scifi dork-out (w/ spoilers most likely)

May 08, 2009 22:31

somehow, I've seen both Xmen and Star Trek movies in the past two weeks.  And the decision and motivation were not mine!  My roommate got sucked in to the media packaging apparently and is really gung ho. 
So far... eh.  I enjoyed it.  but it was really very ehh.  i wanted to re-write it.  too many characters too much story... felt like huge chunks were missing.  jumped all over time.  Hugh Jackman with no shirt. and no clothes.  yay same for ryan reynolds.  wanted more Charlie (dominic monighan??) I would have liked to have gone back to the story and added depth and more.... just more.  But it was fun.  I liked Gambit. one of my fav characters.  also only marginaly in the plot. .

there are times when i truly hate lj.  the formatting issues when I try to do LJ cuts just never work out.  And I sort of know enough about the html (or whatever code) to want to go in and try to fix it but not enough knowledge to actually make it work. grr.. well on to tv for a bit.

oh and Dollhouse ended this week.  Alan Tudyk, who has always played dopey cute in movies that I enjoyed him in, was very dark, dangerous, tormented and sexy (still funny though!!).  he was great!!  he's in even better shape then when i saw him in spamalot.  loved that Whiskey was a doll!  loved the moment when she asked why Topher programmed her to hate him.  love that the dolls can remember and rationalize who they are at times.  loved that Ballard freed Mellie and not Caroline (though incredibly sad that it means she goes and he won't see her again but it makes sense).  loved the moments with Echo & Caroline talking.  loved that she remained Echo at the end.  I truly hope this show returns in the fall just to see how much more it can grow.  and I wonder what they'll do about victor!  Want to go back and rewatch Alpha's quick personality flips!  the self-dialog was so rapid I couldn't keep up

yeah i'm a little boy crazy this week apparently.  too much macho male action movies.  and I had a random dream that i hooked up with my old roommate.  very bizarre.  haven't thought about him in ages and don't even know where he lives now. .

and then back to movies again.

I'm not a Trek fan.  Shatner in yellow always creeped me out.  this star trek movie, however, was brilliant.  and I HATE the original series so wasn't really excited about it.  (my roommate susan has gone all dorky on me and dragged me to both movies opening week.)  filming and special effects (and sound!  i really noticed effective sound use!) were great.  the characters were enough like the orignals that you felt comfortable and at home but had a lot of depth and story of their own.  diehard trekkies might have issues b/c it was definitely a 'reboot', but to give them credit there was a plausible plot line for a reboot.  it really worked out.  the story that is told is complete and great!  the opening part had me sucked in... even emotionally!  i never questioned the motivations of characters.  i LOVED the cast.  simon pegg is so my hero and zach quinto made spock almost sexy!  (i know a little scarey but i love that actor and he could stare at a wall and make it darkly charismatic.  Jayne's quote " sexy on legs" and a reviewer who commented on the fact that Spock appears to be consciously restraining his sexuality were my favs.)

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