Don't Forget - 10.3

Oct 03, 2011 23:54

So, I have a tumblr now. And a twitter. And no good excuse for why I was gone from LJ all of September... today is FullMetal Alchemist Day.

I spent a couple hours this evening looking for songs and images to get back into the FMA mood for today, and realized that if I were to write down all the feelings and thoughts about this story that came rushing back to me as soon as I heard Bratja and Ed’s voice, I should have started this yesterday in order to get this posted on time.* As it stands, here's an overview of my history with FMA.

In 2005, I was in 10th grade, and to procrastinate on a really intimidating “research and contrast colleges 8D” project, I decided to download and watch something. (Don’t look at me like that.) I’d heard vaguely of FullMetal Alchemist being good, so I started watching episode 1. Then 2. And it steadily progressed - I was enjoying the world-building and characters. Then episodes 6, 7 and 8 came along and I was hooked forever.

(I still have an AMV for the whole thing. Must make it.)

I watched the entire series and fell in love with Ed and Al and Scar’s story and Rose (as much shit as she got, I liked her return in the 4th season; especially the parallelism with Ed) etc. It was just a fantastic, introspective, challenging, heartbreaking series.

And then the movie came along. I was glad to see it, but… read this and one hasn’t missed much :P

The manga I devoured until there were no more chapters (all the while thinking “wow, this is actually much more coherent than the show I was watching. At least the latter half… And new characters :D Awesome.”) and waited eagerly for new ones. And that was at a slow enough pace that I got into other things in the meantime. And after a couple years, I’d only check every few months (at which I’d find a plethora of new FMA to read) and then kinda… forget about it >_>

I’m sadly not that good of a fan.

It’s weird, because every time I came across something related to FMA I’d say “Oh WOW, I love that thing. Why am I not watching it all the time? In fact, WHY DON’T I OWN IT YET.” But I just fell out of the fandom after a while, and with other things going on, didn’t find much to keep me in :(

(Maybe I was in the wrong corners of the fandom. I did hunt around for fanfiction of FMA, but almost all of what I found was… porn. Nothing against porn, I like porn, but… this was not a story I wanted to read much porn for. I wanted world-sprawling epic AUs about Xing and Xerxes and Dracma and the mechanics of alchemy. And I got Envy/Ed porn. Should have hunted harder.)
(That reminds me, I have a world-sprawling FMAOMG crossover fic I badly need to get back to. Augh.)

In college, I managed to keep up to date on the chapters pretty well, and was elated when Brotherhood came out in my junior (?) year (the first episodes were kinda rocky, partly because they knew everyone watching would be comparing to the first anime and up to date on the manga, but pretty soon it moved under its own power and got so fucking pretty 8D). I was in Japan when the last few manga chapters came out, and as a result remembered to grab all the FMA volumes I could find.

And then I forgot again for a year >_>

But I did remember today -

- and I thought I should give my two cents.

Thank you, Arakawa-sensei, for creating this wonderful world and such strong characters, and letting us walk with them. You made me examine what it means to be human, the depth of bonds and promises, how one can get up and keep moving forward. FullMetal Alchemist is one of the funniest, most moving, intelligent, action-filled stories ever.

A tumblr community got together to show how this story has touched so many people, and I thought it was fantastic. Even Ed's voice actor Vic Mignogna commented and wanted to share with fans (This is so sweet).

We won't forget.

* Made a very similar post earlier on Tumblr, then started to watch Brotherhood with my parents. Maybe another day I might go into my thoughts on atheism as portrayed in FMA, and wax poetic about how she can write so many characters of both genders and have them all feel real and be awesome, and talk about how she influenced my personal definition of "people,." But not today. Today is about broad stroke declarations of everlasting love.

fullmetalalchemist, fandom

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