Just getting to Northampton was an adventure itself. The bus option I took, I knew would result in a change, and therefore hanging around at Milton Keynes Coachway for about an hour. Milton Keynes Coachway is the dullest place in the universe. Direct bus from Oxford, next time.
Finally get to the venue, the Park Inn Hotel, from Northampton Bus Station (another very grey place), pick up my stuff from the Hub desk (pics, pass, mug, t-shirt), and trek over the road, with a few traffic lights, to the Ibis. Dump my case, unpack, change into my Jack gear, trek back over to the Park Inn. Locate the LJ girls, from
tw_thehub, in a corner of the bar, sign on the table, and
laligin (who I recognized from a photo) and
shadowbyrd salute The Coat.
The Coat gets a Starring Role, later on in proceedings. Dear God, does it XD
I salute back, and shuffle in beside them.
morbid_sparks hands me stickers, so I add my LJ name to my pass.
Which is rejoicing in the Jack-appropriate number, G069 ;)
shadowbyrd’s dressed up as Rose, as in New Who S1E1, so she gets me to shake her Auton’s arm.
blackbird_song (who recognises the West Country in my accent, under the Scots, and tells me she grew up in a tiny place in Devon),
ashreac, and
marvola also join us. My dinner consists of some chips. At some point I realise I’ve gone and left my Vortex Manipulator in my case. So I have to trek back over to the Ibis yet again to collect it.
The Vortex Manipulator also gets a Starring Role, later on in proceedings :)
The VM’s admired, when I get back to the Park Inn. Pretty soon, it’s time to head off for the Opening Ceremony.
OMG, the Opening Ceremony. Gold pass, so I get a seat in the first few rows, joining
teamgb, I think. Jason, Paul, the main crew, welcome us, and lay down the rules for the weekend, mainly, listen to the crew, and don’t mob the guests. ’Cause then they’re more likely to be at the parties until stupid o’clock, along with some of the rest of us.
Then, Gareth David-Lloyd, Naoko Mori and John Barrowman arrive on stage. John babbles something about sushi to Naoko. Then he pronounces Gareth a manslut. Gareth is pleased ;) As are we ;) John gropes her foot, gropes Gareth’s leg. That exchange set up the tone of the entire weekend XD
They are all so very, very bad. Especially John and Gareth XD
Everyone left the stage again, after a few minutes.
Too Tall, another of the main crew, details the rules for photos/autos. And he's very sorry, but some people's photos/autos will start at 8.30am XD
And then I went off to the gold pass reception.
Where Things Happened XD