random PEG memories...

Feb 16, 2004 19:01

(cross-posting to lazysun and peg_alumnae)

Found some old pictures today. Sparked some memories...

In no particular order...

  • freshman year: sitting outside with Katy Caron, talking to these MoronMormon guys that she'd met somehow. One of them was kind of cute, but they were fucking missionaries. *cough*. And I remember talking about how they could get in trouble because according to their mission rules, the same number of guys as girls was automatically a date, which they weren't allowed to do.

  • junior year: spin the bottle in ladykalana's and my room in McClung with Charlotte, Christine, Kristin, and Tracy. And Charlotte pulling Christine out of the circle halfway into the game. Tracy was a decent kisser; I remember not enjoying kissing Christine or Kristin, and refusing to tongue-kiss the other two on principle. Then, a few days or weeks later, coming back to that room to find ladykalana and Christine in bed.

    Oh, shut up. We all know about each other's exploits.

  • freshman/sophomore years: I used to have this MBC hat that I would wear rather often. And when I would see Emily in the hallway, she would steal it from me and go, "I'm a boy." Yeah, right. This, from a girl who had twice the rack I'll EVER have, and half the body size. "Boy". Uh-huh.

  • sophomore year: sitting in what became the Alpha Lounge (the next year; it was just the "other lounge" that year) with ladykalana, watching movies and eating Domino's pizza. I remember that she would never eat my half because it had pineapple on it.

  • freshman year, I think: Fires of Dis, in that same lounge. What amounted to tournament roleplaying -- I think we spent a good four days down there, breaking only for meals and to sleep/shower. Although, we'd usually go in character to meals.jawoodward assaulting us with milk, and when we complained, saying "lactose intolerant, or just intolerant of people with lactose?".

  • freshman year: the Great Room Swap. Purely because Becky and Carrie-Anne wanted to live together, 18 people had to switch roommates. Emily was mad because she'd had the corner room to herself, and then had to share with Marcia. I, on the other hand, wound up with mcmiller. And so a legacy began. (The Mage Light Closet was a fun one. :) )

  • sophomore year: coming back to the blizzard of '96, and practically being stranded in the computer lab in Academic because I was so obsessed with this guy I'd met on the internet and I'd talk to him 16 hours a day. (It wasn't oh_chris, so fuck off.) I also remember "smuggling" a stereo back to school in my suitcase. I had a lot fewer clothes that semester because of that.

  • sophomore year: finally breaking up with that rat bastard. (This would be the Misguided Virtue.) crying for two or three days in the hallway. finally getting over him, and moving on, and getting to tell him 6 months later that no, I actually didn't want to get back together with him.

  • junior year: playing with Larry's hair, essentially, although other things happened. for, like, 8 hours or something. it was, like, 6 AM when we went to sleep that morning. (no, no sex happened or anything. Larry was Tracy's ex-boyfriend, and Tom (Kate Flanagan's boyfriend) were staying with me and ladykalana because we had male visitation and said they could stay.) Larry stayed with me and mcmiller one time in senior year, too, but only because I didn't ask her first. I think she wanted to kill me for that.

  • sophomore year: Matt. Probably the first guy I actually really loved. AKA the 12-year-old, even though he was 14 at the time. He came down one day during May Term with his mom. I got along great with his mom. I think he didn't like that. This was also the first time I met oh_chris, but at the time, he was seeing George. These two incidents are a lot of what led to me ALMOST getting held back in PEG, and (the second incident, anyway) a large part of what DID lead to George being held back. She wound up blaming everything on oh_chris, though from what I'm led to understand, most of that is unfounded.

  • senior year: going out to breakfast with Kristi after spending all fucking night in chem lab. several times. She was sweet.

  • senior year: acting class. Running around the entire theater, including the exterior of Deming for part of it, for the scene I did with shavastak. I really wish I'd taken that class P/NC instead of Music.

  • freshman year: sitting in on Katy Caron's radio show, which may or may not have been broadcast in Hunt, and that's IT. She tried to give me a personality on the radio, but I was having none of it, so I made the line she gave me into the most uninteresting line ever. It was sad.

  • all the time: the Bitch Patrol. I remember being lab partners with Aileen in cell bio, and that was OK, but for some reason, Tara and Grace still had a major grudge against us all the way through graduation. WTF? Oh well. They sucked.

    you know what i really miss? sitting in hunt for hours, usually until they threw us out, or sitting in our respective rooms till all hours of the night, having conversations about EVERYTHING, and being open, and honest, and fucking interesting. And not having to rely on talking about TV all the damn time, like I do at work. I miss having fun with my friends whenever I wanted to. I miss roleplaying, although I don't know how long I could really stay with it at this point. I miss the lack of responsibility, the freedom to do what I wanted without (much) repercussion, not getting up until 10 on a weekday, learning new things every day, sitting on the table in the hallway on the third floor of Pearce with shavastak because it actually held both of us with our legs stretched out and talking about our classes and science and stuff... basically I just miss the whole feel of college, and specifically of our group in college. I mean, I had some of that in grad school, but it wasn't the same. People were too... normal. I mean, nowhere have I been that has embraced all my idiosyncrasies as completely and unquestioningly as at PEG.

    Sadly, I find myself becoming more normal out of necessity. It's funny; I never wanted to be normal. I used to pride myself on the sore-thumbedness of my sticking out. And now I find myself not watching, but talking about, reality TV and bitching about the boss. I mean, it's not to say my work friends aren't smart, and that we don't talk about heavy stuff, but more often than not, it's just empty blather.

    I miss the old days.

growing up

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