Unconditional Love Epilogue

Jul 10, 2008 21:36

Title: Unconditional Love
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Genre: AU, Romance, fluff and possibly slight angst
Author: DLavenie
Length: Chaptered (13/13) + Epilogue
Summary: Popular Yunho, mute Jaejoong - they come from two completely different worlds. What will happen when they collide? Will there be any chemistry between them? Or will they just act like strangers to each other?
Disclaimer: This whole plot and the characters in the story do not belong to me.
Thanks to: Callie for the poster, uverjaeho for the story plot, starry1 for beta-reading chapter 4 and konnistique for beta-reading the rest. Love you guys!

Unconditional Love - Epilogue

Yunho scanned the entire hall for any sight of his best friend, but in vain. He sighed. He didn’t like events like these - crowded places filled with lots of people who he doesn’t really know. Why was he here in the first place anyway? Ah, right. He was here because it was his friend’s engagement party. His eyes landed upon the present which he had bought with his partner just for this special event.

Where is Heechul? Yunho grumbled. Subconsciously, Yunho pouted as his feet continued to walk on its own accord, in hopes to find the person who he really wanted to give a smack to right now. But it seemed as though his wish was answered by God at that very moment because he heard a very familiar voice behind him.


Yunho turned around. His eyes caught sight of Heechul jogging towards him. A big, wide smile plastered on his face as he stood in front of him and hugged him as if it’s been forever since they last met. Well, in a sense, it was true. They hadn’t seen each other for 4 years; the only way for them to communicate was through e-mail and sometimes, phone-calls.

Yunho flicked Heechul’s forehead like they usually did when they were teenagers. “Where were you?”

Heechul giggled as he accepted the present from Yunho. “I was with Siwon,” Heechul smiled. “He has a lot of friends compared to me and he even abandoned me for his colleagues!” Heechul pouted but soon, a giggle erupted from him, “But now that you’re here, I’m not alone anymore!”

Yunho shook his head. Heechul was still Heechul. “But I can’t stay here for too long.”

“Why? We rarely have the chance to see each other!” Heechul pouted. That was the only difference Yunho had spotted on this new Heechul- he likes to pout an awful lot.

“Hey, I’ve someone waiting for me at home.”

When that fact registered in Heechul’s brain, he gave a nod as a sign that he got the idea. “I almost forgot about that.” Heechul looked around and suddenly, his eyes narrowed as if he couldn’t make out what he’s seeing. “I hate that girl.”

“Who?” Yunho tried to locate the unlucky person who has ended up on Heechul’s hate-list, and then his eyes landed upon a person who was standing too-close-for-comfort, next to Siwon. And from Yunho’s observation, the woman was clearly trying to seduce Siwon. “That girl?” Yunho gestured towards her.

Heechul nodded. “She was Siwon’s ex-fiancée…” Heechul explained, and without waiting for Yunho to comment on it, he continued. “And she still wants to make Siwon hers.”

“But Siwon is yours now, right? You don’t need to worry about that.”

“I’m not worrying,” A sigh accompanied his answer. “It’s just that... I’m afraid.”

Yunho smiled. Heechul has changed a lot these days. “I only have one advice for you,” Yunho stopped and stared deep into his friend’s eyes, “Trust him.”

“I do trust him” Heechul winked, “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have accepted his proposal. You know all about our story, right? We were always on and off in this relationship. Sometimes, I still can’t believe that I’m about to marry to him soon.”

Yunho patted Heechul’s shoulder lightly, “Congrats to you pal!” Yunho winked, “Don’t forget to tell me when the wedding is, alright?”

“Hey! You have to meet us tomorrow, don’t forget!”

“I wouldn’t dare,” Yunho said, preparing to leave. “Tell Siwon for me too.”

Heechul nodded, “You’re going now?”

“Yes, I am. It’s already pretty late. I’ll meet you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay.” Heechul watched Yunho walk away, and then called out his friend’s name again when he remembered something. He strolled towards Yunho and in a low voice, he asked, “You... you have forgotten about him already?”

