On food and art

Aug 08, 2012 11:20

So for those of you that don't know, I am wheat sensitive. Not gluten, but wheat.  And it causes all sorts of joint problems for me.  I am also carb sensitive to a lesser degree. As in a meal or two with carbs or sugars a week is fine, I exceed that much and my muscles start freaking out.  And I have gotten worse and worse since I moved to CO, due to roomie/boyfriend loving carbs. So when a friend mentioned that she and her bf and another couple were going to do a Whole30 thing (basically 30 days of SUPER strict paleo cleanse) and would Tim and I like to join I said sure.   It has been... interesting.  On day 8 right now, and man am I glad the first week is over.   First week is the hardest for most people and it was pretty rough, I felt overall pretty run down and tired, a bit sore. Tim was the same but also SUPER achey. But then day 6 hit.. and they warn you, a lot of people get pissed of on days 6-8. Welp.. yeah... that happened.  I felt awful after my yelling/pissed off bit... but I'm past the awful bit.. They say after the first week its just food cravings to deal with not the getting the crap out of you system.  The headaches that persisted the weeks before I started this are gone, as are the majority of the muscle aches.  Now I feel great. Only thing healthwise that is getting me is persistent eye twitches... which started before this crap, and I think I may need new glasses but money is tight so been hoping to find a living social deal for an eye appointment. (Ironically saw one a week or two before the twitching started, considered it and decided $$ was too tight).

And in terms of art.  I pulled my art show the other week. Nothing sold AT the show but stuff sold before and after, so thats good. I can pay bills  this month! Stark contrast to last month... which we don't want to talk about.  But anyhow YAY!  Finished a BIG piece that I have been working on for a while, gonna upload that soon, and excited about a few other things on the way.  RMFC is this weekend, and I will be there vending.  So hopefully I'll see some of you. Come by! Say Hi! It'll be great!

and here, have some art :) My favorite 3 pieces from the art show

paleo, art show, whole30, howling bones, free from chains, a murder of bones

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