[Double shot] Crazy Feelings

Jul 15, 2008 14:28

Title: Crazy Feelings
Author: DLavenie
Pairing: Park Yoochun & Shim Changmin, Jung Yunho & Kim Jaejoong
Length: Double shot (1/2)
Genre: Should be Romance and slight angst
Rating: PG-13 (Some kissing involved -_-“)
Summary: Yoochun is a post-graduate student who takes Music course. So one day, he failed his test. Little did he know, it was going to be the start of his miserable life, perhaps?

Yoochun threw the result paper which he just got from the administration room on the floor. This was so-not real. How can he fail? Yoochun grunted before he stomped his feet, walking out of the administration building. He ignored the looks he got from all the students who he passed by. His sour face sure made them to stay away from him. After all, they should know Yoochun by now: a bad-tempered person.

“Hey Yoochun” And only this person can stands with him.

Yoochun turned his body with a gloomy look decorated his should-be-handsome face. No smile from him. Of course, after received such bad result, he didn’t have any mood to light up the latter’s day.

“You look bad today, what happened?”

Yoochun groaned again. “Jung Yunho, if you know better, you would shut your mouth up instead of asking me that kind of question.” Yoochun replied harshly, didn’t bother to care what his best friend might felt due to his words.

Yunho just smile sweetly. He already used to Yoochun’s changeable mood. Indeed, he once thought Yoochun was a woman in his past life. His boy friend who looked more feminine than Yoochun (Yoochun doesn’t even look like a girl, he is manly!) is not even this sensitive.

“You know me well, Yoochun. It’s not fun that way.” Yunho stuck out his tongue. He put his chin on his boy friend’s shoulder while his hands wrapped so neatly on Jaejoong’s slim waist. “What do you got for the first semester?”

Yoochun rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to act so lovey dovey in front of me.” Seeing Yunho and Jaejoong, who already been together for two months sometimes make Yoochun sick. But that only happened when Yunho acted that way. Most of the time, he is comfortable with them. Indeed, he thinks they are a cute couple. Of course, he wouldn’t tell Yunho his thought.

He knows Yunho since they were child.  So, they are like a brother to each other. Whenever he is in trouble, Yunho would be there for him and vice versa. In fact, they are inseparable even when Yunho already had someone in his heart.

Talking about Jaejoong, Yoochun didn’t know Yunho would fall for this guy. Jaejoong is his classmate since year 1 and he is not a person who likes to talk much. Indeed he would rather be alone rather with them, in contrary to Yunho’s personality. So when Yunho told him that he is going to make Jaejoong as his, it made him surprised. He didn’t know how Jaejoong can fall for this player but Jaejoong sure had something that changed Yunho. And he was glad.

“I flunk it.” A simple answer from Yoochun sure made two pairs of eyes to widen in surprise.

“WHAT?” It was Yunho’s loud voice. “How come?”

“Well, for some reason… my song is not that good, my thesis doesn’t really follow what my professor wants so yeah, I failed it.” Yoochun answered as simple as he thought it was.

“B-but your song is beautiful.” A shy Kim Jaejoong mumbled his words. Although they were already became friends, Jaejoong still stuttered when talked to him.

Yoochun smiled a little. “Thanks for your compliment. How about you? You pass?”

Jaejoong nodded, still shy.


“Thank you”

“Well… since you’re not in a good mood.” Yunho interrupted, and in a second he kissed Jaejoong’s cheek made the latter blushed, “Why not we hit the club?”

“Club?” Yoochun thought a while, “Don’t you afraid someone will hit on Jaejoong? He is pretty, you know?”

Yoochun’s words just made Jaejoong to blush even more. However, it gave Yunho a chance to steal a kiss from Jaejoong, “I wouldn’t let that happen.” Yunho grinned. And why Yoochun had a bad feeling about it?

“Erm… Alright” Yoochun sighed lightly. Perhaps, he would feel better after he went there.


The club sure was crowded with people. Lots of people and Yoochun dislike this kind of situation. No, he was not anti-social person. He always went clubbing if he had time. Except for today, he was not in any ‘clubbing’ mood. He averted his eyes towards his best friend who surely having his fun with Jaejoong.

A smile crept on his boring face. Although Jaejoong never went to club, he looked pretty comfortable. Perhaps it was because of Yunho. From what Yoochun saw, Yunho didn’t hit the dance floor yet. He was always by Jaejoong’s side. They were just sitting and chatting and sometimes kissing lightly.

And when some guys approached them with an intention to have a dance with Jaejoong, Yunho would possessively put his arms around Jaejoong’s shoulders and gave them his deathly stare. At that thought, Yoochun smiled naughtily. His best friend is in love.

“Hey!” Yoochun purposely hit Yunho on his head and indirectly that action made Yunho broke the kiss he shared with Jaejoong. Yoochun chuckled when he saw Jaejoong face turned into deep pink colour. He completely ignored Yunho’s frustrated look.