“Him?” Yunho furrowed his brows, trying to recall who Heechul was referring to. “Him?” He then remembers. He smiled a little bitterly, “I can’t ever forget him. He is special.”


“I know,” Yunho gave Heechul a reassuring smile, “I’m okay.”

“You sure?”

“Of course I am, after all, it has already been 4 years since it happened. I can’t do anything about it now…” Yunho sighed. “Anyways, I’m going now, okay?”

“Be careful,” Heechul said, concerned. It’s not your fault, Yunho-ah. But Heechul couldn’t say those words to Yunho. He knew, no matter how many million times he tells Yunho that, his best friend still couldn’t forget what had happened on that fateful day, 4 years ago. He only hoped Yunho would be able to get over it... soon.


Yunho pushed the front door open, only to be greeted with the darkness of his apartment. Just from that, he knew the other inhabitant of the apartment was already asleep. At least, that was what he thought because he had already told the other not to wait up for him.

Walking automatically, his legs brought him into the master bedroom of the apartment. In contrary to the scene in the living room, this room was far brighter. From his view, he could see a lump under the blankets. A smile formed on his once serious face. He knew who was under there.

Slowly and cautiously, he strolled towards the bed and climbed onto it warily, as he didn’t want to wake the person up. Once he was on the bed, he moved closer towards the person who was sleeping ever-so-peacefully. Amused, Yunho played with the silky strands which belonged to the sleeping form on the bed. Although the figure was asleep, he still looked like an angel- always has been, always will be.

However, Yunho’s actions made the figure crack open his eyes a little. Trying to adjust his eyes to the brightness of the room, he blinked his eyes twice then his left hand reached out and snaked itself around Yunho’s waist.

“Did I wake you?” Yunho asked softly, before planting a tender kiss on the other’s forehead. He held the person tightly; as if he was afraid the person would run away from him.

The person just shook his head and looked up at Yunho. His mouth moved. It wasn’t hard for Yunho to catch what he was trying to say.

“Yes, I met them. And they invited us out tomorrow. Will you be able to come with me?”

The person nodded his head enthusiastically. I want to see Heechul again.

Yunho smiled. “You always want to see him,” And when a sudden thought popped into Yunho’s mind, he pouted, “You love him more than you love me, don’t you Jaejoong?”

It was just a teasing comment but Jaejoong took it seriously and sat up immediately, facing Yunho with a solemn expression. I do not. This time, it was Jaejoong who pouted. ‘I love Heechul but I love you more, don’t you know that already? Plus, it’s a different kind of love!’ Jaejoong expressed, using the sign language that Yunho had long mastered since they had gotten together.

Laughter erupted from Yunho, making Jaejoong stare at him in confusion.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to tease you.” Yunho pinched Jaejoong’s cheeks, “Of course, I know that already, Jaejoong-ah.”

‘You tricked me?’ Jaejoong crossed his arms, trying to appear angry at Yunho, who only hugged him in return- making him crack into a smile.

“Because you’re cute when you angry,” Yunho winked and gave his husband’s nose a peck, then a kiss above his eyes before proceeding onto Jaejoong’s pouty lips. “But then again… you’re perfect in whatever mood you’re in.”

Jaejoong smiled. Yunho really did know how to sweet talk to make him happy again.

‘How was the engagement party?’ Jaejoong asked.

“It was boring,” Yunho said bluntly.

Jaejoong squeezed Yunho’s hand tenderly and gave him a sweet smile. His mouth moved, mouthing the words, ‘You will accompany me to visit him tomorrow, right?’

Yunho nodded. He smiled a little. “He will get angry if I don’t visit him.” A sigh was released. “It has been 4 years, Jaejoong… since he left us.”

Jaejoong watched Yunho’s expression turn into a very familiar look- one which Yunho always wore whenever they brought up this topic. He hated it when this happens. He really wanted to help Yunho forget about that fateful event.

He pulled on Yunho’s hand a little. When he managed to get Yunho’s attention again, he gave Yunho a firm look. Don’t blame yourself.

“I’m not,” Yunho chuckled. “Come on, let’s go to sleep, it’s already quite late.”

