The year of Natural Disasters

Nov 04, 2011 12:37

So um, New Englanders.... Weirdest Halloween Ever, am I right?

Is it true that this set records for earliest snowstorm? We're still in the middle of autumn foliage -- at least the trees that weren't snapped in half when two feet of snow got dumped on them. And the power lines. In some ways this is worse than the tornado; we have to get at the powerlines, under the trees, under the snow. Everywhere.

Funny story on my end, though ^_^; ocelotofdoom's birthday was the 28th, so I was out in Boston when the storm hit. Dad had heard that there might be some snow flurries, so at least I set out with my heavy duty boots and winter coat, but I missed most of the storm.

Ocelot's birthday was fun; we met up with actourdreams, got good food, saw The Three Musketeers which was so bad. so fucking bad. oh god it was hysterically bad. we had the theatre to ourselves, so we kept cracking dirty jokes and singing Lady Gaga and Katy Perry whenever Louis XIII and Buckingham were in a scene together. Couldn't remember anyone's name so just called them Sewer Ninja, Bondage, Batman, and Twink. Every scene could have been the opener to a period porno. The most chemistry Twink had was in his opening scene swordfighting with his "father." And it doesn't even pass the Bechdel test (the adorable Queen and her lady-in-waiting fretting over her stolen necklace that will implicate her being adulterous does not count) It was just sublimely bad, rented Thor and Captain America, mused on my NaNoWriMo project, and just had fun :D
It was raining in Boston when we went to the bus station; just as we got there Mom called asking if I could stay in Boston another day or two, because the roads were bad on their end and they didn't think they'd be able to pick me up from Springfield. We were happy to hang out more, finish up Captain America, etc. When the snow finally hit us, we wandered around Boston going "WTF it's not even Halloween, why do we suddenly have snow." Some people joked that Santa was taking vengeance on Jack Skellington; it did well and truly mess with trick-or-treating.
(Movies we ended up seeing over the week: The 3 Musketeers, Thor, Captain America, Wanted, X-Men: First Class, Matinee, The Fall. Good decisions, I think.)
Boston got all of a couple inches. (I think NY fared about the same? It was interesting watching everyone tweet their incredulity.) Our tiny town in Western MA got almost two feet of snow, that cracked off tree branches, knocked over trees, took down power lines, went through houses, and is still making life difficult. Trees in the driveway rendered my parents housebound, so I ended up crashing at Ocelot's for almost a week, only just getting home yesterday. Thank you, ocelotofdoom, you did me a huge favor.

There are still crews everywhere trying to clear the trees and get the powerlines back up. Scott Brown may have nothing but bile for the National Grid right now, but really, they're doing the best they can.
It may still be another week before we all get power back, though. And the thing about the way our houses work is that our water comes from a well, and the pump is powered by electricity. So no heat, no light, and no water. Public facilities have power/water/internet, but private homes are still... like winter camping in huge tents. That during the day are colder inside than out. I slept in my coat, jacket, and long underwear, under a literal pile of blankets last night, and this morning we went to the local elementary school (which can't open yet) to shower and brush our teeth. We're at the library right now (We love the library. The library's actually gotten a lot of business over the past half-year. Once it was repaired after the tornado, anyway).

I hear Northampton was also buried, but is doing better now? I also heard vaguely that trick-or-treating was postponed to this week (which is nice of the town)? I've seen a couple news articles about the storm, but don't really know the full extent.
Major natural disaster every two months. I'm starting to get superstitious and fatalist again >_>

In other news, I'm poking at a NaNoWriMo project for the first time in a while. I can sum it up by saying the ending of X-Men First Class pissed me off so much that I've come up with a different one, focusing more on the issues at the time, speculation based on actual events/concepts, with a decidedly Resist Today Resist Tomorrow bent. And also I will probably do small write-ups of/research for all the World of Darkness characters I keep finding in my brainmeats, and probably something for a thing I signed up for on Bitter Nakano... right? >_> Let me know Wish me luck.

That's it for now. I'm about/more than a month behind on my friendslist - I will go through your journals if I have to, to get up to date.

Going home soon. Good luck, everybody! And Happy Late Halloween!

life, movies, i survived an event!

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