“Aish! I don’t think you ask me to go out to the club just to watch you two make out.”

Yunho grumbled but soon his hands made their way to Jaejoong’s waist and forced his boy friend to sit on his laps. Look, Yunho is just so clingy. Again, Yoochun rolled his eyes. Jaejoong, as usual, obeyed Yunho but he didn’t let Yunho when the latter wanted to kiss him. Serve him right. Yoochun smirked, Yunho pouted and Jaejoong giggled.

Instead Yunho put his chin on Jaejoong’s shoulder. “Of course that was not my first intention; I just want to make you relax your mind off. And with you disturbing our little make out just now-“ Jaejoong’s slap on Yunho’s shoulder cut the latter’s words. Yunho giggled, “Sorry, sorry. Well because you disturbed us, I think you don’t find anything interesting to do. Right?”

Yoochun nodded his head. “I think I’ll just go home.” Yoochun sighed and started to stand up when Yunho grabbed his wrist. “What?”

“It’ll be a waste.” Yunho pouted, “Don’t you want to hang out with us?”

“I don’t think so. After all, I know you’ll carry this out in your room.” Yoochun winked and made Jaejoong blushing.

“Wey, I don’t!”

“Yeah, right” Yoochun rolled his eyes. “See you tomorrow!”

“Yah! Park Yoochun, don’t go!” Yunho yelled, but of course, Yoochun didn’t bother about it. He just kept walking.

However, he stopped on his track when a certain figure or rather a person caught his eyes. He didn’t know what exactly he felt when their eyes met. His heart was beating so tremendously. And he was so sure; he saw the person smirked at him.

Yoochun shook his head. Perhaps, he was just imagining thing. God Yoochun, You should take a break then. Slowly, Yoochun turned his body and continued walking out of the club but not before he sent a message to Yunho.

Make sure Jaejoong still can walk tomorrow. Yoochun chuckled when he pressed the green button and soon ‘Your message has been sent’ appeared on the screen of his cell phone.

“Ah, I think I’ll have a walk then.” Yoochun murmured to himself before taking two steps forward. What he didn’t expect was a push from someone, making him entered the dark hallway. His back was hurt. He tried to pull his body up but someone was in front of him, which means he was trapped between the wall and that person’s body.

What the hell? Yoochun cursed to himself. “Let go!”

He couldn’t see it clearly but he sure there was a smirk on the latter’s face. “Hey! I said let me go!” Yoochun, using his all energy, tried to push the latter off his body but it was in vain.

“If I was you, I won’t even try that,” There was coldness in his voice. It was a dangerous tone, like he was threatened him. Somehow, it gave Yoochun a shiver. How can that be?

“What do you want from me?”

“Simple.” The latter put his arm against the wall, just above Yoochun’s head and showed his face with the help of the moonlight, “I want you.”

Yoochun’s widened his eyes in terror. It was the same guy he saw on the dance floor. “You?!”

“It’s me.” The latter smirked again.

“You’re crazy!” Yoochun tried to push him again. “I don’t know you.”

“Why? If you know me, you’ll be mine?”

“What? I don’t mean that, you punk!” Yoochun gave up pushing the latter. He put his hands down from the latter’s chest. “Just let me go.”

“Nu-uh” The latter shook his head and moved his head, closer to Yoochun. The gap between them was so thin, that Yoochun can felt the latter’s hot breath on his face. He gulped. “You caught my eyes, and I don’t have any intention to let you go, after all, I know you like me too.”

“N-no! W-who told you I like you? Dumbass!” Yoochun turned his head to the side, hiding his going-to-be red cheeks.

A hand held Yoochun’s chin and made him face the latter again. “We’ll prove that later,” A lips started to make its way on Yoochun’s.

Yoochun widened his eyes again when he felt the latter’s lips on him. What is happening? In front of him was a guy who closed his eyes and clearly the latter was enjoying this kiss but not him. He was so surprised by this sudden action.

“S-stop!” Yoochun pushed the latter by his chest again. “S-stop it!” But it didn’t work. The latter was much stronger than him. He knew it now.

“Let us enjoy this, Yoochun. You know you want it too.” The latter placed butterfly kisses on Yoochun’s face, Yoochun’s jaws and preceding to Yoochun’s neck. “Let it out.”

He knows my name? Who is he?

So, when the latter’s lips made its way on his lips again, Yoochun gave it in. He closed his eyes, tried to follow the latter’s want. It is smooth. It was Yoochun’s first thought. And when the latter’s tongue entered his cavern, he knew it wouldn’t stop just here.

His grip on the latter’s shirt became much more tight. He needs more.

When their kiss broke and both of them were panting heavily with the latter’s forehead against him, Yoochun saw something other than lust on that pair of eyes. But he couldn’t figure out what it was.

“Do you want to carry this on?” The latter whispered softly on his ears, and of course, it caused Yoochun to shiver. “Do you want to continue this, Yoochun?”

