Today's Exercise Journal with Bonus Memeage

Jan 21, 2008 17:44

Monday, and it was bike/treadmill day. (While I hope that exercise is a [lifelong] habit, I hope I'm not developing a rut.) The recumbent bike gave a most satisfying fourteen-minute burn on random mode, pushing me in the last four minutes harder than I've gone on it before. Funny - about three-four minutes in, I was thinking that it wasn't challenging me enough. Fortunately, I held off and just let the program run, because my legs were buzzing when I got off. Then I polished it off with an eleven minute treadmill incluidng about 3 minutes of cool down, stepping it from 2.8 mph up to 3.2 and then back down.

Tonight I picked up my bathing suit, which finally arrived. So, tomorrow I think it'll be swimming if I can get off on time (maybe...) The pools are kept at about 85 degrees, I was told today. Seems a bit warm for lap work, but then again, maybe I won't be going all that quick the first time.

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Nikki makes good lasagna! :)

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Bonus memage, stolen from rjb182

Your Score: Smart Paladin

74% Combativeness, 20% Sneakiness, 82% Intellect, 63% Spirituality

Valorous! Noble! Or possibly just a self-righteous jerk (but with the brains to keep you alive!)... You are a Smart Paladin!

Paladins are holy warriors. They are valorous defenders of the light. Unfortunately, most of them are so ardent in their defense they tend to meet sticky ends faster than you can say "rampaging red dragon." Many people look up to Paladins, while others just consider them stuck up, overbearing, or self-righteous.

Fortunately for you, unlike most Paladins, you're pretty smart. Which means that you're more likely to fall into the "admired" category, rather than the "obnoxious" or "dead" categories.

Much like the crusades, you manage to combine violence and religion, though unlike the crusades, you add a healthy does of intelligence. You may be a staunch defender of the faith, a valorous champion of the weak, or the stuff that jihads are made of. Which ever one you are, just be happy that you�ve got the smarts to back it up and make it work.

Link: The RPG Class Test written by MFlowers on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
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The description does make some level of sense, but I'd peg myself more of a "Lancelot" kind of Paladin at this point. Rather disillusioned about many things, waiting for a situation where I might have an act of redemption. Except that this Lancelot got his Guinevere, who is purple and pouncy as well. :)

bike, memeage, treadmill, dinner, exercise

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