Unconditional Love 11

Jun 29, 2008 17:53

Title: Unconditional Love
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Genre: Not sure, perhaps Romance and slightly angst
Author: DLavenie
Length: Chaptered
Summary: Popular Yunho, mute Jaejoong - they came from completely two different worlds. What would happen when they collided? Will there be any chemistry between them? Or they would just act like a stranger to each other?
Disclaimer: This whole plot and the characters in the story are not belongs to me.
Thanks to: Callie for the poster, uverjaeho for the story plot, starry1 for beta-ed chapter 4 and konnistique for beta-ed my fic. Love you guys!


Unconditional Love 11
Yoochun rubbed his forehead in a futile attempt to alleviate the dull throb forming between his eyes. This was a bad omen. Well, it was, considering they have been searching for the house they’re supposed to be at, half an hour ago; and yet they were still stuck here- the exact, same place -for the past two hours.

He sighed again before focusing his attention completely on the boy wearing a light orange t-shirt which hid his perfectly toned body. “Junsu, are you sure this is the way? I don’t remember passing this road two months ago.”

The boy named Junsu let out a ‘huff’ before he, himself also pulled his hair in frustration. “Are you saying I don’t remember the route to his house? Are you trying to imply that I’m a forgetful ass?!” snapped Junsu, anger clearly showing in his eyes.

“N-no, I don’t mean it like that,” replied Yoochun, stammering slightly as his eyes wandered, searching for the other boy who was with them just a moment before, “Do you see Changmin anywhere?” Yoochun asked, changing the subject. The youngest among the three of them was nowhere to be found. Aish!

“Are you looking for me?” Suddenly, just before Junsu was able to answer Yoochun’s question, another voice interrupted them. A taller boy with his arms laden with food, approached them, a questioning look in his eyes making him look like a lost puppy.

Yoochun smiled tenderly as he took some of the food from him and ruffled the boy’s hair using his free hand.”You scared me, Changmin.”

Changmin grinned naughtily, “Well, I’m kinda hungry, you know.”

“Yes I know, sorry.”

Changmin shook his head in response, then said, “It’s not your fault. By the way Junsu-hyung, do you really remember where they live?”

A frown greeted Changmin. “I do remember where, but there are way too many buildings here that it’s making me confused,” Junsu tried to reason with an illogical excuse. Isn’t the place just the same as it was three years ago?

“Why don’t you try calling him?” Yoochun suggested after 3 minutes of silence.

A slap found it’s way to Junsu’s forehead. Why didn’t he think of that earlier?


“Who was that?” Sungsoo asked, when Yunho returned back to the table with a frown marring his features. Yunho looked up and sent him a warm smile, “It’s Heechul. He said he cannot come today.”

Jaejoong looked aside and mouthed a silent, ‘Why?’

“Err…” Yunho rubbed the back of his head, looking slightly uncomfortable. Fortunately for him, Jaejoong was not very thorough in deciphering his facial expression, “He… he said he has something to deal with, yeah… that is.”

Jaejoong focussed his eyes back to the screen, buying Yunho’s somewhat-believable reason. Knowing Jaejoong who was fairly naïve, he’d easily believe anything people told him; that was simply how Jaejoong’s character was like.

Unconsciously, Yunho heaved a relieved sigh. That was close. Yunho walked towards and had almost plopped down onto the couch when there was a knock on the door. Yunho turned around, intending to go open the door, but Sungsoo beat him to it.

“I’ll get it.”

Not long after that, the tranquillity of the apartment was disrupted by loud, deafening sounds coming from the direction of the open door. Both Yunho and Jaejoong looked at each other, with Jaejoong holding a questioning look in his eyes. As if he could read the other mind’s, Yunho just shrugged his shoulders in response, before his eyes landed on the three figures who have fallen on the floor, all looking pretty exhausted.

“Who are they?”

Jaejoong didn’t even get a chance to answer Yunho when suddenly, the apartment erupted into disarray by three loud voices. Jaejoong knew those voices. Hurriedly, with Yunho trailing behind him, he walked to the door. A contented smile decorated his face when he saw his brother being hugged by the three people he had been expecting.

