[Doubleshot] Always Be Mine

Jun 23, 2008 14:07

Title: Always be mine (sequel to I’m Sorry but I Love You)

Author: DLavenie

Length: One-shot
Pairing: Akanishi Jin & Kamenashi Kazuya

Genre: Romance, slight angst
Warning: Un-beta

Summary: “Watching him laughing like that makes me happy. But somehow, deep in my heart, I feel pain. Why? Perhaps, because I want to be the one who makes him happy? This is my mistake from the beginning. I know it. If only… if only I was brave enough to tell him, to tell the world, perhaps this break up will never happen. I wish I can turn back the time where you still by my side. But then, if I asked you to come back to me, will you?”


Jin startled when he felt a hand fell on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw a smiling face of his best friend, Yamapi. He noticed the stare that his friend gave him. He knew it. It was sympathy.

“Don’t look at me like that, Pi” Jin started. “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me” Jin said with a smile to assure Yamapi.

Yamapi wanted to smile genuinely. Really he wanted to but he couldn’t just let the thought about Jin slipped away. He knew Jin well, well enough to know how he felt at the moment. “Who said I’m worry about you?” Yamapi replied. His hand moved and ruffled Jin’s hair. “Do you want to club tonight?”

Jin shook his head. He really didn’t have any mood to go clubbing these days. He preferred to stay at home and composed more songs if he had enough inspiration.

“What? Jin… you haven’t hang out with us anymore,” whined Yamapi. A noticeable pout formed on his delicate face, “Please? Just for this time” Yamapi made a puppy eyes to persuade his best friend.

“No, no and no” Jin stood and slung his bag pack on his shoulder, “I’m tired, maybe next time, okay?” Jin walked out of the room, leaving his best friend but not before giving Yamapi a playful wink.

Seeing Jin strolling his feet out, made Yamapi heaved a heavy sigh. He didn’t know what to do anymore. 3 months.  It was already 3 months since the night Jin told him about his relationship with Kame and the threat given by Johnny. And in those 3 months, he never saw Jin went to other places except their studio and his house.

What else he can do to help Jin? To bring back the old Jin that he miss? There is one thing he can do. Yamapi fished out his cell phone. It was a risky thing to do but then, this was the only way. He just hoped, this would work perfectly fine.

“Hello Ueda” Yamapi took a deep breath, “Can you do me a favour?” Yamapi cracked a tricky smile. “This is important”


Kazuya smiled as he watched Junnosuke and Yuichi fought against each other over a PSP that Junnosuke just got from Ueda. Kazuya agreed both of them always lighted up his day with their dorky attitude. Somehow by seeing them like this, made him forgot about his sadness.

“Wah Yuichi!” Junnosuke pouted, “Give it back to me, it’s mine!”

In return, Yuichi stuck out his tongue and started playing with the PSP he just stole from Junnosuke. He ignored the whine of the tallest member in their groups and focused more on his game instead.

“It’s not fair! It’s really not fair. Ueda-chan bought it for me to play, not for you!” Junnosuke complained again. Regardless to that, he took a seat besides Kazuya and crossed his arms across his chest. His lips still formed a pout.

Kazuya chuckled at Junnosuke’s expression. Although Junnosuke was older than him, Junnosuke was more childish than he was. He didn’t know why. But in his opinions, perhaps, it was because of his position in the group as Kat-tun’s leader that made him matured than his age. He sighed. Kazuya really wanted to be carefree like Junnosuke and Yuichi. He wondered - when he could go back like what he used to be before: a carefree, baseball freak Kazuya.


“Huh?” Kazuya turned his head to meet Junno’s eyes. He was startled when Junnosuke called his name just now. Aish! Why he has to daydream at this time? Kazuya smacked his head mentally before he flashed Junnosuke one of his fake, sweet smile. “What did you say?”

Junnosuke blinked his eyes twice before he shook his head once, “I said why you look so gloomy nowadays?” Junnosuke put his legs on the couch as his body facing Kazuya. He really wanted to know the reason behind it. He knew there must be something happened to Kazuya. Kazuya looked like a calm and tough person but inside he was just as fragile as others. He didn’t let this side of him to be seen but Junnosuke had seen it once by accident.

