Ugh What an awful nightmare

Apr 29, 2012 11:08

Startled myself awake this morning out of a terrible dream.

It was winter in CO, and my dad had come to visit me.  I had a doc appt in the morning and he said he'd take me, and to a real doc, not Planned Parenthood, and he was gong to pay because he loved me and wanted me to be well taken care of.  And I got there and got in my odd backless hospital gown and the doc (and my dad O_O) came in and started explaining how he would be taking out my eyes and replacing them with these awesome cybernetic implants that are far superior and only have a 3 month healing time and then I would be able to see all of the things.  And then started describing how I was going to also have foot surgery because it was unacceptable that they weren't symmetrical, and would I please just think if I had any questions before he got started.  And I freaked the fuck out.  I think I asked to go to the restroom or something and bolted.  Apparently this docs office was in an old abandoned CompUSA (which btw is a store my dad used to work at), so I bolted into the PetsMart next door and the security guy and a worker agreed to hide me in a big tower of dog food. But then my dad found me anyhow, and the security guy held him off until the worker could get me out back and into his big old yellow mustang and take off down the slushy roads.  We stopped at a convenience store and I was absolutely batshit terrified, and then felt something in the pocket (of my hospital gown... which seemed to have a skirt component) and realized my phone had been in my pocket the whole time. And Tim, who was apparently just a friend, not my boyfriend in this dream had left 5 messages about where the heck was I b/c it was game day (which it is in real life today) and I think that last startlement woke me up.  All fucking bugged out and in this surreal state of shock, where I was really glad that Tim was actually THERE. Though in my effort to reassure myself that this wasn't still dream woke him up, though he seems to have gone back to sleep pretty well.  I'm still vaguely wigged out though.  Because my dad is an amazing person, who i thoroughly trust and love. And having Tim and quite a few other players as supporting roles in this dream who clearly knew me but didn't care was just bizarre and creepy.  So blagh.  Glad I'm awake but still shaking off the cobwebs.

sketches, creepy, nightmare, dreams

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