[Doubleshot] Always Be Mine -Part 2-

Jun 23, 2008 18:12

Title: Always be mine (sequel to I’m Sorry but I Love You)

Author: DLavenie

Length: One-shot
Pairing: Akanishi Jin & Kamenashi Kazuya

Genre: Romance, slight angst
Warning: Un-beta

Summary: “Watching him laughing like that makes me happy. But somehow, deep in my heart, I feel pain. Why? Perhaps, because I want to be the one who makes him happy? This is my mistake from the beginning. I know it. If only… if only I was brave enough to tell him, to tell the world, perhaps this break up will never happen. I wish I can turn back the time where you still by my side. But then, if I asked you to come back to me, will you?”


“What?” Kazuya looked at Ueda unbelievable, “What is this place? You said NeWs and Arashi also coming, but I don’t see of them here”

Ueda smiled secretively, “They already here. In that room” Ueda pointed to the closed room. He pushed Kazuya forward and apologized to the people when he accidentally past them.

“Here?” Kazuya asked to ensure. It is creepy. “Are you sure this is the place?”

Ueda nodded. “You just go in, okay? I want to take some drinks first,” said Ueda as he ushered Kame into the room while he, himself walked towards the counter but his eyes still on hesitated Kazuya. He smiled in accomplishment as Kazuya entered the room. He murmured ‘Good luck’ and fished out his cell phone.

“It’s done”


Kazuya scanned his surroundings. Okay, Tat-chan said they already here but why is it empty? A cold shiver ran throughout Kazuya’s body. “Is Tat-chan lying?”

It took Kazuya to turn his body when he heard a ‘click’ sound. A surprised look could be seen on him. His face turned pale. “Jin?”

“Kazuya?” Jin astonished, “What are you doing here?”

“Tat-chan said…” Kazuya stuttered, “He said…”

Jin sighed. He knew there was something wrong when Yamapi asked him to go to this place. “That Arashi and News also here?”

Kazuya nodded his head like a child, “How do you know?”

“Because Pi also told me that”

“Really?” Kazuya widened his eyes, “Does it mean we had been played by them?”

Jin nodded his head, “It looks like that” He smiled and walked to the door when he realized Yamapi and Ueda had planned something else than tricked them this way.

“What is wrong?” Kazuya tilted his head slightly. Although he felt not comfortable with Jin around, he had to be professional.

“I think we have just being locked up”

“Loc- WHAT?!” Kazuya rushed to the door and tried to open it but it was in vain. Like what Jin told him before, they were locked. “It cannot be” Kazuya fell on the floor and brought his knees towards his chest. “Why they locked us up?”

Jin tried to call for the people outside the room but it was useless. The sound of the music was much louder than his voice. Giving up to their fate, Jin sat across Kazuya. He will get Yamapi after they go out from this dull, stupid room!

“Are you okay?” Jin asked worriedly. From his eyes, Kazuya didn’t look good. The guy looked like he wanted to cry.  “Kazuya”

Kazuya lifted his head. There was evidence that he was crying in silence. His tears fell on his cheeks. “I’m afraid”

Suddenly, a fact hit Jin’s slow brain. Kazuya had a phobia of being locked up. Shit! How can he forget that? Hurriedly, he walked towards Kazuya and hugged the petite man. “Don’t be afraid. I’m here” Jin comforted Kazuya and soothed back. “Don’t cry”

Kazuya hugged Jin back. He was afraid. He really was. The thought of him alone in a room without anyone by his side made him terrified. He hated this. When Jin broke up with him, he always was being attacked by this phobia. He needed Jin but Jin…

Jin? Kazuya blinked his eyes. He looked up and a sudden realization appeared. Jin is here. But when the thought of it came into his mind, he hardly pushed Jin away from him.

Jin was astounded by Kazuya’s action. “What happened, Kazuya?”

Kazuya wiped off his tears. “N-nothing. I’m sorry” Kazuya tried to look normal. “Will they open the door?”

Jin sighed. “They will, they have to” Jin sat himself on one of the couch before he gestured Kazuya to sit. “Aah… I wonder what is their motive behind this” Jin leaned against the couch and rested his head.

Suddenly, a ‘Kizuna’ ringtone was heard from Jin’s cell phone which Jin hurriedly answered the call, didn’t notice the look he received from Kazuya. “Yes Pi? What? Hey! You have to open the door. NOW. No, I want it to be open now. Pi? Pi? Damn!” Jin closed the flip of his phone, frustrated.

