Nov 05, 2008 05:20
I am feeling really bi-polar today.
I am so happy.... beyond happy.... delirious at the Obama win. It was amazing to be at a party with thousands of the people in Reno: locals and Californians like me, Democrats and Republicans (shout out to Dana- the awesome Republican woman I worked with this weekend), all the colors of the human rainbow, who worked together to help turn Nevada Blue. It was the birthday of the young man who was the field director for the district I was stationed in the past two weekends. What an awesome birthday present! It was crazy loud there- especially at 8:00 when the Obama win was announced. Watching his speech in a crowd like that was amazing- there were no strangers in that room.
As my new friend Peggy and I were walking from the party to her car, a woman from Canada saw our Obama shirts and high fived us. When we told her we'd been working on the campaign, she hugged us and thanked us.
Then I had to face the fact that while 63.3% of the voters in my state were willing to stand up for the rights of poultry, only 48.1% of us were willing to stand up for the rights of our gay brothers and sisters. (to be clear I am pro-poultry rights, I'm just noting the irony)
I am feeling very proud because I helped turn Washoe Country, and therefore Nevada, blue. I was lucky enough to be in the battleground county of a battleground state and although Obama would have won without Nevada, I couldn't take anything for granted after the devastation I felt 4 years ago.
That said, I am feeling very guilty because I didn't stay home and fight against prop 8 more. I was torn on where to put my energy and while I threw some money and internet effort into defeating this attack on civil rights and my state constitution, I didn't do enough and the bigots won. I take small comfort in the fact that the area of the state I live in voted for equal rights. I take greater comfort in the knowledge that this fight is not over, and this may be overturned, but it hurts me that my friends were just told by many of their neighbors that the are considered, less worthy than the rest of us.
I wonder how all the people who voted yes on 8 would feel about a law outlawing cheeseburgers and wool/linen blends. I mean if we are going to enforce the laws of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, then let's go for it full throttle. And since this is supposedly about the fact that you want both a mother and a father in every household let's force men to marry every woman they impregnate. Of course that will mean we will have to allow bigamy (..... oh wait...... I think I just realized why the LDS pushed so hard on this thing). Also, too, I think we need to outlaw divorce because that truly is an attack on het marriage.
I am so tired. I've not slept much this week, or really this month, but especially this week. Working until almost midnight making walk packs and then getting up at 4 to be at the office by 5 to get ready for the 6am door hangers and then working until 7:00 getting out the vote and monitoring the polls (which props to Nevada's Secretary of State- didn't need it- they are a model of how elections can be run)
So yeah, tired and bipolar and ready to go home and sleep and catch up on all the shows I haven't been watching and stuff I haven't been doing.
civil rights,