Today's exercise journal

Jan 09, 2008 18:59

I did settle upon the Racquetball court for some solo practice.  (First time on a racquetball court in 9 years, and I'm really dangerously overweight for the sudden motions and fast action of a game.  Much practice and weight loss will be had before actually playing someone else on court.)  23 Minutes.

Today was a series of unfortunate events:

  • Frost on the cars this morning (first time since starting this routine - so more time to clear the cars first thing.) 
  • Did not pack gym bag last night, so had to do it this morning. 
  • Had no time for the usual boiled eggs, so went with PB&J on toast (not unfortunate, just different.)  But that made me think that I had saved a lot of time.... 
  • Off to the gym "only" 5 minutes late.  Arrive, check in, get a court that was open reserved for the rest of the hour.  Get to the locker room, put on shorts.
  • Put gym bag in locker, then realize that work clothes to change into afterwards are still in car.  :O  Back out to car in street/dress shoes and gym shorts. 
  • Get on the court, discover that what I suspected was true:  I don't have nearly enough cardiovascular endurance nor the weight to actually play racquetball currently.  (Still OK, but...) 
  • Get showered and changed, discovering that I didn't have my tie clip - oh well, I'm wearing a sweater over it anyway....
  • Discover that cell phone is not in belt holster attached to bag strap.  Front desk hasn't had anyone turn one in and it isn't in the parking lot between door and car.
  • Get to work just-in-time.  Nikki's left a message that my phone fell out at home. *whew*.
  • Place hand on chin in thought and figure out that I hadn't shaved at home this morning - so much for the time I thought I'd made up.  (But had alternate razor and alternate shaving cream in toilet kit in car... and got away with shaving at work before boss noticed I was away and also before noticing my unshaven condition.)
Rest of day went about the same way.  Not bad or evil, just not much progress, lost files, and much do-it-over.

So, tomorrow...  I'm still feeling the racquetball practice in my right side below my ribs.  So either a) Slow track walking if still feeling it tomorrow, or b) Exercycle and treadmill day.  Now off to discover if I brought my MP3 player home from work. 

racquetball, exercise

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