“W-what did he say?”

“He said he will open the door after one hour”


Jin looked at Kazuya intensely. Should he tell him? “He just plays a prank.”

Kazuya nodded his head, understood.

Silence for 5 minutes. Jin was sure he didn’t like this uncomfortable silence.

“You still use the ringtone”

“Huh?” Jin looked at Kazuya with puzzled. “What?”

Kazuya gave him an expressionless look as the man answered, “The tone, Kizuna, you still using it as your ringtone. I thought you’re going to change it”

Jin became dumbfounded before he smiled, weakly. “I love the song”

“You should not use it?”

“What? Why?”

“Because I wrote it for you. I wrote it because I love you” Kazuya answered with difficulty. “You should change it, Jin”

“Kazuya… I”

Kazuya looked at Jin with teary eyes. “Damn it! Why are you here?!”

Jin gulped, “Its Yamapi…”

“I don’t mean that!” Kazuya wiped his tears harshly, “You said you don’t like me, you said you don’t love me, so you shouldn’t use something that symbolic my love to you!” Kazuya stood up and went to the door before he kicked the door several times, “Stupid door! Why it doesn’t open?”

His heart was in pain. He didn’t have any idea why he did all these idiotic action. It was all because of Jin, it was always Jin. Jin shouldn’t do that if he really wanted him to forget their love.

Kazuya stiffened when a pair of hand wrapped so tightly on his waist. He became numb.

“Don’t hurt yourself” Jin whispered, placing his chin on the other’s shoulder. “It hurts me to see you like this.”

“Why?” Kazuya’s voice became hoarse as he tried to hold back his sob, “Why Jin?”

“Because I love you”

A simple answer that successfully made Kazuya let his cry out. “No, you don’t. You’re not in love with me. You told me before”

Jin spun Kazuya around and made the latter faced him. He smiled as he wiped the other’s tears. “It’s not true; it was a lie when I said I don’t love you… the truth is I love you, Kazu-chan. I really love you.  I’m sorry”

“But why? If you really love me then why did you said all those words?”

Jin sighed but he hugged the younger man, the man that he really missed for such a long time. “Because I don’t want them to hurt you, I don’t want them to hurt our members too! I don’t have any choice back then Kazuya”

“Them?” Kazuya broke the hug, “You should tell me about Johnny”

“Y-you know?”

Kazuya smacked Jin hard on the head. “I’m not stupid!”

Jin rubbed the spot that Kazuya just hit. “It’s hurt”

Kazuya laughed. The first laugh that Jin saw was genuine. “I love you” Jin uttered it again. This time, it was accompanied with his true smile. “I love you Kazuya”

Kazuya nodded his head. His tears were going to fall; therefore, he hit Jin again. “You don’t have to say it many times”

Jin chuckled. “I have to. After all, I owe you for the 5 months that we are apart.”

“Don’t do it again” Kazuya stated. “Don’t leave me again”

“I will not. I don’t care what they will do to us. As long as you are here with me, I know I can protect us, our family”

“Kazuya, Jin” Ueda’s voice resonated in the room, making the couple looked at each other, confused. “Eh, we’re not in the room” Now, it was Yamapi’s voice.

“We congratulate you two for making up. You two take a long time to solve it. Look, it only takes less than 10 minutes” Yamapi teased, making Kazuya blushed.

“How did they know?” Kazuya asked Jin but Jin just shrugged his shoulders. He also didn’t have any idea about that.

“And you two don’t have to worry about Johnny because he cannot go against you two anymore. We will let you heard something”

Jin and Kazuya waited for the thing that Ueda and Yamapi asked them to listen. Both of them were anxious. That couldn’t be avoided.

“I love Akame so much! They are so cute when they are together. I hope they are real. Are they real?”

“Akame? You mean Jin and Kazuya, right? Oh gosh! I really love them! They are a perfect couple.”

“I want them to be together.”


“There you are” Yamapi’s voice came again, “You see, there are lots of people who support you two, so you don’t have to worry. In fact, we also support you, right Ueda?”