Jaejoong hesitated before lying back down. He watched Yunho as he took off his clothes and changed into comfortable pyjamas before climbing back into bed where he brought Jaejoong close to him and hugged him tightly, like he always did every night.

“I’m okay, don’t worry.” Yunho whispered softly in Jaejoong’s ear. “Just sleep, okay?” Yunho could feel Jaejoong’s head nod. Yunho smiled as he kissed the dark, silky locks. “I love you.”

As he snuggled closer to him, Jaejoong made a gesture in response to Yunho’s words. I love you too.


Although it was Yunho who had suggested for them to sleep, it seemed as though it was Yunho who couldn’t sleep no matter how much he wanted or needed it. He heaved a sigh and carefully, so as to not wake Jaejoong up, he climbed out of the bed. Before leaving the bedroom, he planted a chaste kiss on Jaejoong’s forehead. Jaejoong moved a bit, but continued to sleep. The small action made Yunho smile.

Yunho strolled lazily into the living room and took a seat on the couch but not before taking a photo album out from a cupboard which he hadn’t touched for at least 3 years now. And tonight, somehow, he found the strength to take a look in it.

He sighed. He knew he was nervous. His fingers flipped the cover of the album opened, revealing a picture of Jaejoong, Heechul and himself. He still remembered that day- his first date with Jaejoong. Because of his nerves, he had dragged Heechul along although his best friend was extremely reluctant to follow.

His lips kept itching to curl upwards as he looked at all the pictures which brought back such sweet memories. When he reflected back on it now, he still couldn’t quite believe that he was actually with Jaejoong now- Jaejoong who had officially become his husband 7 months ago.

The night when he had confessed to Jaejoong still lingered in his memories. He had thought Jaejoong was going to reject him that night when Jaejoong shook his head after he had asked Jaejoong whether or not he could let Yunho into his heart. His heart had shattered at that very moment. Even now, he could still feel the bitterness he had felt then. And just when he had turned his body around, telling Jaejoong that he would still be his friend, Jaejoong had taken his hand and held it.

His heart had beaten thunderously against his ribcage. He didn’t know whether Jaejoong had heard it or not. He didn’t dare turn around, afraid his already broken heart might shatter even more, so he waited. When Jaejoong had walked around to stand in front of him, still holding onto his hand, he had felt so anxious, almost to the point of breakdown.

Jaejoong had lifted his head up and stared deep into Yunho’s eyes. He’d noticed Jaejoong was just as nervous as he but he didn’t know for what kind of reason. Surprise. That was what he had felt when Jaejoong placed his hands, their intertwined hands actually, from Jaejoong’s chest to his.


Jaejoong moved their hands again and made sure Yunho understood what he meant. He stared at his feet when he saw a dumbfounded Yunho.

“I-Is it true? Y-you…” Yunho lost his words again before he smiled widely. Happiness can be seen radiating from him, “You accept me?”

Jaejoong nodded his head shyly.

Almost immediately, Yunho brought Jaejoong into his arms. Finally, they were together. He loved this feeling - a feeling that he really wanted to share with Jaejoong. “Silly you! It doesn’t matter if you cannot speak Jaejoong-ah, I love you the way you are. And even though you still cannot speak in the future, my love for you will never fade. This is my promise to you, Jaejoong.”

And after that, all had gone smoothly for the both of them. Although they have had some arguments now and then, their relationship had not been affected. In fact, it only served to deepen their love. Perhaps, it was because they were made for each other, that is why nothing could break them apart.

Yunho flipped another page until his eyes caught a picture of someone who he missed dearly. His tears wanted to fall but he held them back, just like he did 4 years ago when they had told him that the boy couldn’t be saved.

“Ajoo…” Yunho whispered the name of the boy softly, and ran his finger down the cheerful face of his dongsaeng. “I’m sorry…” Yunho murmured again.

It was entirely his fault. He shouldn’t have let Ajoo taken his place. Just because he hadn’t been feeling well then, it wasn’t a valid reason for him not to go. And instead of him, it was Ajoo who had gotten killed in that random murder. If only… if only… he could have…

“Yunho-hyung, you are not feeling well today, so you should take a rest. Let me take your place.” Ajoo suggested as he took the large file and the bag from Yunho.

