So, on Saturday, I made cheese for the first time. This was unplanned. I stupidly assumed that the BIG grocery store would have ricotta cheese. It didn't. SO I made some.
And then I made lasagna. The cheese and sauce were from scratch, the lasagna noodles were from the store. David, who had not ever had lasagna before, really liked it and ate half (smaller than a regular-sized lasagna, but still...)
Sunday we went skating (David's first time doing that, too) and that was also fantastic. There were a gazillion people, because we went to LotteWorld's ice rink. About 80% of the people had no clue what they were doing. Good for David, who felt right at home, but I couldn't really skate fast. Still, I got some practice maneuvering around fallen children. Neither of us fell.
Also, this week, everyone starts a new school year. In America, it's September, and in Korea, March. So, David is ten months younger than me, but since David was born in February, he calls himself the same age as me, because if I were Korean, we would be in the same year in school.
This also means there is rather a lot of chaos with students leveling up in ReadingTown, switching teachers, lots of new students coming into ReadingTown, and a few moving out. (I think there are more coming in than moving out though. My academy is doing pretty well.)
So, life is very exciting. Also, yesterday I wore sandals!! Today it was too cold again cause it rained, but I am happy that sandal weather is back. I can even say "I hate shoes" in Korean: 구두를 싫어요.
Tomorrow I start Korean level 2B. My two friends from level 1 are quitting. I am sad about one person and not as sad about the other. (She was being impossibly negative, very vocally so, which made learning very challenging.)
Soon, Anthony and Jason are visiting! I am very very excited about this. ^^