Am I the only one irrationally and totally annoyed by ads for multi-fandom LJ RPG ads appearing everyfuckingwhere on my flist?
They keep getting posted on
dn_angel_fans and I realize we are not, how to say, the most active comm ever, but for Christ's sake, the last three entries are me going STOP FUCKING POSTING THE FUCKING MULTI-FANDOM RPG ADS.
Oh, Ravelry, what did I do before I could spend hours reading people bitching about people who only work with wool and people who are so ghetto they only use Red Heart? ♥ It fills me with shame but I really don't like working with acrylic any more. It really does squeak! And it is hard on my hands -- so is cotton, though. *rubs hands grumpily* Aluminum hooks size 6.50mm and double standed cotton do not a happy Meg make. (I'm crocheting a shopping bag because I have about a whack of plain white cotton bought cheap at Walmart and I am sincerely trying to not buy more yarn and also not use so many durn plastic bags. unfortunately the bags they sell at Trader Joe's and such are so huge I feel like an idiot carrying out a soda and a bowl of soup in them. Plus they don't fold down compactly enough to stick in a purse, and the ones they sell that do are like, five bucks. Not so much. ...not that this is going to fold compactly either but I can always make another one. And this one I know can handle weight.)
By the way, I finally got around to making an InsaneJournal (I was trying to find someone's fic T3T), so it's lazulisong there too only I am currently just using it to keep track of people who may or may not be writing porno fanfiction not involving Japanese boybands. INORITE, what is that strange idea???