When one of them, the taller among the three, spotted him in the corner, a bellow of ‘Jaejoong’ followed. Jaejoong eyes widened as his lanky frame was hugged by the person. He, of course, could not voice out his astonishment, so, he opted to just hug the boy back.

“Yah, Jaejoong-hyung, I really missed you!”

“Changmin, cut the melodrama. Jaejoong-hyung will suffocate if you keep crushing his bones like that” The one wearing a blue t-shirt said, and at the same time, approached Jaejoong to give him a quick hug.

“But I miss him!” Changmin pouted, though when Yoochun pinched his cheeks, he grinned. One would think he actually likes it when Yoochun did that to him.

“Since the last time I saw you, I’ve to say Yoochun has changed you quite a lot” Sungsoo commented and gave the pair a wink. He walked towards Junsu and could not help but smile when Changmin’s cheeks turned a shade darker. “Changmin, why look so embarrassed for?”

“Yah hyung, stop teasing him!” Yoochun scooted closer towards Changmin. He took a peek at the boy who had accepted his proposal to be his boyfriend just two weeks ago, and asked, “Are you okay?”

Changmin nodded.

The small action from Changmin made Jaejoong raise his eyebrows. There is something different about Changmin. It looks like Yoochun had, somehow, transformed Changmin into another person. That’s interesting. Subconsciously, Jaejoong smiled. There must be something going on between Yoochun and Changmin.

“Don’t mind them, hyung,” said Junsu, as if he could read Jaejoong’s thoughts. Jaejoong turned to look at Junsu, waiting for him to continue. “They are a couple.”

“WHAT?!” Sungsoo looked at flushed Changmin and smiling Yoochun, “You two are a couple?” Although, Jaejoong and he had already guessed Yoochun had some sort of feelings towards the youngest one, he still couldn’t believe Changmin actually accept Yoochun.

Yoochun nodded. He looked much more ready than Changmin.

Jaejoong nudged Changmin and did a sort of hand signal, which Changmin, of course, understood the meaning of.

“I don’t know…” Changmin said, playing with the hem of his shirt, “I just feel like…” He looked at Yoochun for a second before turning back to face Jaejoong. He was so embarrassed that he didn’t know what else to say, “Yah hyung!”

Jaejoong smiled widely, patting Changmin’s back as he mouthed an, ‘Its okay.’

“Alright, alright” Sungsoo moved forward towards Changmin and ruffled the younger’s hair, “Congrats to you, dongsaeng” He looked at Yoochun, “And you too.”

It seemed as though they had forgotten about the presence of one person who was watching them with rapt interest. Yunho didn’t know who these people were, but he was quite sure they were important to both Sungsoo and Jaejoong. This was not a usual thing for Yunho because in his life, he only felt close to Heechul, Donghae and Ajoo. And now, with Jaejoong and Sungsoo, he somehow knew his life will become much more ‘alive’.

Junsu was the first person who noticed Yunho. “Who are you?”

And just as he said that, the new faces all looked at Yunho, making Yunho somewhat anxious. “Who? Me?”

Before Yunho could answer the question, Sungsoo answered for him, “He’s Yunho, Jaejoong’s friend.”

The three of them nodded in understanding. “So, you attend the same school as Jaejoong hyung, then?” Changmin asked.

Yunho nodded, “Yeah, and we are in the same ‘Music and Dance’ club.”

“That’s cool!” Yoochun exclaimed, “Do you sing?”

“Err.. not really. I’m more into rapping.”

“Me too!”

Sungsoo shook his head in amusement. Yunho looked quite comfortable with them already. He signaled for Jaejoong with his eyes, silenting telling his brother to give Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin, a chance to get to know their new friend. Jaejoong smiled in return and silently followed his brother into the kitchen.

However, just as Sungsoo and Jaejoong disappeared, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin started to attack Yunho with a question, actually, make that a barrel of questions instead.

“Do you like Jaejoong-hyung?”

“Jaejoong-hyung is kind, pretty and lovable, right right?”

“Do you want to become Jaejoong-hyung’s boyfriend?”

The questions left Yunho feeling somewhat dumbfounded. What the heck is this?

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