This song kept going through my head today as was watching Keith and Rachel so I was inspired to photoshop. Hopefully the venn diagram of political geeks and "Say Anything" fans has enough overlap that this is somewhat amusing to at least a few people who aren't me
"The problem is that we look at spending and say, "Oh, don't spend on highways. Don't spend on health care. But let's build Cold War weapons to defeat the Soviet Union when we don't need them. Let's have hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars going to the military without a check." Amen!
I remember watching the movie "Dave" years ago where the President dies or goes into a coma or something so they get this guy, Dave, who looks just like him to pretend to be him. Anyways I don't remember much about the movie but I do remember that Dave had a friend who was an accountant and he sneaks him into the White House and has him go over
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Because there haven't been enough crazy theories on Obama's background, now this brainiac puts forward her theory that Obama is really the son of Malcolm X.