Does he really want this? He doesn’t even know this guy. Yoochun bit his lips, hard. His body betrayed his mind.

“Y-yes, I-I… want”

“Good.” The latter smiled. “Because I don’t think I will let you go.”


Yoochun made a face as he walked into his family’s mansion. His back still hurt. Gah! He shouldn’t believe that person’s words when he told him he would be gentle with him. Yoochun groaned.

It really hurts.

He still couldn’t believe he made it with a stranger. Not a stranger, of course. Because before they made it, the latter told him his name. Yoochun embarrassed as he recalled back last night’s event. He still remembered the text he sent to Yunho. It seemed he was the one who couldn’t really walk this morning.

How can it be so good?

Yoochun smacked his head. Stop thinking about that!.

“Are you okay hyung?”

“Huh?” Yoochun lifted his head, looking quite confused. When he saw his brother’s face, he smiled a little, “Of course I’m okay!”

Yoohwan furrowed his brows. “Yeah right, where did you go last night? Mom is worried.”

“Errr… I went out with Yunho and Jaejoong, yeah... I went out with them.” Yoochun walked passed his brother. He can’t tell his brother that he spent his night with a stranger, can he?

“Wait a minute.” Yoohwan’s sudden voice halted Yoochun from his walk. “What is that?” Yoohwan pointed to a dark red mark on Yoochun’s collarbone. “Isn’t that a hickey?”

Shit! Yoochun quickly hid it using his palm. “No, it is not a hickey.” How can he forget that?

“Are you sure?”



Yoochun breathed out a relieved sigh. Thanks mother. “Yes mom?” Yoochun turned his body and walked towards his mother before gave the elder woman a quick hug, leaving Yoohwan with his own suspicious.

“Where did you go last night?”

“I’m sorry mom; I lost my track of time with Yunho last night.”

The elder woman flashed Yoochun her warm smile, “Next time, make sure you tell me first. I thought something happened to you.”

Yoochun grinned. “Alright, alright, I’ll not do that again. I promise.” Yoochun kissed his mother’s cheek like what he always does every day.

“Make sure you keep your words. By the way Yoochun, today we’ll have visitors.”

“Visitors?” Yoochun crooked his brows up. “Who?”

“My sister, she will come with her family. Do you remember her? She used to live with us when you were six. She has a son around your age too.”

Yoochun shook his head. He didn’t think he remembered his mother’s sister. He is such a bad nephew then. “When will they come?”

“They will be-“

Ting Tong!

“I think they are already here.” His mother walked to get the door with Yoochun behind her. Yoochun gestured his brother who just came out from the kitchen to go with them too.

“Who is coming?” Yoohwan whispered into Yoochun’s ears. He didn’t expect anyone to come too.

“Mom’s sister, which means she is our aunty.”

Yoohwan nodded his head in comprehend. “And I think you should cover that up, hyung. Tell me who you get laid with last night?” teased Yoohwan about the love bite on Yoochun’s collar bone.

“Shut up”

Yoohwan just giggled when Yoochun took his sweater and put it on him. He knew there was something fishy happened last night. Perhaps, he can ask Yunho about it. But, It was fun to be able to tease his brother.

“Yoochun, Yoohwan. Come, greet you aunty.”

“Hello aunty, I’m Yoohwan” Yoohwan smiled sweetly.

“I’m Yoochun.”

“You two are bigger now.” A woman who just looked like their mother beamed before gave both of them a quick hug. “They look handsome now. Ah, I forgot” The woman turned his body before walked out, calling for another person whom Yoochun couldn’t catch the name that his aunty yelled out.

“This is my son.” The woman put her arm on the other’s shoulders. “My daughters are still in the car with their father.”

Yoochun widened his eyes as he took a good look at the latter. This cannot be true.

“Hi! I’m Yoohwan! Nice to meet you!” Yoohwan shook the latter’s hand.

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Changmin.” Changmin beamed sweetly before his eyes turned to Yoochun’s so-surprised-large eyes. “And you are?”


“I…” Yoochun cursed himself for stuttered in front of this ‘cousin’ who he just knew. He cleared his throat before taking the latter’s hand, “I’m Yoochun.”

“Yoochun?” Changmin squeezed Yoochun’s hand a bit hard and sent him a look that other’s couldn’t describe. “It’s a nice to meet you” Changmin put his hand back into his pocket, “again” But that word was so soft that nobody can hear except for a guy who already perspired in terror.

Yoochun’s fear just being doubled when he heard his mother told them that her sister and her family would stay with them for a month.

Shit! Yoochun cursed again and when his eyes met Changmin’s smirk. I hate this!

“It’s going to be fun, right Yoochun?” Changmin threw Yoochun a question, purposely. “I’m sure we are going to have lots of fun.”

Like hell, we will. But those words only he murmured under his breath, instead he said other words loudly. “Sure, Of course we will.” Yoochun gave them a fake sweet smile.

What can I do now? Yoochun smacked his head mentally. I slept with my cousin!

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