cohen: "Elena, you know I love you. Well, at the very least I really like you. And I'm only going to get a day, max, as the active household, and Jessie seems to feel it's imperative that I "lock this shit down" as she says, and I mean, I admit, I still feel like there's a lot of life left for me to live, and this isn't a decision I'm sure I'm all that ready to make but...well I guess what I'm saying is:"

Cohen: "Elena Parker, will you marry me?"

Elena: "Well, after a proposal as stirring as that how could I say no?"

Frankly, I'm surprised she said yes.

So, since Cohen and Elena aren't the legacy household, I felt okay motherloding them into a nice house, that also happens to be very near Wynn and Mia.

And after they settled in, they had a private wedding, just the two of them, on their balcony.

And since spare weddings are the only weddings I'm going to get to have, I'm glad that this one had such a beautiful view.


So that's the end of Chapter 1.3, and the next update will be the beginning of generation 2, officially! So I hope you guys enjoyed and uh, yea...that's all :D

legacy challenge, rose legacy

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