Today's Exercise Journal

Jan 19, 2008 15:33

The nice thing about the weekends is that I'm not limited to a half hour maximum.  So it was 60 minutes on the treadmill at 2.8 mph with random elevation changes (10 out of 20 intensity with max elevation 7.8), plus seven minutes of cool-down, for a total of 3.02 miles and just over 800 calories burned.  My heart rate was significantly lower this week, hanging between 121 and 131 depending on the elevation.

Then it was a good steam-bath for several minutes.  I can't wear my watch in there (or the wedding band,) so I didn't keep track of how long, and there's no thermometer in there.  I can just say it was hard to see the person seated four feet away.  And I'm not sure if they use Pine Sol in there, or if it's some kind of birchwood essence they use, but it smells really strong.  Anyway, a good sweat was had.  Then shower and home.

steam, treadmill, exercise

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