How can you preach the word when you don't know how to read?

Sep 19, 2010 01:19

Who:  Gabriel AND YOU
What: Chris missed the first freakshow post because she was working and is a lamer who has to make her own log post. BASICALLY, UH, FREAKSHOW SHENANIGANS.
Where: In a different tent than the rest of the freaks, because clearly people think they can make more money by catering at least ONE event to the crazy religious zealots.
When: All during the breach.

Dust stirs all around the tents, kicked up by laughing children and adults alike, running from event to event with a devilish gleam in their eye. A barker stands near the freakshow's main tent, stopping to urge people who look on in disgust at the sight of the carnival's prized finest attraction to come see their newest acquisition- something for the more pious. The carnival knows its audience and it's catering to them today.

The signs all claim that if you step into this tent, you'll see the true power of the Lord at work- a real angel on display. The barker boasts that just being in the presence of the creature is enough to heal you of all that ails you. In fact, as he builds to a crescendo in his speech, he promises that he'll give any man, woman, or child who doesn't feel something at the sight of the creature their money back, no questions asked.

Inside the tent is a large cage, originally meant for a bear or some large animal. At the present, it holds something human-shaped, smaller than you'd imagine an angel to be and certainly less majestic than what people might be expecting, but no less an angel. The wings are too large for such a small area and can only extend to less than half their natural span, but the keepers watching over the tent assure people that releasing the angel from its bonds would be a bad idea, for its power must be contained or else it would sear the eyes out of their very heads. This so-called "power" is contained by a series of elaborate Enochian sigils carved into the base of the cage and onto the metal of a collar around the angel's neck that looks clunky and uncomfortable. You'd find it terribly sad if the creature didn't seem so nonplussed about the whole scenario.

As for the angel, itself- himself, actually, because the form is distinctly male- he sits in the middle, matted, dirty wings spread out as far as the cage will allow, smirking at all comers and chatting with them animatedly, but not the way you would expect an angel to talk. He might be able to pick out a sinner in a crowd of saints, but he hardly talks like a saint, himself. Hell, you'd already be able to pick out his speech patterns from the rest of the carnies.

The carnies might be catering to the pious with this little show, but they certainly aren't looking to not horrify them.

flood, edward nygma, the trickster/gabriel

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