Who Couldn't Use a Little Sunshine?

Feb 11, 2010 09:34

I was awarded a bloggy award from one of my newest bloggy friends, Mandy of I Am Java Mama. We met through the NaBloMoPo and I have really been enjoying her blog! She takes beautiful pictures and has committed herself to the 365 Project (a photo everyday for 365 days).

Thank you, Mandy for passing the sunshine on to me!

Now I have to pass it along to 12 bloggers, which is no easy task, considering how many blogs I read lurk on.

The rules for accepting this:
Put the logo on your blog or within your post (right click and save). Pass the award onto 12 bloggers, then link the nominees within your post. Finally, let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

I'm awarding the following blogs:

Irene at Magazine Smiles- I met Irene through the track club and her posts always brighten my day! She has been sharing pictures from her travels and I have been living vicariously through her, with her Mexico trip posts!

Anne at Run DMZ- I met Anne through the Complete Running Blog Network, having no idea she was part of the track club. She takes beautiful pictures, always has great tips on running, and has become a great friend (both on the track and in cyberspace).

AKA Alice at the Hefferblog- Not only is she hilarious, AKA Alice has great stories about her and the herd (running and non-running). You don't know who the herd is? Go, find out!

Amy at Amy's Running Life- I met Amy through the Complete Running Blog Network, at a meet-up, before my first marathon. She is such an inspiration, as a runner. The girl is FAST!

Therese at Okinawa Adventure- Therese and I met in college. We rushed our sorority the same year and just reconnected through Facebook, a year or so ago. Therese just started boot camp last fall and has become quite the athlete! She is part of my inspiration to joining boot camp herself.

Amy at The Masson Family Blog- I met Amy at the Complete Running Network meetup (before the Rock n' Roll Marathon). She is an awesome mommy, runner, and web designer. She somehow finds a way to balance everything and her kiddos are cute, too!

Maggie at Okay, Fine, Dammit- I just discovered Maggie's blog through Blogher recently. Her writing is honest and beautifully written.

BZMomma at BZMomma's Rambling- We have been bloggy friends since our babies were born (a month apart). BZMomma has been quite busy lately. Drop her a line and encourage her to get back to blogging! :D

Chandra at Chandra's Shenanigans- Chandra is quite the inspiration. She eats healthy, she exercises regularly, and she just became a certified personal trainer. She started her blog as a weight loss blog and now that she has met her weight loss goals, she totally inspires me to do better!

Amanda at RuntotheFinish- I have been lurking on Amanda's blog for some time now. One of my very favorite things about Amanda's blog (other than her being awesome and being a total inspiration), is her "Gratitute Journal" at the end of every post, where she lists things she is grateful for.

Kat of Kat and Karl- I came across Kat's blog through Blogher and have been lurking ever since. She is a mommy of a cute kiddo. She ran a 5k, nine months pregnant. You go, Girl!

Y at Joy Unexpected- I have been following this blog for a couple years now. Y is sure to make you laugh until your side hurt! She is an incredible mom and photographer. She is a great writer and a total inspiration. I have been enjoying reading her weight loss journey.

There are a ton of other blogs I am stalking reading right now. I really need to update my blogroll someday.

Thanks again, Mandy! Now, off to tag my nominees!

Originally published at Laura Lohr | My Beautiful Life.

meet-up, just for fun, nablopomo, social networking, meme

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