“Yes, we are”

Yamapi chuckled. “We’ll leave you two. No worry, take your sweet time there. What? You want to extend your time there? Don’t worry; you have all your time. And Jin, if you two have finished your business there just click the button beside the door. That’s the key. Have fun guys”

As soon as Yamapi put away the speaker, Kazuya already flushed so red. He didn’t dare to look at Jin after what Yamapi said. Gosh!

“Do you think we can do the thing that Yamapi said just now?” Jin winked as he pulled Kazuya towards him by waist, “It’s been 5 months and you know?  I really miss you”

“Jin…” Kazuya whined and made a pout.

Jin didn’t push the chance as he placed a tender kiss on Kazuya’s lips. After a few minutes, they broke it and stared into each other eyes.

“How? Do you want to continue?”

This time, Kazuya brought his hands up and wrapped them around Jin’s neck, “You don’t have to ask” Lips met again, released their hidden desire. The desire that they held back for all this time. And this time, no one could use their love to blackmail them.


“So that’s how they go back to each other” Ueda heaved a relief sigh. He was happy that Kazuya got his love back. He turned his head to see Yamapi who still looked at the small screen in front of them. Hardly, he hit Yamapi’s head.

“You pervert!” Ueda took off the wire that connected to the television, made the screen went black.

“What?!” Yamapi pouted. It was hurt. “You don’t have to hit me, you know”

“Well, you are such a pervert, you deserve that” Ueda walked from his place.

Yamapi smirked and placed his hand on Ueda’s shoulder. He whispered, “We can go together, you know?”

Ueda turned his head and looked at Yamapi with terror, “You? Don’t ever dream about it”

“Why?” Yamapi whined. “Please Ueda!”

“No! I’m with Junno already, so back off”

“You’re such a boring” Yamapi smirked. Among all the Kat-tun, he loved to tease Ueda other than his best friend, Jin. This was because Ueda hardly smiled if not with Kat-tun. And making Ueda smiled was a challenge to him.

They were bickering that Ueda didn’t realize a rock in front him. When he did realize about it was when he knocked the rock and tripped. He was going to fall if not Yamapi held his waist. But it didn’t help much as Yamapi lost his balance making both of them fell on the ground, lips connected to each other, eyes widened in shock.

“Ueda-chan! Pi-chan!”

A voice that was so familiar on Ueda’s hear, made the latter turned his head. He looked shocked and nervous as he saw Junnosuke standing in front of them. Junnosuke looked at them with this disbelief expression.

“You two.. you…” Junnosuke pointed his fingers at them.

“No, no, Junno” Ueda and Yamapi hurriedly stood on their feet. “It is a misunderstanding. It’s not like what you see.”

Junnosuke’s eyes were already in tears; “I thought you love me” Junnosuke threw the present that he brought for Ueda on the ground. “Y-you… I hate both of you” Junnosuke ran off in a speed of light.

“WHAT?!” Ueda became dumbfounded before he came into his sense, “Junno!”

Yamapi watched Ueda ran to catch Junnosuke. This was his fault and he knew it was his responsibility to coax Junnosuke. He sighed and shook his head. “Another fighting couple again.” He took his cell phone out and waited for the person on the other line to pick it up.

“Hello Yuya, what are you doing?” Yamapi smiled. “You’re sleeping? I’m sorry I disturb you. Huh? I miss you too, no, I’ll not go to your house today. I’m sorry” Yamapi’s face turn gloomy.  He knew he didn’t spend much time with his boy friend, “I… I need your help and it’s important” Yamapi smiled. It seemed he had to do this again. And this time, he would make sure Yuya was with him.

[++ The End ++]

No matter how much we consider the future
No one can see the truth
Something is blocking my blank mind
It's just a mistake that I've been repeating

It's okay for my steps to continue, these hands have separated
Walking away from where you continue to live
Until I become worn out I keep prolonging it
That time, that place, it will never disappear - this bond

In time that flows, I try not to lose anything
Passing by, we collided - true emotion
Permeated my heart, into warm desires
The miracle I requested came about by chance

Even when things couldn't stand still, amidst the pain
I saw the light, because we were bound together
It's okay if you lied, and it's okay to cry
That time, that place, it will never disappear - this bond

It's okay for my steps to continue, these hands have separated
Walking away from where you continue to live
Until I become worn out I keep prolonging it
That time, that place, it will never disappear - this bond

-Kizuna by Kamenashi Kazuya-

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