Ze Life...

Apr 27, 2012 21:29

So life.  Life has been pretty decent. Been busy with friends.  Been busy with art. Been generally BUSY.

Ze bad... My accountant (soon to be ex...) neglected to get my state taxes filed. On one hand I feel bad for him b/c he was sick. On the other hand it is yet tbd what the penalty for that is going to be and I am pretty pissed off.  This fell on top of me paying taxes to other states, paying CO to tell them I and my car live here now *ouch*, and having to get plane tickets for AC so blagh...

Ze good... A few weeks ago I had an amazing joint b'day celebration with a few other peeps and we had a day dedicated to MAKING THINGS and games. It was a great time.  Had people painting miniatures, people working on taxidermy, people doing traditional art, and I attempted sculpting, and it actually didn't come out too badly. It was a day of good food, good friends, and in the evening a good game. So a good time was generally had by all.  OOooooh and the AWESOME Vantid gave me squidges of all of her amazing paints so I can paint all of the pretties with all of the amazing colors....  And after 2 weeks away Tim is finally home again so yay! The ever so awesome man in my life is back.  He is good for me, makes me settle down and relax a bit rather than run myself ragged on art and work all the time.

Ze Stupidity... Lately I have been hitting myself over the head with a couple commissions that I badly underpriced. One was just severe misjudgement on my part to take into account how much time the accoutrements were going to take to paint as well as the scope of the piece and the other was straight up failure on my part to say the right damn dimensions when giving a quote. I'm staring at a 16x20 sheet of paper that was quoted at the price for 11x14. Damn. That was a big oops.

Ze persistence... so I'm trucking along. Getting work done in spite of the stupidity and with the support of my amazing friends. I hope to take a day this weekend to play with the soft bodied dolls I started on art night, we'll see if it happens though b/c I have a lot to do...  But overall, life is good, back to the art board...  

persistence, art, pricing, stupidity

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