(no subject)

Oct 17, 2008 23:22

Ok, let me just say that the Red Sox are AWESOME and I was so so happy today.

I still had no voice at 1 PM, which brought me to about 48 hours of voicelessness, so Jane told me that if I wanted someone to go to the doctor with I should ask her. So, we went to the doctor. The doctor was at lunch, so we went straight to the pharmacy, where Jane explained my problem. The pharmacist gave me some packets of weird brown powder and some pills. He said I should take one of each after each meal and to finish all of them even if I feel better. So I think one was an antibiotic (I'd had some bronchitis-ish symptoms). And I gave him 5,000 won and went on my merry way!

Seriously, I cannot get over how much easier health care is here. Five bucks and five minutes and your problem is dealt with.

Anyway, my voice has started to come back. I could talk a little in honor's club.

seoul, doctors

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