|| With These Ropes Tied Tight Can We Do No Wrong : Closed Log ||

Dec 31, 2011 20:47

Who: Dean Winchester, Viserys Targaryen, and David Harris
What: David has a temper and a grudge, Dean has no allies and a smart mouth, and Viserys wants to be a spy.  I mean king.
When:  After this, this, and this, now with timelapse creeper stalking.
Where:  Level 6, somewhere quiet
Warnings:  Dean cusses a copious amount and David means to do him harm.  Both will probably happen in spades.  Also, probably a LOT of third-person and animal referencing.  >.>

     It takes almost two days before Dean calms down enough, long enough, that he trusts himself to go out of his room; he's put it back together, mostly, idle work for empty hands to keep himself as distracted as possible.  It's not like he has anything to do, really, so he hasn't been exactly driven to get his ass back out into the world, as it were; but his restlessness is getting to him even though he can still feel his overly sensitive nerves sparking like hotwires beneath his skin, and washing clothes in the sink is awesome in a pinch but he's gonna run out of soap and everything's all wrinkly.  Not that Dean gives two shits about wrinkly clothes, but Sam did, and...

Okay.  Before he'd had his little mini fit, he'd noticed the dude with the bright blonde hair doing a pretty poor job, for the most part, of tailing him around the Barge; he'd intended to handle that problem with a stern word and a strong show of I see you, maybe more if it persisted.  But now catching sight of him from the corner of his eye just pisses the young hunter off.  Tightening his grip on the duffel of dirty laundry over his shoulder, he hitches it up higher to hide where his Colt is jammed into the waistband of his jeans, and swings around for the lesser used of the stairwells down to level 6.

Once he's sure he's being followed, he'll decide where to do this - scare the guy off, get him to just leave well enough alone.  Dean is not in the mood for half-ass tag alongs right now.

dean winchester, david harris, viserys targaryen

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