“Aah…” Kazuya looked pretty uncomfortable. What answer should he give Junno? “I’m just tired” Finally he came out with one answer that he should definitely know Junnosuke would not satisfy with.

Junnosuke grunted, a sign that he didn’t buy with Kazuya’s answer just now. When Junnosuke wanted to say something more, unexpectedly, Yuichi’s voice came into Junnosuke’s and Kazuya’s hearing.

“But we hardly have anything to do these days except for preparing our next show,” Yuichi interfered his friends’ conversation. Although his eyes still fixed on his game, his attention was not on it anymore. Unlike Junnosuke, Yuichi didn’t show his true feelings although he really cares about the other members.

Kazuya gulped. He was trapped in his own answer. What can he do now?  “I…I”

“You fight with Jin?”Junnosuke guessed, didn’t aware that his guess was actually hit the vital part on Kazuya’s heart.

“W-what?” Kazuya stuttered again. He didn’t notice the way Yuichi narrowed his eyes, perhaps already suspicious about something. “W-why did you say like that? W-we are fine” Kazuya smiled awkwardly.

Junnosuke shrugged his shoulders lazily as he leaned his body backward. “Because Jin is also likes that. He doesn’t want to play with me anymore, he is so quiet. When Ueda-chan asked him, he also says ‘Nothing’ likes you but he is spacing a lot. So I just guessing that maybe you two have problems. Indeed, both of you didn’t talk much. Why is that so?”

Kazuya cracked a small, bitter smile, “Perhaps he has other problem that he doesn’t have any trust to tell us” There was a hint of pain in his words like he was holding something back.

Junnosuke looked at Yuichi who in return just shrugged his shoulders and murmured ‘Let him be’. Junnosuke nodded his head and stood up, “Who wants a drink?”

“I want” Yuichi shot his hand on the air, “Bring me Chrysanthemum tea”

Junnosuke sent him a glare, “I will not bring you one because you are mean to me,” said Junnosuke as he stuck out his tongue and ran for the door. “I only buy for Kazu-chan and not you monster, cheater, stealer Yuichi!”

But just before Junnosuke turned the door knob, someone from outside already opened the door and revealing an exhausted looking Jin.

“Jin!” Junnosuke grinned, “How was it?”

Jin smiled tiredly, “It’s okay, in fact they give us three days off”

“Really?” Junnosuke widened his eyes as well as clasped his hands together. Lots of planning already occurred in his mind. When he got a nod from Jin, he immediately jumped in happiness, ignoring Yuichi’s mock. “Where is Ueda?”

“He is st - “

“Ueda-chan!” Junnosuke already walked out of the room without waiting for Jin’s answer.

“What?” Jin flabbergasted for a moment before he turned and said, “What the heck?” to Yuichi.

“He is such a baka” Yuichi smirked.

“Yes, he is” Jin was on his way to Yuichi when his eyes caught a figure that he missed. His face turned bitter just for a second before he smiled, a smile that contains pain, “Kazuya”

Kazuya looked at Jin and tried to smile but the outcome was bitter than he expected. He really hated this. He couldn’t look at Jin the same way as before. His heart… it was still in pain. He looked up and saw Jin was already on his way out, again, but this time with Yamapi besides him. Kazuya furrowed his brows. He didn’t notice Yamapi entered their rest room.

“Where?” Kazuya heard Jin asked Yamapi. When he looked at Yamapi, whose attention was at Jin, the guy just smirked.

“You will see later”

“Pi, don’t kid with me, I’m tired now” Jin sulked. Regardless to that, he followed Yamapi.

“And then what? You want to go home and stay there? Get a life, Jin.” Yamapi hit Jin’s arm not too hard, “Today you have to go with me, you already promised me yesterday” Yamapi stopped as he spun around and gave Kazuya and Yuichi a wave before he pushed Jin out of the room.

There was a mum of words for like 2 minutes before Yuichi interrupted the tranquility of the room. He looked at Kazuya, confused.

“They left without inviting us? That’s no fun at all!”

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