(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 22:37

W00t! The won is back up to 1000 = 80 cents! (It was at 71.5 last week and it was freaking me out.) I still want it to be around 90.

In other news, Leah and I hung out yesterday, and had lunch at COEX. We decided to walk instead of taking the subway, and outside COEX, what do we see?


They looked like high schoolers, they were dancing to tango music, only with pom poms. It was rather odd.

There was also a flower exhibit, which I found much more impressive.

Leah had cold buckwheat noodle soup (there was actually ice in it) and I had something that involved noodles and wontons and little slices of potatoes.

We couldn't hang out much but I like Leah and I was happy to see her for a bit.

After that I went to this huge yard sale, but I realized very quickly that I have no idea what size I am in Korea, and there wasn't much else that intrigued me. I was also really cranky because I hadn't had any caffeine, and because pushy Korean ladies kept walking into me. They do that a lot, on the street, or the subway, or when you are standing in front of something that is free. Business men do it too. Anyone college age and younger, or retired-looking, is much more respectful of personal space.

So I left about 45 minutes earlier than I'd planned, and went to have kim bap (ghetto sushi) and duk bokki (kind of gigantic sliced rice noodles in a spicy sauce with scallions) with David Lee. And then we went to Paris Croissant for tea and coffee and dessert, which was like deluxe toast:

We worked on understanding what the heck waiters say to me, and how to respond. It was HARD. However, David's friend Sun (whom I've also met) came by and was very impressed, because she'd just come from tutoring Karl, who can now say hi, and that's pretty much it. He can't read hangul yet.

Then I went home to hang out with Jenny, and I met her boyfriend, whom she was video-skyping with in Japanese. He seemed like a good guy. And then we had breakfast together this morning:

It was the first time I have cooked for someone in two months. I really really miss making Jason breakfast (I really miss Jason himself, too, but that's another story). So I went all out. I made swiss chard/tomato/garlic omelettes, sweet/regular potato homefries, sectioned Jeju tangerines, and green tea, and, for good measure, I made persimmon muffins. Everything came out great! And Jenny was practically beside herself with joy.

food, flowers, money, dancing, david lee, leah, jenny, korean, jason

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