"Lost" commentary &radioactive ant bites

Apr 17, 2009 22:14

"Still, I greatly prefer Star Wars references that I can actually get as they happen instead of reading online about how some episode mirrored the plot of a mythical 13th Century Egyptian scroll - it’s the same feeling when Jeopardy contestants finally run out of “Ukranian Literature” categories in a round and have to begrudgingly pick “Movies” for $200."  Lost reveiew

personally, I like that Lost has plot points mired in obscure philosophy and myth.  But I love the jeopardy anaology that the writer used.  I so feel that way when I watch the show w/ grandma.  please let them finish the bizarre antique comedien category and get on to the word play category!

it's been a week for appreciating witty writing: there was an idol review (probably Michael Slezak on EW's website) this week that had so many fun metaphors and snarky sides.  Sometimes I wish i had the ability/desire to write for a living!

There are big black ants all over my house.  oddly they spent one day on my counters and then abandoned the 'close to food zone' for the floors.  whatever.  i'm not sure which has won: the big ants are worse than the little ants or vice versa.  little ants aren't quite as crunchy.

anyways, we noticed that even with frequent vaccuming there is a preponderance of dead ants on our floors.  Either the cats are really lethal hunters (not likely with these 2 goons!) or susan and i walk very heavily.  Then we noticed that a lot of the ants were having seizures-- appearing to curl up and spasm randomly in the middle of the floors.  seizure apparently leads to death.

very puzzling but who turns their nose up at gratuitous ant death!  then last night, tragedy struck!!  I was sitting at my puter amidst curled up at bodies and watching "the IT crowd"  All of a suddent something brought me out of my british com coma... I'm not sure if I felt the bite first or I felt the creepy crawly and attacked in self defense and caused the bite.  Either way, result is that I smooshed an ant to death underneath my pant leg and ended up with a pretty visible chunka taken out by said ant just below my right knee.  I had to take the pants off, turn them inside out and then scrub the pants to get the ant bits off.  gross.

the bit hurt for quite a bit but didn't get any reader or swell up or anythign gross.  so far.

my concern, if the ants have some disease or some radioactive power, and an ant bit me... am i now specially powered?  can i lift 20 times my body weight?

in the process of discussing my radioactive super ant powers, a lot of people have come to the conclusion that someone must have sprayed our house.  susan thinks that Chui (landlord) came and had the foundation sprayed.  I think she saw the ants last week when she came to replace the dishwasher.  a proactive landlord who took care of our bug problem??? what world am i living in??!!!  .

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