
Oct 25, 2001 01:24

Today I have pigtails.
Today I didn't cry.
Today the sun shone warm.
Today I found out the computer store lost my order.
Today I told the street psychic that some questions were better left unanswered.
Today I lost track of time.
Today I ate pasta.
Today I gave Nancy a backrub.
Today I laughed.
Today I realized that people who seem kind may not be.
Today I found out some people have alterior motives.
Today I wrote two checks.
Today Lisa called twice.
Today I missed yet another lecture I wanted to see.
Today I wore a skirt.
Today I missed two meals.
Today Kate wrote on my board.
Today I don't understand the world.
Today I thought about how beautiful epha is.
Today I touched Devi's shorter hair.
Today I worried about some people.
Today I was comfortable.
Today I wanted to die.
Today I wanted to live.
Today I explained something.
Today Nancy gave me wonderful pictures.
Today I wasn't as angry.
Today I was fully female.
Today I was.


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