My pictures of The Hub aren't brilliant :( Too far back (even on my gold ticket), no zoom, and my film camera's flash is hopeless, inside :( Digital camera needs buying...
However, I have an Irvin-almost-alike RAF WWII flying jacket, from Dorothy Perkins! &hearts &hearts :) Fabric, fake fur, leather-alike details on the outside, brass coloured zips. Oh, it's pretty.
And as I've now found it on their site, it's even called Aviator I also have 1945 probably ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service, the branch of the Army that women who joined up served with, in WWII) officer's purchase calf length leather boots, from ebay. Yet another thing with brass buckles. God, those were black. But now, after some Brasso, they're bright and shiny :)
So I shall probably be Diane Holmes, from TW1.10 and 1.13, at some point during The Hub 2.