143: *totters down the hall*
143: *sees Meg*
143: Oh, I forgot my darn walker.
143: *totters back*
MEG: *cracks up*
I have successfully conditioned her into remembering her walker! it's like a little personal triumph.
I have a cunning plot in the works for the 14th involving me being a brat. Now mind, I like Valentine's Day (any day that features delicious chocolate candies is all right by me) but I've never had an SO for it and so I've never really cared for the determinedly romantic aspect of it.
February 14th is ALSO Oregon Statehood Day. So when I type up the thing for the activities that day, instead of HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY and hearts I'm going to put the State Seal and HAPPY OREGON DAY. >:D
1. Get a ride to the store with Meg.
2. Listen to 'weeeeek' by NEWS.
3. Ask interestedly if Meg's husband is Spanish.
4. (Presumably) wonder uneasily why the temperature in the car has dropped ten degrees.
I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY HE THOUGHT I WAS MARRIED. The fact that he calls me Connie for no apparent reason just tops it off.
Uh, would someone have time / energy / motivation to read over a set of essay questions? By Friday? I'm going to try to write them up tonight but I haven't written essay questions since college and they unnerve me more than even writing fiction does.
(by the way, I did get the Seraphim shawl pattern, and I have already decided that the damn thing is going to be freaking knit in freaking garter stitch instead of freaking stockingnette, because the thought of tediously purling back over three or four hundred stitches makes me want to strangle myself with a circular needle. If garter lace is good enough for Shetland knitters, it's good enough for me. Also, I'm doing it with the three skeins of lace-weight I have kicking around, because I don't have any fingering weight that is all the same color except for that ebay wool, and it's very dark and hard to see and needs a long soak in conditioner before I'm willing to work with it. Dammit, today at the hippie grocery store I actually saw liquid lanolin but there was a thing on the label advertising that it was recommending by the readings of Edward Cayce, and so I reluctantly left it on the shelf. Dammit, I don't mind being a yippie but I have my freaking limits.)