look! it is a town! OKAY TIME TO EQUIP LIKE HELL

Oct 13, 2007 18:54

*eyebrows shoot up* oh golly, I feel so safe and classy making my car payment online through WESTERN UNION only NOT SO MUCH. *goes to her bank site instead thx*

I have made my first car payment! :( Also the twenty-ninth is two years without my sweet friend nicotine. I begin to feel like a grownup. still want porn for not smoking, also to have one of these damn anniversaries come and have money for a damn DS.

BY THE WAY I was trying to find a way to do rainbow AND sparkly text but I had to give up on the rainbow part. Have lavender instead.

The grand total for the memory walk is:



I was going to make a bandanna with everybody who donated's names on it, but on rational consideration, I found green and yellow sparkly tutus (SEE: Meg's location, shut up, we're doing better than your team) at the dollar store that should fit nicely around his longsuffering neck.

:( He will be like unto a pretty princess.

or Jun.

Will figure out how to get the donor names somewhere on him, probably at two this morning. (I have purple ribbon and I'm not afraid to use it.) I'm getting everything put together now! The treets! the baggies! the folding water bowl! the actually not too obnoxious shirt which is not white and may actually survive our water! The camera! The looks that combine absolute loathing,self pity and tragic suffering from the dog! The camera batteries!!

memory walk 2007

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