A Visit to the CES

Feb 22, 2011 15:28

Who: Rose Tyler, Rassilon
Where: The CES
When: Mid-afternoon.
What: Rassilon's first visit to the CES brings them to an unexpectedly familiar environment.

Rose made a point to arrive early to wait for Rassilon, which she didn't mind so much at all. The main deck was one of her favorite places on the ship, for the view on its own. She could be found standing at the railing, gazing at the strange melange of colors and lights beneath the ship -- what stood for "waters" in this place -- glimpses of worlds and realities shown in a way that the TARDIS could never manage. There was still a slight chill in the air -- odd how weatherless it was outside but there were still changes in temperature, sometimes even precipitation when the Admiral was feeling festive -- she closed her jacket around her.

rose tyler, rassilon

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