(no subject)

Sep 18, 2010 20:30

Who:  Iago (also known as Virgil or Virg), Billy and Arthur
What: Three lazy, lazy rousties
Where: Somewhere away from Morgan but still in the carnival
When: Just as it's getting dark

Away from prying eyes, Virgil sat down in the grass and lit up a cigarette. It was getting dark, the air was starting to cool down, and all he wanted to do was relax for a bit. He had done his hard work! He had made sure that the place was still running smoothly by keeping out of the way. The stage was built, things were back in order and he really didn't feel that he could do anything more to help.

He would just get in the way. At least, this was the justification he gave himself as he waited for a few others to join him. It was a hard life working for the carnival.

He ran his fingers through his hair and brushed the dirt from his clothes, glaring at the fact that the patches on his shirt had patches...maybe that was a sign he should go into town to find a replacement.

The cigarette and booze seemed preferable.

arthur, dr. horrible, iago

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