Still Sick...

Jul 21, 2012 19:18

My body clearly decided it was done.  I pushed it through crazy business in June... through AnthroCon, through my Art Show opening, through my dads visit. But by the time a friend came to visit a week ago it was done.  Started with a day where I sneezed all bloody day and moved on to hacking coughs and general exhaustion.  l started feeling a lot better as of two days ago but this morning I woke up all scuzzy again.. I think it was the stress of yesterday.

Because yesterday was pretty scummy.  Woke up to all of the messages making sure I was okay and as I was replying checked the news and found out about the shooting at one of the local theaters.  So reassured everyone and did rollcall myself. Closest call of the people I KNOW was a guy I know was in the next theater.. bullets came through the wall near him.  But know other friends of friends who where there... who were terribly injured and who had children die.

And then the news from the furry community about the hit and run.

And the fact that Syria just looks like a boiling point... And I have far too many friends IN the military and my boyfriend is about to be out - but they have X amount of years that they can just pull you back if they need you and I really hate my friends being in warzones...

Yesterday was a bad day.
And I think that my body just didn't know what to do so decided to revert to sick again. Today I coughed and sneezed all bloody day, and was exhausted and vaguely achey.  I'm over this crap.

In other news I have been doing pretty well about getting lots of art done, been working on AC stuff and a dalek painting and a cave scene that are a blast.  Gonna start on a steampunk piece soon as well.

One of my favorite people from TX is gonna be in town from Thurs - Sun though. I am stupid stoked to see him, I really want to be WELL by the time he shows up. I am so excited to see him.

I'm not sure that this is terribly coherent... gonna wrap it up now. Hopefully you'll get more out of me (and more interesting stuff) soon.


bad day, sick

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