A quick recap

Jul 30, 2012 12:46

Of the last two month - bulleting style it b/c the idea of writing it all coherently makes me crazy and I want to write about life now and feel bad with this bigass gap.

so June started with basically 2 weeks hellish cramming for AC (b/c I spent a lot of May sick after too much work/exhaustion)
then 2 weeks hellish cramming for an art show at the beginning of July
the last few days of which were also crazy with trying to clean my studio so my roommate could stay there if needed, the guest room so his family could stay there (coming in town the DAY of my art opening) and my getting stuff ready for a week out of the house so his roomie could have the house
day of the show I slam my front tire into a curb trying to avoid a jackass - luckily its okay but a huge chunk out of the tire and wheel.
Trying to setup show in 3 hours
while negotiating with the boyfriend who was picking up my dad at the airport who he had never met ><'
Show went great!
Dad in town for 3 days - must show all of the things!
one day to sleep
family friend in town for 5 days - who was at a rough spot in her life so I got to be the ear she griped about everything in
body started shutting down (still not staying at my house mind)
by the second day she was here I was very sick
sick for a week - then sleeping in my bed again!
then company - back out of my house
aurora shooting (weird 3 degrees of seperation, knew 1 person there, 4 in the theater next door, plenty who planned on going and backed out- and friends of friends who got shot), furries getting hit in a hit and run, friend drama, and then another friend, while stressed and not paying attention backed into my car... (all in one day)
sick a little more - back home
finally feeling better, arting back to normal.
Car got an estimate, not too bad, friend is gonna pay to fix it..
con in 12 days...
I'm tired.. but at least doing better

So in essence... life has been crazy, but doing well now, should calm down, think after Rainfurrest I am done cons for the year... so that will be nice.

crazy, life, 2012

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