Today's Sabbath Journal...

Jan 20, 2008 22:56

...Sabbath from exercise, that is.

Not much to say, and I want to be in bed in about 5 minutes.  Decided that today would again be an exercise sabbath.  That might be my regular routine from now on.  I could live with a swim on Sundays, but the bathing trunks haven't arrived yet.

When I was in the "Biggest Loser" program our company put on last year, we were advised to do a little exercise every day.  Yet I still read some sources that say that there should be a break between days, just to give the body time to rest (and some indications that an anaerobic day before that can keep the burn going through the rest day.)  Not sure what "the truth" is.  But my routine is becoming more comfortable, with exercising before work every morning and then doing something extra on Saturdays.  (Also, I have to keep in mind that eventually it will be fishing season again...)  At any rate, I'm comfortable with having the rest day, and knowing that I'll be at it again tomorrow morning bright-and-early.

Last thing I wanted to say - I appreciate all the comments I've been getting (even if there are a couple I haven't replied to.)  Comments of encouragement are always welcome - but just knowing that there are others reading this is a great help to keep my motivation up.  Thanks to all who've said I've been an encouragement or somesuch, also!

* * *

Other news... Just watched the premiere of "Breaking Bad" on AMC.  Man - one weird show.  Not sure what I make of it yet... but I've already set to record the next episode.  (For some reason, 2 weeks from now it seems like they're replaying the first two episodes.)  The main weirdness is that I'm not convinced at all that I've seen a real protagonist yet.  The episode also had a couple of nice twists in it.  Anyway, that's it for tonight.  Goodnight all!

exercise sabbath, exercise, breaking bad

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