Issues and arguments

May 30, 2001 23:03

I wish I was an English muffin.
I would make the most out of a toaster.
I'd ease myself down,
Coming up brown.
Oh, and I prefer the boysenberry more than any ordinary jam.
I'm a Citizens For Boysenberry Jam fan!

I finally planted all of my flowers. The marigolds are valiantly protecting the vegetable garden from the nasty cats who tore up my flowers. Grrr. I am no longer a cat person. Not that I am a dog person, mind you. They make me sick. I think I will be a koala person.

Loochatina has mono, which probably means I do to, since we drink out of the same cups all the time. Dang. I was just going to begin work tomorrow.

Mrs. Verderese hired me to teach, too. Yay! Maybe she isn't so mean and condescending as I thought. Now I have to work my butt off, though, since I clearly have something to prove. I am the youngest teacher by about twenty years, and the only one without experience. But, the course is on New Testament, which I took a class my first year at Smith.

I have not written lately because Liz has been home, which means I stay up watching stupid TV and talking instead of using the computer. She is buying a car, or trying to. She is also trying to get back to Amherst so she can hang out with her boyfriend and get stuff done.

Jean is fascinated by the idea that I have a livejournal (unlike my parents who think it is ridiculous), and demands that I write about her. Well, she won an award today, an "unsung hero" in choir. We don't really know why. No explanation. She has a good voice, though, and a lot of stage presence. She is in the acting guild now. Just what I need, another acting snob to deal with. Greaaaaat. Heh heh. Somehow it is ok for her though. And I can always openly insult her, which I can't do with the other actors and actresses I know.

I figured out why I am so vehemently opposed to abortion. Because it is related to egotism and self-absorption. The idea that a woman's ease of living should override a child's permission to live is utterly ridiculous. And although in a few cases, the lack of an abortion would kill a child as well as a mother, this is extremely rare. Most women who advocate abortion do so because they want to be in charge of their own bodies. Right. Because your child is really a part of your body. If you say a child is just a group of cells, fine. But you're just a group of cells, too. If you say a child inside you can't live without you there, fine. But neither can an infant, or a six-year-old. Rar. Wanna control your own body? Fine. Don't have sex.

Another thing that makes no sense is people who say one kind of murder is okay but not another. My sister says, "down with the US army." SHe has a disclaimer though. She's big on disclaimers. I think that is silly. You should say what you wanna say, especially when it is YOUR OWN DAMN JOURNAL! Anyway, here is her disclaimer: At the beginning of time, there were people and rocks. (wondering where this is going) Somebody threw a rock at somebody else (Cain, perhaps) We don't know whether this was on purpose, or what. Kinda like who fired the first shot (the shot heard round the world, i think she means). Now. The other guy, fearing for his well-being, threw the rock back (sounds like a game of catch to me). And the first guy got hurt. They stopped talking to each other, had multitudes of children, who threw rocks at each other for the rest of their lives, and some gained glory and honor for this. (Man, this is a long disclaimer.) Okay, so, then because some of them were more innovaters rather than battlers, the wimpy ones, decided to make better and better weapons to gain glory and honor. Little did the fighters know, that all the wimpy ones were all laughing at them, blowing themselves up with their newfound technology. Hence the revenge of the nerds! (still wondering where this is going) Technology keeps getting bigger and bigger, as do the bombs. For all we know, the nerds have already colonized some of the other planets. (rolling her eyes) Clearly, the only people who should stop this is the US Army. But unfortunately, they just aren't smart enough yet. Perhaps we should not say down with the US Army. But only pity them. The end.

Well, that was worth my time. Back to MY thoughts. Methinks Liz should get her own journal.

Oh yes. I was talking about different kinds of murder, and how they are all silly. Like people who shoot abortion clinics. They are stupidheads. And I don't agree with capital punishment. Liz says, "Down with George Bush and his people!" She says, no disclaimer. I think she forgot about the three hundred dollars we are each supposed to get back from the tax cut. She thinks we should donate it to the environment. I would agree, were I not in seven hundred dollars of debt.

Why can't I finish my point? I don't see how Republicans can say, yeah! killing unborn children is WRONG, but hey, we can kill the criminals. Ain't nothing wrong with that. And the Democrats can say, killing criminals is WRONG, but unborn children, hey, we can kill them. Makes no sense. I think I am against euthanasia, too, but I can't remember. I wrote an essay on it once. I think I supported it, but I think the assignment was to write on the side opposite of what you believe. I had to do that with the issue of school uniforms, too. But I am quite certain that I vehemently oppose school uniforms.

My sister and I are having a heated argument about uniforms now. I think she is just bored and has no life and therefore has to argue with me about everything. And then she said, dude, who has the online journal? I say, who is reading my online journal over my shoulder? Oh! That would be LIZ.

And to think I made her five dozen chocolate chip cookies.

I also finished ironing, like every shirt I own, most of my dresses, and half of my pants. I was very proud of myself. I felt very domestic and non-Smithie.

Oh, good, my NICE sister is here now.

I am somewhat torn on the issue of suicide, which I should like to support for personal reasons but for logical and religious reasons cannot.

I have been having lots of fascinating dreams lately, probably because I have been sleeping a lot. I had one semi-bad dream, in which my mother gave away my pet warthor and lion cub, and killed the seahorses I bought for my brother. But Kim was in that dream, she was standing my the ocean eating salad. The next night i had a terrible nightmare, probably influenced by Christine's violent illness in her bedroom, which is next to mine. I dreamed that three of the people I care about the most died in this really horrible way. Kim, Lisa, and Little Toby were all lying stricken with this horrible bloody thing. I don't know what it was, and I will bear those who read this (especially Toby), from the gory details. But I woke up really terrified.

This is getting really long, so I think I will stop. Monica said I have to go to sleep at a decent hour today.

george bush, song lyrics, politics, jean, cars, religion, suicide, ideas, music, dreams, mrs. mack's, abortion, ccd

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