“What?” Yunho was shocked but the sudden headache he felt at the moment made him weak. “No, it is my job. I’ll be fine.”

“Fine?” Ajoo rolled his eyes. “Hyung, you should take a look at yourself in the mirror. You are not one bit fine, you look awful. Jaejoong-hyung wouldn’t allow you to go either if he sees you like this. Aish! If only Jaejoong-hyung was here.” Ajoo pouted.


Ajoo gave Yunho a mischievous wink, “Let me handle this, okay hyung? I’ll bring you good news when I get back. See you around hyung and take care of the others. Ah!” Ajoo spun his body once more and gave Yunho a strange smile. “Tell Jaejoong-hyung, I love him and you too, hyung. I love all of you!”

Yunho furrowed his brows, a sign that he didn’t like the tone Ajoo had used. “Why are you saying it like that? It’s not like you’re not coming back later…”

Ajoo laughed. “Well, who knows? I might not be able to make it back because I’d have found my happiness on my way home!” Ajoo winked again, “But really hyung, thanks for everything!” Ajoo waved. “I’m going now, hyung.”

Yunho should have noticed it. Ajoo had shown him that he was going to ‘leave’ them but he had been too blind to realize it then, he had been too blind to figure out all those signs and in the end, he made the most dreadful mistake ever. Letting Ajoo go that time had been his mistake and even now, he couldn’t forget it. Why had he been so foolish?

“I’m sorry Ajoo, I’m sorry…” Yunho’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the album tightly. “I’m so sorry.”

And for the first time since the incident, he shed tears for Ajoo’s death. He hadn’t cried when they told him Ajoo had passed away. He hadn’t cried when he was at Ajoo’s funeral. He hadn’t cried when they held a special memorial for Ajoo. He just couldn’t bring himself to, during those times; he had never cried.

But now, he cried. He cried for Ajoo and for his stupidity in letting Ajoo go that day.

“Forgive me for being the cause of your death. Forgive me.”


Jaejoong swallowed the urge to go out there and comfort Yunho. He knew this was Yunho’s own battle. Yunho must fight his inner thoughts which blamed himself for Ajoo’s death. He knew Yunho would be able to get over that ‘dark cloud’ of his. He had faith in Yunho and seeing the Yunho today, he knew Yunho would make it through just fine.

He smiled as he walked back into their bedroom. Perhaps, tomorrow his Yunho will be back.


Author’s Notes: In regards to Ajoo’s death: He died by a random killing that day when he was out running an errand for Yunho. It’s a myth but it is said that a person will know or have some kind of feeling when it is almost their time to go. That is why Ajoo said his goodbyes. It is sort of like a premonition or an omen. J But of course, this is only a belief.

Beta’s Notes: Hello! J I don’t know why I’m popping up here, but since it’s the end, I thought I’ll say ‘hi’~! :D I had a nice time beta-reading this and it was nice planning this out with Dee. <3 Hope you all received a pleasant surprise when it was Jaejoong on the bed! Eeeeee… :D

Author's Note: This is the REAL end of this fic ^^ No more suspense or whatsoever. (= So how do you think about the ending or simply the whole fic? Good? Or no? *sweats* This is my first complete fic for a series one. Yay for me! \(^O^)/ *jumping+dancing* I want to thank to my greatest beta-reader =p konnistique for helping me through this, not only she helps beta-read this fic, she also helps me when I had my writer's block. *hug* Thanks to Callie for making such a beautiful poster and also to starry1 (= It's nice working with you and one person that I shouldn't forget, uverjaeho. ^^ If not because of her plot bunny, I wouldn't write this fic. And last but not least to you all, my readers, of course, thanks for staying with me since the prologue of this fic until the epilogue ^^ I know you all mad at me for writing chapter 13 *get whacked* But now, I able to put a smile on your face back, right? (= I hope so V(^O^) Aah.. I should stop my rambling now ^^ Really thanks for your comments and support. You don't know how much they help me in writing this fic (= I hope you enjoy this fic. Love you all! Mwah! Mwah!
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