AC Panels and location

Jun 12, 2012 08:23

As a reminder I will be at AC this weekend at table K19 next to Myenia. i.e. walk in the door and the first full length row on your right, I'll be a two tables up it facing the short rows.

Also, I will be hosting TWO panels both on Thursday evening.

One will be Inspiration in Art from 7-8:30 (in Westmoreland room) and the other will be Equine Anatomy (In Pennsylvania room - starting with the history of the horse in art and moving on to portraying anatomy and then working on how that affects how we draw anthros) from 9-10:30. I imagine I won't have a big turnout so if you are around you should come, and also, if it isn't too huge its gonna be a lot of back and forth discussion, less lecture, which I always enjoy!

I leave tomorrow morning - safe travel to all!


ac, anthrocon

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