I wanted to mess around with the background somemore, but I figure I'm never going to be 100% satisfied, so I settled for something that will not have me compared with the likes of Euclase etc etc. LOL okay, okay.
The only way to go is up!!!!!!! and to keep improving until I dare compare myself to a 1st-grade realist painter. But that's not important to me. I don't want to be particularly good at one thing, I want to be decently competent in many things. So the next time I try digital painting again, I will force myself to do a loose, painterly, impressionistic style, which I find so difficult to do. Because my brain keeps telling me to blend..blend...lighter..darker.. until it begins to look like a realistic painting and there's no more room for experimentation. I guess that's how limited my /creativity/ is. Meh. haha, but still pleased.
I knowwwwwwww, this feeling of accomplishment will die down just as quickly as it sweeps over me. /sigh I JUST NEED TO KEEP DOING MORE AND MORE STUFF ON MY LIST.
1. bind books
2. design graphics for xmas presents (no promises there...i'll try)
3. learn after effects
4. do a photoshoot
5. learn a song on the piano good enough to record
6. watch all the television shows of course
major major stuff I aim to do by the end of this term break. HOOOOYAY.