Mar 12, 2008 12:38
So last night when I went to pick up the baby, he was screaming. And not just fussing, but SCREAMING. We couldn't get him to stop. He didn't want to eat, and it looked like it hurt to swallow, and earlier he had been at the store with Mother-in-law, and he'd gotten ahold of a price tag and chewed on it. She took the tag, but we thought he might've swallowed the plastic thingy that holds the tag to the piece of clothing. So we, (Husband, MIL, Son, me) went to ER to get him seen to. After much panic attacks and fear, we got seated in a room and while we waited for the doctor, the baby burped. Several times. Then stopped crying, and to make us feel extra-stupid, started laughing and playing with Husband and his teddy bear.
Nothing like indegestion to drag us to ER.
Also, there is a flu going around here. I'm sure it's going around every-freaking-where. The bastard wasn't in the flu shots that went out last fall. So two of the secretaries have it at the office I work with in billing. So therefore, we're to "be patient" with them, according to one of the non-ill employees. Fuck that. If two of us in this office were sick, we'd STILL be expected to work our asses off and get shit done. So therefore, they will live. They can pull it off, I have faith in them. Also, they are not allowed to bitch at me. They want to see a bitch, I'll show 'em one.
Woo! I'm feeling frisky today.
the bitch,