I wanna be a Jew

Oct 23, 2001 01:00

I LOVE the Tales of the Hasadim. I just want to read them for the rest of my life. And I very well may, because there are a LOT of them. This is such a great quote:
"'Your work,' said the Baal Shem, 'is one of sorrow and gloom. The Divine Presence does not hover over gloom but over joy in the commandments.'"
It is all about that rejoicing when you have finally finished your paper and it makes you so happy that you have done what you should. It is all about going to class even when you think your head is going to explode. It is all about being nice to someone whose very presence annoys you. It's all about walking on the sidewalk instead of the grass. It's all about knowing you have a choice, and that you can practice making the right one.

On a related note, David from clew is AWESOME.

The most exciting news I have heard all day: One of my darling friends is dating the veryveryveryvery hot girl from Albright. This, I think, is fabulous.

Yesterday I went to tea at Devi's. The walk was marvelous. So was the tea, though it was too short.

We did not sing in Glee Club today. I am forlorn.

All three classes attended today! And it is a Monday, too!

Some people just make me well up with happiness. I saw Erin and Becky today. At separate times. On days like today, I wish I lived in Albright House.

My French Vanilla latte was even better in real life than it was in my dream last night. And I have gotten Nancy addicted.

I should like to know what everyone has against trendiness.

I have been finding myself getting very annoyed when someone compliments me, or flirts with me. Why is that?

Hmmm, have I enough caffeine in me to draw my portrait? Probably not.

I am addicted to my room. I need not to be.

I will be a blue-haired fairy after all!

Saturday is our house party. I have never been at one of our house parties for more than a half hour. IT should be interesting. The pressing question is: to be a lady or a tramp?

WHY can't I find the envelope for my american express bill?

And now that the cloud of sadness has lifted, I find myself dwelling not in the deep waters of the ocean, but skimming the surface of the pond with the water striders.

erika, religion, credit cards, god, coffee, clew, books, devi, parties

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